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As soon as this remark was made, for the other quasi-employed giants in the Shaking Light industry, Immortal Sovereign Powerhouse, it was no less than a thunder, making their eyes almost subconsciously looked towards Qin Huan.

Staying on a Divine Boat on the edge, the short-haired young man who had previously spoken couldn’t help but say with a smile: “I’m not mistaken? I just heard someone say that Qin Huan became the Immortal World Master? What ’s a joke? If Qin Huan can become a master, then I must be a fairy— “

When he was talking, like other people, he looked subconsciously towards Qin Huan in the distance. At this glance, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the emperor’s word seemed to be strangled in his throat.

Qin Huan’s body blends with Heaven and Earth, regardless of my and mysterious state!

Qin Huan’s immense power!

Qin Huan that mysterious aura!

There is no difference between the lords and the only difference is that most of the lords who ever were born are mostly emperor peaks, and only a few are Immortal Sovereign Boundary!

Hong long!

At this moment, as if there was one after another peerless thunder, one after another struck among the Sea King of Shaking Light, Immortal Sovereign, Immortal King, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Heaven’s Chosen Child, making them all full His face was shocked and he couldn’t believe his eyes!

Their shock was even greater than the shock of the original Sect Master and the others when they heard the news!

Because Qin Huan, the next generation successor of the Qin Family, from the beginning of Qin Huan, the entire Immortal World’s eyes have almost gathered on Qin Huan!

Qin Huan’s birth ceremony!

Qin Huan’s first birthday gift!

Qin Huan’s adult ceremony!

Qin Huan’s Salute!

Almost all of the people in the Shaking Light industry who participated in the event attended or heard about it.

It is no exaggeration to say that they almost watched Qin Huan grow up day by day with his own eyes, watched him gradually become lost in spoiling, show stubbornness when he was young, and lost both parents when he grew up. Practice again, but tyrannically abuse power!

Qin Huan has done at least 100 things in Immortal World!

However, just such a hedonistic son of rich parents, a waste of existence, he even surpassed other Heaven’s Chosen Child in a grand event like the Fa Xian Conference, becoming the master of the Immortal World?

“Impossible … absolutely impossible …”

The Five Heaven’s Chosen Child from Four Great Clans were completely lost, mumbling, and totally unable to accept the truth of this matter in their hearts.

“Master of the world? Definitely Immortal World master of the world?” After discovering this fact, Tian Lao murmured to himself several times before he reacted violently. A wistful surprise appeared on the wrinkled face, even more patient. Can’t help but laugh wildly: “Okay, okay, okay! It is indeed the descendant of the Qin Family, it is indeed the descendant of the Qin Family, it can bear 10000 ancient calamities, and it can become a heaven-defying thing!”

Since life essence breakthrough is 8,000 years old, Tianlao has never been as happy as today!

Although he has value emotion, value friendship, and obeys the rules, but if it is not the Qin Family, he will never forcefully call all the quasi-empire giants of Guangguang Wumen after the levy of heaven is issued, and let other Sects who are indecent to others. Send someone out!

This is because he now has special feelings for Qin Family. He suffered a Great Tribulation when he was young. His parents were almost killed. It was the descendants of Qin Family who saved him and his parents!

Later, he stepped into the cultivation path. Because of the lack of aptitude, he was obscured and suffered from cold eyes. One day he met the descendant of the Qin Family again and gave him a good fortune!

After he grew up, the descendant of the Qin Family passed away, and he had not had time to repay. His Sect suffered another major disaster, offending an quasi-empire giant, and it was the Qin who was about to encounter the extinguish sect. The descendants of the descendants of Family saved him again!

Later, he also received the inheritance of a ancestor of the Qin Family.

Therefore, he sincerely hopes that Qin Huan can grow up and continue to write the myth of the Qin Family!

When Qin Huan was rebellious, he was wrong, and he was tyrannically abused, he could be said to be the most heartbreaking person besides the emperor’s body and the time sword!

At first, in order to correct Qin Huan’s temperament, he also spent a full 3 years, setting up various illusions to polish, until he was completely disappointed, he let Qin Huan go!

Although he comforted himself, Qin Huan could be an ordinary hedonistic son of rich parents, but in fact he still had such a fantasy in his deep in one’s heart!

“The Lord … is here!”

The other eight quasi-empire giants also responded with surprises on their faces.

Although their mood is completely different from that of Tian Lao, they instantly thought of something longer!

Qin Huan can become the leader of the Immortal World with Ruler Boundary and that many Heaven’s Chosen Child. From this, we can see how powerful Qin Huan has been after reforming and how extraordinary the means!

Moreover, as the master of Qin Huan, coupled with the Qin Family background, Qin Huan will not need prolific time, he will step into the Zhundi peak Boundary, with great hope to impact the Immortal Emperor!

Today’s Shaking Light world, although powerful, does not have Immortal Emperor Ah!

“Not good !”

At the same time, after the Immortal Sovereigns from Four Great Clans reacted, their faces became harder and harder, and a heart fell to the bottom.

You know, their actions today make it clear that they no longer accept the Qin Family’s favor, especially in the comparison of three religions and one religion, they are more cold and ruthless!

Will Qin Huan not hold revenge?

Obviously it will!

Even if Qin Huan’s surface raises upwards without any problems, it will not hurt them, but when Qin Huan grows up, suppress them a little, and then there are all kinds of good things to set aside them, that can be done!

The Immortal Sovereigns were sweating behind them, and they quickly spread the matter back to their families through special means. They must think of a way to erase this mustard!

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