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Chapter 303 The City Is Boiling

Ancient Dragon Auction field 3rd-layer.

The Single Arm Martial Sovereign, the hands turned into afterimages, led by the 3 Sovereign Dao Items, turned into a formation eye, and then the 5 King Dao Items, dispersed, occupying all formation around, intertwined, aura blend , Beginning to take shape.

“2 positions, come back quickly!” Single Arm Martial Sovereign shouting loudly.

“it is good!”

Peng Yu took the lead, 5 pieces of King Dao Item, scattered, and landed in the other 5 positions, making the entire formation only a corner.


Crafty Sword Sovereign saw the formation mysterious at a glance, urged the long sword, slowly dropped, and completed the entire formation in an instant!


With a heavens-frightening blast, 3 Sovereign Dao Item and 1 King Dao Item, simultaneously roared, formation was working, gushing boundless brilliance, one after another terrifying coercion, brewing in that formation, like The summer fire, like the cold winter wind, rushed to the audience.

All great character and supreme talent disciple change countenance.

At this moment, they seemed to feel that it was no longer ten or four magic treasures, but a magic treasure, which turned into a horrible existence, even if the amount of aura overflowing in them, let them trembling in fear, as if as long as Approaching it will be crushed to crush.

Jiang Huang flashed a surprise look in his eyes.

The Six Ears Venerable has a slightly ugly face. He didn’t expect to combine these fourteen magic treasures to form a formation, and there is such a scary might ability. If I knew this, he would not split them apart. Come and auction separately!


Single Arm Martial Sovereign, Peng Yu, and Crafty Sword Sovereign are all eye-catching.

Today, after the formation of these ten magic treasures, Item’s Spirit is connected and the formidable power emitted is at least 4 times higher!

What is the concept of a 3x increase?

If this is the case, even the Half-Step Martial Venerable against Venerable may be suppressed!

However, at this time, ten or four magic treasures suddenly buzzed and trembled. The Item’s Spirit among them seemed to be roaring one after another at this time.

This kind of mutation surprised everyone.

“What’s going on? Could it be that ten or four magic treasures come together and produce even more amazing mutations?” Six Ears Venerable’s old-fashioned eyes, at first glance, he saw the clues and his body was tight. stand up.


The Single Arm Martial Sovereign, Peng Yu, and Crafty Sword Sovereign were all expression startled, and they breathed quickly and became excited.

They really bought Bo this time!

If mutation occurs again, how powerful are these magic treasures?

At this moment, the three people have left Qin Young Master’s “malicious price increase” behind, and stared at this scene eagerly, not wanting to miss any details. If mutation really happens, then they earn Big!

However, at this time, in the 3rd-layer of the auction field, the atmosphere seemed to freeze suddenly, and time was still.

I saw the long sword held by Crafty Sword Sovereign, stopped trembling, and after a quiet breath, a splendid brilliance bloomed from the inside, among which Item’s Spirit, expressionless, without fluctuation , Completely exploded!


A huge flame shone on this 3rd-layer auction, illuminating everyone’s face.

Innumerable astral qi, following the explosion, blew towards the four sides and scraped on everyone.

The formation of the ten or four magic treasures was also turned upside down at this moment. The tremor of each magic treasure was also quiet with the explosion.

this moment.

Single Arm Martial Sovereign is out, Crafty Sword Sovereign is out, Peng Yu is out.

6 ears Martial Venerable is stunned, Jiang Huang is also stunned, even the Saintess, a pair of beautiful eyes, suddenly widened, stiff here.

As for the great character and supreme talent in the audience, everyone is stunned.

How is this going?

Isn’t it mutation?

Why did this King Dao Item suddenly explode?

You must know that these characters are all experienced and have seen countless kinds of magic treasures, but they have not seen the magic treasure of the King Dao Item suddenly as they do today!

“this is……”

The Grandmaster Guang stared at the scene with a blind eye. Suddenly, what sounded, his expression changed, and he screamed: “Not good! No! These Item’s Spirits are all the same, not because of the restricted area. It ’s because someone has performed a certain method that their Item’s Spirit is all the same! In other words, all magic treasures here are controlled by that person! “

With his scream, Six Ears Venerable took the lead in came back to his senses, complexion greatly changed.

What does it mean to be controlled by someone?

Could it be that Behind that Qin Young Master?

could it be that Qin Young Master, would you detonate all the magic treasures here?

Haven’t waited for Six Ears Venerable to make any response, haven’t waited for Single Arm Martial Sovereign and the others, came back to his senses, I only saw 5 pieces of King Dao Item purchased from Peng Yu started, boom ~ boom ~ boom ~, The sound of one after another exploded continuously, resounding, and a more violent astral qi erupted, hitting everyone.

5 more King Dao Items, all exploded!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

These 5 King Dao Item explosions have not yet taken half a breath. The 5 King Dao Item purchased by the Single Arm Martial Sovereign, in turn, all exploded with loud explosions, rolling up powerful astral qi.

At this moment, throughout the third auction, the fire was rising, and the huge astral qi, like the middle of a storm, rolled all around.

Ten King Dao Item explode at the same time!

“No -“

The Single Arm Martial Sovereign suddenly awakened, both of his hands blooming Profound Light, with a twisted face, and had no time to think about any problems, but instinctively used the sky to spell, and wanted to cover the last 3 Sovereign Dao Items!

However, his movement was slow, and from the inside of the three Sovereign Dao Item, a bright light shone.

The pupils of the Single Arm Martial Sovereign shrink into needles.


A heavens-frightening dynamic explosion sounded, and three Sovereign Dao Items exploded at the same time, setting off a horrible flame, directly exploding the 3rd-layer roof of the Ancient Dragon Auction venue, exposing The sky of Jiang Huang City.

The astral qi produced by the explosion was more horrible than the ten King Dao Items in the first place. It was like a Taigu astral qi big dragon, and fiercely struck everyone.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

There was another burst of densely packed sounds. The faces of all great character and supreme talent changed simultaneously. Before they could react, a scream was sent out. The powerful flesh body was swept away by this one after another astral qi. , The 3rd-layer of the auction hit a mess.

This scene of heavens-frightening mutation, in this Jiang Huang City, is like a calm lake, throwing a Thunder Pill.

Countless characters were all shocked.

“what happened?”

“Jiang Huang City what happened?”

“Why did the Ancient Dragon Auction explode?”

“Come on! Go and see!”


All of a sudden, the city was boiling!

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