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Chapter 305 Qin Nan Young Master

Single Arm Martial Sovereign, Crafty Sword Sovereign and the others, after hearing this sentence, expression moves slightly.

They all used speculation. The words Qin Nan said must be the truth, but this fact was already commonplace and extremely normal.

Six Ears Venerable eyes, such as electricity, shouted: “Tell me less of this, you just retaliate against our Business Alliance because of your hatred. Did you do it this time?”

“What is it? I’ve never been out in this courtyard!”

Qin Nan coldly.

“You don’t pack garlic here. This is what you do!”

Six Ears Venerable expression anger, eyes widened.

He has now set a lord intent, whether or not Qin Nan did it. This matter must be pushed away from Qin Nan.

Otherwise, their Business Alliance will have to make huge compensation for Single Arm Martial Sovereign and the others!

The white clothed woman also opened the mouth and said at this time: “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, although you are from Luo River Kingdom, but got the secret of Martial Fate Pavilion, I believe you must be able to do this thing. Little woman Although speculation, the truth is already eight-nine. “

The white clothed woman paused and said: “This time the prisoner, calling himself Qin Young Master, the cultivation level is also Half-Step Martial King Realm, and there are 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm peak Powerhouse guards. This is exactly the same as your situation, simply . Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, you dignified a 7-footer, could it be that dares to do, but not acknowledge? “

Single Arm Martial Sovereign and the others, originally a bit ugly, suspected that the Business Alliance wanted to shirk responsibility, but when he heard this, he couldn’t help but wonder.

This Qin Nan is weird, and meets all the conditions of that Qin Young Master.

is it possible that all this, really is this Qin Nan doing?

“Qin Nan, right? I advise you to be honest, Business Alliance is in harmony with you, but we are not so good at talking!”

Single Arm Martial Sovereign whispered.

“Boy, think for yourself!”

Crafty Sword Sovereign smiled.

The two people now have an idea. Even if it wasn’t Qin Nan’s doing it, based on these doubts, they should also teach Qin Nan a good meal to vent their hatred.

Faced with many Powerhouse questions, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect and Princess Miaomiao did not look at the changes, but blossomed in their hearts.

What about doubts?

What do you think of me?

You have no evidence!

Can anyone prove that we did it?

“Everyone, if you want to talk about evidence, you say that it was Qin Nan, then please come up with evidence!”

Just then, Jiang Huang strode to the front of Qin Nan and the others and looked at many Powerhouses indifferently.

buzzzz ~!

A faint tremor sounded from the towering towering. It turned out to be the huge Jiang Huang City. The sleeping Item’s Spirit seemed to be slowly coming out of awakens. When the awakens are completely, it will be heavens-frightening Ground, mountains and rivers.

“Jiang Huang!”

Six Ears Venerable, Single Arm Martial Sovereign, Crafty Sword Sovereign, and the others, all have slightly changed expressions.

If it is elsewhere, even if Jiang Huang is full of battle strength and unparalleled, but they have so many Powerhouses under the siege, they are definitely not afraid, but where they are now, they are called Jiang Huang City, which is the city of Jiang Huang!

If Jiang Huang is angry, it will be the entire giant city, and it will growl!

“Jiang Huang Senior, Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, there are many doubts. If he is let away, the loss of our Business Alliance is difficult to estimate. If Jiang Huang City really favors Qin Nan, then our Business Alliance has to work with Jiang Huang. City is the enemy! “

White clothed woman coldly said.

She has made up her mind today. Must have captured Qin Nan. Qin Nan has one of the doubts. The second is that with the increasing news, the situation in Luo River Kingdom is getting more and more treacherous. Now she is taking advantage of Qin. Nan has the excuse for suspicion and takes it down to avoid future troubles.

Single Arm Martial Sovereign and the others eyes are shining.

Saintess is indeed Saintess!

Sure enough domineering!

“Jiang Huang, could you be it that you would be against us all for this little Cultivator?”

The Single Arm Martial Sovereign and Crafty Sword Sovereign are polite and add another fire.

Jiang Huang’s eyes flickered. He did not expect that the white clothed woman would pay such a huge price to win Qin Nan. However, he did not intend to give up. Qin Nan is the most courageous supreme talent he has encountered in the past ten years. Based on this courage, he has to help Qin Nan anyway.

“Really? Neither the Business Alliance nor anyone else can cause civil disturbances in Jiang Huang City, otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Jiang Huang’s voice was low, but there was a great deal of coercion.

white clothed woman expression slightly changed.

The same is true of others.

This Jiang Huang, even at such a great price, sheltered Qin Nan?

white clothed woman took a deep breath. What she said just was a threat to Jiang Huang. Even with the power of Business Alliance in the lower territory, Jiang Huang could n’t help, let alone her. Not only that, she even connected with Business Alliance. No right to withdraw from Jiang Huang City.

“What to do now? Could it be that I let Qin Nan go for nothing?”

white clothed woman thought quickly.

However, just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, from the distant place of Jiang Huang City, a powerful momentum rose into the sky.

Before anyone arrived, the voice sounded lightly: “Oh, it’s really lively, Jiang Huang City hasn’t been so lively for a long time, fellow fellow daoist, is there any major event now?”

Hearing this voice, the faces of Six Ears Venerable, Single Arm Martial Sovereign, Crafty Sword Sovereign and the others, almost at the same time, a look of joy.

Because here, it is Fang Jian!

Who is Fang Jian?

Envoy of Azure Dragon Sacred Land has now won the favor of Peak Lord. It has a great opportunity to be promoted to Venerable. The future is promising!

Jiang Huang is powerful, but when Fang Jian arrives, relying on their forces, Jiang Huang dare to shelter Qin Nan?

For a Half Step Martial King, offending so many great characters, that’s impossible!


One silhouette, suddenly came, and saw a middle-aged man, his face indifferent.

Looking at the audience, Qi looked at it in the past, as did Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, Princess Miaomiao and Qin Nan, but when the three people saw the middle age person, they all startedled.

“Brother Fang !”

The Single Arm Martial Sovereign was full of joy, and immediately stood up, pointing at the ginger Sovereign Dao: “There is a major event here, aren’t we two people going to make those treasures together? It took 100 300,000 Fine and Detailed Stones, Finally treasure blew up! Now the suspect is here. When we were going to arrest him, Jiang Huang was indiscriminate and had to protect the suspect! “

“Yes! Single Arm Martial Sovereign is telling the truth!” Six Ears Venerable said quickly.

“Senior Fang, Jiang Huang has done too much this time. You just happen to be here to be fair!” White clothed Saintess, with a sweet voice.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Fang Envoy, that’s it!”

“Jiang Huang is going too far this time!”


Peng Yu, Clean Heart Tavern shopkeeper, and other great characters all started.

They are all very clear, as long as they bring Fang Jian to their side, even Jiang Huang, they have to give up 30%.

“Is this happening?”

Fang Jian expression changed.

The magic treasure he bought this time was specially given to the Young Master after he entered Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

It exploded now?

The explosion also forget about it, Jiang Huang dare to shelter?

Suddenly, a rage surged from Fang Jian’s heart. This was the first time he got angry after his status was elevated, a pair of eyes, looked towards Jiang Huang, staring angrily.

However, Fang Jian did not explode, just slowly said, “Jiang Huang, is this really the case?”

Jiang Huang expression is bitter.

With his background, he is not afraid to join Fang Jian and Business Alliance.

However, Fang Jian is the appointed Envoy of the adult. If he offends Fang Jian today, Fang Jian will be in the ear of that adult in the future. As long as he speaks a few bad words, for Jiang Huang, the blow is too bad It’s big.

But what now?

Could it be that really handing Qin Nan out for nothing?

“Jiang Huang, I don’t care whatsoever, the one who is annoying there is going to be interrogated in person!” Fang Jian shouted sharply.

“He’s a suspect, the guy at Half-Step Martial King Realm!” Six Ears Venerable points to Qin Nan shouted.

“Well? Half-Step Martial King Realm?” Fang Jian froze slightly, and then looked down.

When he came here just now, he only noticed Jiang Huang and the others, and ignored all the people below, but when he saw Qin Nan, his pupils fiercely shrank.

“Not good !”

Jiang Huang expression changed slightly, and his body was ready to stand in front of Qin Nan.


Six Ears Venerable, Peng Yu, Clean Heart Tavern and the others are all simultaneously sneered, Qin Nan, Qin Nan, how can you escape this time!

That white clothed woman also flashed in her eyes, secretly said in one’s heart: “Qin Nan, I said long ago that you can’t escape my hand-“

She hasn’t finished speaking.

Jiang Huang has no time to act.

Six Ears Venerable’s sneer, still hanging on his face.

That Fang Jian snored for a while, then suddenly awakened, and flew down from the sky in a hurry, respectfully archway: “Qin Nan Young Master, long time no see!”

Just one sentence, Heavenly Thunder is rolling!

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