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200th 96 Chapter Arrogant

The eyes of the loose cultivator at the auction gate all moved towards Qin Nan, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Which Qin Young Master is this youngster?

This is Saintess, never let any man go to the wooden sedan, actually let him go up?

The eyes of Leng Jianxiong, Hong Fu and Hong Feng Crown Prince all looked at each other, with a hint of scrutiny. From the appearance, Qin Nan and their age are similar, it is likely that this Mysterious Qin Young Master Come to Jiang Huang City to participate in the Selection of Two Great Sacred Land.

“Is Saintess of the Business Alliance? Sorry, you alone are not qualified to let me sit on your wooden sedan!” Qin Nan casually said.

Anyway, he now uses Transformation Technique, and no one else can see his true body. In that case, it would be better to carry out the arrogance to the end!

Saintess, right?

You very difficult to deal with, right?

This Young Master just doesn’t take you seriously!

All around the loose cultivator hearing this is stunned, this is the first time they have seen this, and some people dare to speak to Saintess like this.

Saintess is the Saintess of the Business Alliance. The business alliance is a force passed down from the upper territory. Even in the lower territory, it only opened a branch, but it is still very powerful. Even the Two Great Sacred Land dare not easily attack it. .


The shopkeepers of Peng Yu and Clean Heart Tavern were both simultaneously outraged.

Looking at the lower territory, no one has ever dared to talk to Saintess like this!


Qin Nan smiled negatively and said, “You two servants, what is the right to bark here! I tell you, don’t force this Young Master to be angry. If it provokes my anger, even your Business Alliance will not be able to protect it at all. you guys!”

Peng Yu and Clean Heart Tavern shopkeeper are both a stay.

They two people are all Martial Sovereign Realm’s Powerhouse. The Half-Step Martial King Realm guy in front of them actually looks down on them 2?

At this moment, Peng Yu and Clean Heart Tavern shopkeeper, both eyes spit fire, but they did not dare to speak again, because the pride of Qin Young Master was not pretend at all, but the pride of in the bones.

If this Qin Young Master really has a long history, if the two people offend, the Business Alliance may not be able to protect them!

“Why does Qin Young Master make such a statement? If you don’t want to sit in a sedan with the little girl, you can just tell me. Although the little girl is sad, she won’t be entangled.” The white clothed woman spoke again, her voice soft Weakness, flowing into the hearts of everyone, can not help but raise a desire to protect, glaring at Qin Nan.


Saintess invites you to reject it. Why is it so arrogant?

is it possible that I thought you couldn’t heavenless?

“The surname is Qin!” At this time, the Hong Feng Crown Prince jumped out first, eyes red, and said, “You dare to bully Saintess like this, I want to choose from you-“

“Where’s the waste, go away!”

Before waiting for Hong Feng Crown Prince to make a speech, Qin Nan’s eyelids were raised, and he was mouthing loudly.

This Hong Feng Crown Prince is simply stupid. Last time, it was because of Saintess that he was compensated with 2 Fine and Detailed Stones and 1000 pieces of King Dao Item. Today, Saintess only uses a little trick, and he ca n’t. Control yourself and talk about yourself.

Dignified Crown Prince of a country, Xuan level 2-Rank Martial Spirit’s supreme talent.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Hong Feng Crown Prince is loudly roared. He has never been so angry today. He only wants to kill people. Only by killing this guy can he vent his hatred.

“Dare to shoot at my Family Head? Courting death!”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect screamed in excitement. When he came to Jiang Huang City, he could not use force. He was already hungry and thirsty. He slaped it and drew it directly to the face of Hong Feng Crown Prince.

The crowd only heard one scream. The body of Hong Feng Crown Prince was soared directly by a slap and fell 100 meters away, breaking a pair of iron walls.

“A seductive technique, dare to come up, it’s really shameful!”

Princess Miaomiao also disdain, humming words, thunderbolt, fell in all directions.


The crowd just felt like their heads were exploding, their eyes were sober for a moment, and they were still a little confused.

Seeing this scene, Peng Yu and Clean Heart Tavern shopkeeper couldn’t help but stare simultaneously. This Qin Young Master really has a long history. Although the guards around him are only the existence of Martial Grandmaster Realm peak, it is extraordinary, I am afraid it is Martial Sovereign 1- The arrival of the layer’s Powerhouse is nothing more.

“You guys, do n’t violate the rules of Jiang Huang City. If you want to participate in auction, come and join it quickly.”

Just then, Jiang Huang’s voice resounded from that auction.


Along with a sound of breaking air, the Silhouette of Six Ears Venerable also appeared in mid-air. He glanced at the situation on the scene first, and said to the white clothed woman: “Saintess, the auction is about to begin, come in now.”

His eyes turned again and fell on Qin Nan’s body, corner of the mouth twitched, and said, “Qin Young Master, come in together.”


Qin Nan walked over in a big wave at the moment, and the arrogance was not arrogant, but that all around, even if someone was upset, he didn’t dare to speak up.

Six Ears Venerable is slightly relaxed, and he was afraid that Qin Nan would be troubled here, and arched to all around right now: “Dear everyone, auction is about to start, and you want to enter, then come in quickly, 10000000 Don’t miss the wonderful treasure! “

At the entrance of the auction house, there was a renewed excitement.



The entire Ancient Dragon Auction is like a huge square, with a white jade stage in the forefront. Below the stage, there are a number of ancient wood tables, tables and chairs, all with corresponding serial numbers. There are more than 3000 Zhang, every table is all overcrowded, extremely lively, and the scene is extremely grand.

On this second floor, there are a total of 2 boxes. Each box, from number one to number 66, varies in size and decoration, which is a symbol of status.

“Qin Young Master, you are Box No. 6!”

A young maid guides Qin Nan 3.

“Box 6? What? This Young Master can only do Box 6? Who is in Box 1?”

Qin Nan deliberately opened his eyes and shouted loudly.

all around The great characters in many boxes were attracted to it, and they gave out their spiritual thoughts, and after they discovered it was Qin Nan, they didn’t say a word. Because of the scene outside auction just now, they already saw that even Saintess didn’t dare to rush, how dare they!

“This … Box No. 1 is Jiang Huang City Lord.” The waitress stretched her tone, without the slightest embarrassment, but with a hint of irony in her eyes.

She had already received the order from Six Ears Venerable, so take a good look at Qin Nan!

Aren’t you arrogant?

Aren’t you arrogant?

Then you do n’t need to seduce. Ask Jiang Huang for Ah!

“Haha, Qin Young Master, right? If you don’t want to sit in the sixth box, you can come to my first box. Anyway, I’m sitting here alone, too leisurely, and I just want to talk to you.” To the surprise of the maid, Jiang Huang issued a hearty laugh, with a loud voice. Whether it was the 6nd-layer box crowd or the 2 Cultivator below, they all heard clearly.

Sure enough, the words came out, counting 10000 line of sight, gathered together on Qin Nan, with a strong fear.

The person who made Jiang Huang’s invitation really has a huge history!

Qin Nan’s words, however, made them almost fall to the ground.

I only listened to Qin Nan’s wave and waved his face with disapproval: “Forget it, forget it, this Young Master doesn’t like to sit with Senior the most, Jiang Huang Senior, you still enjoy the leisure alone, this Young Master is wronged me Honorable body, temporarily in this sixth box! “

“Okay, if you have time, Qin Young Master, come to my first box for a drink!”

What is called arrogance!

This fuck is called arrogance!

Even if Jiang Huang personally opened the invitation, he dared to say no to it, and he was disrespectful.

Rao is so, Jiang Imperial Capital did not get angry, and he was polite!

How many of the large and small forces and great characters in Jiang Huang City can do this?

Six Ears Venerable and the white clothed woman were all gleaming. They had doubted the origin of Qin Nan, but now it seems that Jiang Huang probably knows something, otherwise, he would never say so.

They just didn’t know that Qin Nan could not help wrinkling his brow when he walked into the sixth box.

He’s sure now, Jiang Huang must be doubting his identity, or even a little bit.

Especially with these remarks, isn’t Jiang Huang expressly saying … is he helping him?

(first more)

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