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“Qin Huan, you killed our Yi Family Young Master, it ’s a wicked sin! Anyway, today, our Yi Family will definitely make you a debt of blood must be paid in blood, and it is better to die!” Yi Family Family Head shouted sharply, thin In the body, there was an erupting baleful qi, which was not weaker than Sect Master, the Supreme Holy Gate.

“Qin Huan, Lin Chengnai is my only son-in-law. I clearly made a mark when he was within the body, and only asked for Murderous intention to be able to let him go and raise his noble hand! Why do you kill to the last one?” Lin Family Family Head made a roar, and within the body, the golden glow bloomed, and the Supreme Treasures made by him began to awakens.

“Qin Huan, a man with such great sins as you, is simply not worthy of being the leader of Immortal World! Today, at our Zhao Family, we will enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven and kill you here!”

“Even your own brother-in-law must be killed. You have completely fallen into Demon Dao and become a complete demon! We in the Mongolian family will never allow you to become a master of the Immortal World!”

“Qin Huan, you kill me Successor-“

“Qin Huan–“

One after another yelled loudly, blasting between Heaven and Earth, one after another completely different momentum burst out, various rays of light, at the same time shining.

Almost all of the top powers from the 5 circles arrived at the Fairy Fair, and each of the top powers basically attended 2 quasi-empire giants, especially the top powers of Immortal World. 3 quasi-empire giants!

Heaven’s Chosen Child, beheaded by Qin Nan, can be said to be innumerable, at least more than 40, so he basically offended half of the big forces, nearly 30 quasi-empire giants!

As for the remaining forces, although there were no Heaven’s Chosen Child tragically killed in Qin Nan’s hands, there were also many excellent disciples who were killed by Qin Nan.

This will not make them angry, but it also makes them feel very bad, and also gives them ample excuses. Now Qin Huan has caused anger, why not push the boat and kill Qin Nan?

You know, this Qin Huan, in order to make everyone feel that he is a hedonistic son of rich parents with insufficient cultivation level, but has hidden Ah for decades!

And he can stand out from that many Heaven’s Chosen Child!

It can be seen that this Qin Huan is definitely a very scary character!

Such a character became the master of the world. If he continues to develop, plus the details of the Qin Family and Jiang Family, it won’t be long before he can achieve Jundi Boundary, which has a great chance to impact Immortal Emperor!

Therefore, this child must be removed!

Therefore, at this moment, there were more than 50 quasi-employed giants who burst into anger and murderous aura. Just the aura they released, the entrance was expanded by more than 5 times!

More than that, the 10,000,000 li sky is completely transformed into chaos, and even some voids are completely collapsed, with astral wind rolled up and blizzard rolled up.

The land with a radius of 10,000,000 li is trembling violently. Large areas of land are sinking and cracking!

The dozens of Heaven’s Chosen Child and the Emperor of the Peak were almost immediately affected, and a lot of people were blown out. Many people spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and they were directly injured.

Everyone’s face was filled with terror!

Even standing on the Qin Nan side Youjia 3 female, the heart was shocked and shocked!

This scene is too terrifying!

If you completely let go of the fight, I am afraid that you can smash 10% of the land of Immortal World!


The emperor drank a spit and appeared at the same time as the time knife. Now Qin Nan cultivation level equivalent to Immortal King peak, they can already play 80% cultivation level, so the momentum they burst out is more than every quasi-empire giant. Be strong!

However, it can’t be more than the wrath of more than 50 quasi-empire giants!

“Father, Elder!” Jiang Red Sleeves saw the sound transmission immediately: “We, Jiang Family, must protect Qin Huan today! It is also him, who helped me to obtain the exquisite inheritance and achieve the exquisite big accomplishment Divine Physique!”

“Linglong inheritance! Big accomplishment Divine Physique?” Jiang Huaiming, Jiang Huaiyi, and Jiang Guang had a short breath. With their Boundary, even if Jiang Red Sleeves did not elaborate, how can I not know what Linglong inheritance is?

“Yes, Bao, you have to protect! My son-in-law, how can I not guarantee!” Jiang Huaiming responded, his breathing became quicker, rare lost self-control.

The birth of Qin Huan turned out like this, so that everyone can see Qin Huan’s potential, ability, aptitude, and Qin Family, Qin Huan has a great chance to become Immortal Emperor in the future!

Although Red Sleeves failed to become the master and did not meet his expectations, she was given an exquisite inheritance, a great accomplishment Divine Physique, and an opportunity to succeed in the Immortal Emperor in the future, no less than Qin Huan!

So how couldn’t it be said that their Jiang Family will have a great possibility, a double Immortal Emperor?

That’s a double Immortal Emperor Ah!

If it is successful, it will be enough for Jiang Family to enter an unprecedented level, and it is even possible to move Jiang Family into the legendary ten within the realm!

“I, Jiang Family, do you want to kill and kill?” Jiang Huaiming gave almost no hesitation, and made a loud drink, while taking out something in his hand, releasing dreadful pressure.

Too much heaven monument!

Jiang Family Emperor Item!

This was brought by Jiang Huaiming to protect Jiang Red Sleeves!

Jiang Huaiyi and Jiang Kuan also understood the truth, followed behind Jiang Huaiming, and passed on one after another spiritual thought to the Jiang Family.

This is a world war!

The battlefield is definitely not just in this heavenly Heavenly Palace!

After the fight, the war will inevitably sweep into the immortal within the realm, so they must prepare in advance!

As for the Li Family and Youjia and the quasi-employed giants of Lu Chaoshimen, they were in hesitation, because the 3 women in Youjia immediately informed them of the situation in the boundary.

They wanted to kill Qin Huan along with them, but their Successor and clansman had forged a deep friendship with Qin Huan and Jiang Red Sleeves, and got great benefits. They are really bad shots!

Moreover, 10000 Yi Qin Huan and Jiang Red Sleeves carried this tribulation, then they can also get great benefits!

Of course, they must be able to help at this time.

“Jiang Huaiming, to this day, you still want to protect Qin Huan? You are just delusional!” The supreme holy gate Sect Master issued a rolling thunder: “I have issued a slay order. If you insist on protecting today, you must bear The anger of all of us! If you don’t get it, then you will destroy your Jiang Family! “

The Supreme Sect Master Sect Master started to operate, and the quasi-emperor giants of other forces also began to do it. The one after another horrible power will soon erupt completely, and completely penetrate this small independent space.

However, at this crucial moment, a thunderous drinking sounded: “Who dares to be the enemy of my Shaking Light?”

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