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200th Chapter 98 Howling Crafty Sword Sovereign

If Qin Nan spends 2 Fine and Detailed Stones and buys a few or a dozen treasures, it is okay, but in this tone, I bought a full 1000 pieces, even if the Business Alliance makes money, it will be extremely depressed.

How can anyone auction like you?

Aren’t you bullying people with money!

Even if it is a lot of great characters in the auction, they can’t help but look at it. Since the launch of the Ancient Dragon Auction, they have seen a lot of geniuses who have made a lot of shots, but they have never shot 50 times in a row like today. Hundred thousand fine and detailed stones!

What is the concept of a hundred thousand Fine and Detailed Stones?

This is a huge asset, no matter where it is placed in lower territory!

“Change the order of auctions!”

Six Ears Venerable hurried out a spiritual thought to Jin Xin, but he knew that the Qin Young Master’s family was just a dozen of the magic treasures posted in their auction, it would already be a huge sum. Qin Young Master’s unscrupulous purchase continued, and this Ancient Dragon Auction was meaningless.

“Roger that!”

Jin Xin vision flashes, he successively sent out dozens of spiritual thoughts, and started to arrange them. After a while, he laughed: “Well, the auction has come to this point, it is time to come up with an important thing! This One thing is a sword, according to our Business Alliance’s identification, named Dark Fire Sword, decades ago … this is one King Dao Item! “

Jin Xin introduced a lot, and finally the sound was raised. The red cloth on the golden glazed booth was also unveiled. A whole dark red sword was buzzing, and an amazing sword intent erupted, sweeping the audience.

Everyone’s expressions were immovable, even those great characters, they could no longer sit still.

King Dao Item Ah!

In the Sect of major countries in lower territory, the existence of sect’s top treasure is of great value!

“The auction starts now with a starting price of 1000 Fine and Detailed Stone! Each increase must not be less than 100 Fine and Detailed Stones!”

Jin Xin shouted loudly, he tone barely fell, and there was a sound wave below.

“I have 1500!”

“I make 2 1000 pieces! I make 2 1000 pieces!”

“Grandma’s, this King Dao Item is very much with me. I have 2 1000 800 pieces!”


In less than 3 breaths, the price of this King Dao Item rose steadily to the point where it reached 4000 Fine and Detailed Stones.

When Qin Nan in the box saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seems that the price of King Dao Item is extraordinary. He did not open the slightest hesitation at the moment, and said, “7000 Fine and Detailed Stone!”

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the audience was breathing simultaneously, and even many loose cultivator’s eyes were angry.

This bastard has started to bid again, and the price has doubled almost twice!

Only the Six Ears Venerable and the white clothed woman in the second box have slightly bright eyes. The two people have very clear hearts, and Qin Nan is deliberately raising the price. Such a move will undoubtedly make them have a lot of trouble. They don’t have to insert their own eyeliners and take risks to raise prices.

Especially Six Ears Venerable, I suddenly felt that this Qin Young Master was not so abominable.

The price of 7000 Fine and Detailed Stones is still very formidable power, so that the fiery voice is more than half quiet, leaving only scattered scolding.

“8,000 pieces!” Suddenly, a youth voice sounded in the tenth box, saying: “Qin Young Master, Leng Jianxiong, I will definitely get this King Dao Item, and I hope Brother Qin can give Give me a face, give it to me! “

Many people in the audience looked slightly moved. Didn’t expect Leng Jianxiong to take the lead to break the myth of Qin Nan’s 50 consecutive purchases.

Qin Nan nodded in the box, these 8,000 Fine and Detailed Stones are already quite a lot, in line with this value.

Just then, there was a strange laughter, from the tenth box: “Leng Jianxiong? What kind of thing are you? You don’t have any face here yet! Old man is Crafty Sword Sovereign, which just lacks a suitable one Sword, I’ll make 9000 Fine and Detailed Stones! “

With this remark, many people took a deep breath.

“It is actually Crafty Sword Sovereign. He is the newly-increased Martial Sovereign. It didn’t take long to get promoted and he destroyed 2 Sects!”

“Yeah, it is rumored that this person shot very ruthless, and even did nothing evil. He was hunted down by many Powerhouses. Didn’t expect him to be in this Ancient Dragon Auction!”

“There is a good show here, I don’t know if Leng Jianxiong will stop it!”


Along with the hot talk of one after another, Leng Jianxiong in the 3th box, complexion ashen, is based on the Sect in which he is now, and is not an opponent of Crafty Sword Sovereign at all.

could it be that this low-grade King Dao Item would fall into the hands of Crafty Sword Sovereign?

Just then, a faint voice sounded from the 6th box, saying: “Crafty Sword Sovereign, right? From which corner did you pop out? Leng Jianxiong is a good child, and he also knows to talk to me Hello, you did n’t even say hello to this Young Master, could it be that would n’t you put me in the eyes? Now give you a way to step back and obey yourself, otherwise, this Young Master smashed money today Cry you! “

Everyone heard this sentence and felt a chill, blasting from that caudal vertebrae, making them hair stands on end.

Crying you with money?

This is probably the first time that they have been in such lower territory for so many years, and they have heard such bold words!

In the No. 1 box, Crafty Sword Sovereign’s face was ugly for a moment. Qin Nan’s origins were great. He was favored by Jiang Huang. But he is a Martial Sovereign. It is a Powerhouse that can lower and lower territory. This pent-up frustration!

Crafty Sword Sovereign smiled and said, “Qin Young Master, you have a huge history, why bother with me? But today, the emperor wants to see me. Qin Young Master screamed at me with money, how did he cry at me! I’m increasing the price now, and 10000 Fine and Detailed Stones! “

10000 Fine and Detailed Stones!

Generally speaking, a King Dao Item is not worth the price at all.

The smile on Six Ears Venerable’s face is getting stronger and stronger, he likes to fight each other on the auction floor, Cultivator, so that they can earn more.

“Zhuan 10000, dare to speak, I will 10000 one!” Qin Nan indifferently said!

“One for 10000? Then I’ll have 10000 3!” Crafty Sword Sovereign turned blue. The 10000 3000 Fine and Detailed Stones were already one of his third possessions, but he couldn’t swallow that breath today!

“Dare to give 10000 5 and I’ll give it to you!”

“10000 5 is 10000 5! I get 10000 5!” Crafty Sword Sovereign shouted in a low voice.

“Then you are great, this gadget is yours!”

Qin Nan is amazing.

At this moment, Crafty Sword Sovereign froze, and everyone in the audience froze.

what happened?

Qin Young Master actually quit?


This is too shameless!

I just opened my mouth and smashed him to death. He obviously looked like a smasher. Why suddenly, Qin Young Master suddenly persuaded him?

Six Ears Venerable in the second box, almost laughed out loud. This Crafty Sword Sovereign is also a Martial Sovereign Powerhouse, but did not expect just 2 words and 3 words, was angered by Qin Nan, making Crafty Sword Sovereign out Doubled the price!


Crafty Sword Sovereign came back to his senses, realizing that Qin Nan’s schemes, my heart is bleeding, but this is 10000 5000 Fine and Detailed Stones. I actually bought only one King Dao Item, which is a big loss!

“Qin Young Master, didn’t expect you to admit counseling so quickly, I thought you were so good! It seems to be just a counselor, haha! Although old man spent a lot of Fine and Detailed Stone, but It ’s worthwhile for the audience to see your face clearly! ”

Crafty Sword Sovereign Anyway, it is also a Martial Sovereign. With rich experience, he reacted and responded.

The eyes of everyone in the audience looking towards the 6th box were all with a bit of scorn, as Crafty Sword Sovereign said, this Qin Young Master was so arrogant that it turned out to be so irritating.

Will Qin Nan be plot against by his little irritability, and then he said politely: “I want to persuade and persuade, if I want to be more powerful, today I will make you Old Guy more than 2 times more Price! If you’re not convinced, you should come to Ah! If you dare not, just shut up this Young Master! What this Young Master wants to do is not enough for Old Guy like you to talk! “

ps: 3rd more. When you see it, it is estimated that the evil spirit is sleeping on its stomach in class. Thank you for your comments, so that the evil spirit has the strength to stay up late and fight, just wrote 3 more, it is really impossible to write, wait for 6-8 o’clock in the evening to continue to update .

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