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The disordered Xinghai, over the wasteland somewhere, Shi Tianjun seems to be a light flashed past.

He is now erupting at a speed that is comparable to Immortal King peak. Obviously, he has used some taboos, and he is also the card of his escape.

He now has only a single thought head, that is, to rush out of this core place and return to the training training field of Faxian. As long as he gets there, it will surely attract the attention of the giants from all sides. Even if Qin Huan chases it, he can’t help him.

“Why do you walk so eagerly? Didn’t you want to kill me?” An indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and Shi Tianjun immediately noticed that the sky of millions of li, like a quagmire, made him feel great resistance , Speed ​​can not play the original 10%.

Shi Tianjun figure stopped, looking at Qin Nan coming out from the the sky, without any surprise, but with a smile on his face, saying: “Sure enough, you are impossible to let us through easily. I just do n’t think so Understand, at the beginning why not started with me and Donghuangqing, you are not at all afraid of what happened halfway, we escaped here? “

“If your two people can escape this core place in such a short period of time, it will prove that it doesn’t make much sense for me to stop you. And, most importantly, shouldn’t you stay behind?” Qin Nan said indifferently.

As soon as his words fell, the emperor’s body emerged from within without the body, and heavens-frightening broke out of emperor’s prestige, which directly hit Shi Tianjun with a punch.

Qin Nan also waved the time knife in his hand, sweeping the majestic Heaven and Earth trend, and beheaded.

Qin Nan’s shot is the most powerful killing move. Even if an Immortal King peak is standing in front of him, he can be killed on the spot.

Shi Tianjun is loudly roared. As the first Heaven’s Chosen Child in the 5 circles in the past, and the Saint Child of Space-Time Temple today, his reaction speed is very amazing, and he has reached the level of Immortal King.

However, the gap between him and Qin Nan is too big. The fist intent of the imperial body has not been completely blown down. The blade glow of Qin Nan has not been completely cut off. The Heavenly Bell that he hit has trembled violently. With a mournful sound, his body was more like being crushed by a Taikoo Tianshan mountain, and he opened numerous wounds.

He is also a Divine Physique small accomplishment, and the power of his Divine Physique has greatly transformed his flesh body. If only on defense, he is almost comparable to Jiang Red Sleeves’ big accomplishment, the exquisite Divine Physique, which is better than Lu Chao A sword bone.

But now, Qin Nan’s killing move has not completely fallen, he has been greatly wounded by Divine Physique, a drop of divine blood sprinkled, blooming into flowers.

“Space-Time field!” However, at the moment of death, Shi Tianjun still hit his Taboo Technique, a gray rays of light centered on him, blooming to the four parties.

The fist intent shot by the imperial body, and the blade glow cut off by Qin Nan, immediately seemed to be settled by Supreme magic power, and solidified in midair, unable to continue to cut off.

If it was changed to another Powerhouse, Shi Tianjun’s this move might still be useful, but unfortunately he encountered Qin Nan, and also practiced the existence of Space-Time Scripture.

Therefore, the gray rays of light bloomed by Shi Tianjun soon trembled violently, just like the formation, one after another crack appeared on the rays of light.

It only takes one or two breaths to break completely.

“Hahaha, the fate of the world is really unpredictable. Not long ago, I could pinch you like a ant, but now I completely reversed.” Shi Tianjun shook his head, not frightened, but laughed and matched The scene of his blood was a little weird.

“So you still have your hole cards.” Qin Nan expression indifferent.

“Qin Huan, I haven’t failed like this for a long time. You make me exceptionally angry and humiliated, and my heart is about to explode!” Shi Tianjun didn’t answer, but exposed red glow. “But, you are also exceptional Excite me, unprecedented excitement! You cherish these 3 years, because after 3 years, I will come to you! “


Gray rays of light, completely broken.

The world’s fist intent, the peerless blade glow, these two incomparable powers are like a torrent of torrents, moved towards Shi Tianjun.

That unprecedented sense of death could not help reminding Shi Tianjun of the day when his fate was changed decades ago!

That day, he stood in front of countless people. In front of that person, he was like a ant, and he was slaughtered by anyone!

“In the past, I was in the state of the Emperor. Even the quasi-empire giant could not kill me! Today I am more powerful, just because you want to kill me?” Shi Tianjun roared.


Just at this moment, a strange aura burst out from Shi Tianjun, making the emperor’s body and time sword simultaneously startled.

The immortal monument, which has been integrated into Qin Nan within the body, shook violently, distorting the sight in front of Qin Nan, and then he came into a vast darkness, and behind him, there was a ball divine light

This group of light halo, Qin Nan is very clear, that is absolutely Immortal World!

Before he came to this Immortal World, according to the inheritance given by the circle, that is, the Immortal World was invaded!

Sure enough, in the endless darkness ahead, a red light suddenly emerged, as if from the endless void, as if from All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

“Successor of this Sir, encountered a crisis in your world, this Sir will take him away now, there is no way to stop it!” A cold and majestic voice blew into Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and that red light evolved immediately An illusive hand, at a speed that cannot be described in words, was moved towards the Immortal World.

“I thought it was a terrifying method, but it was a will that’s all that had been pinned on Shi Tianjun!” Qin Nan sneered, the sound was endlessly dark: “Invasion of evil spirits! I call for the power of protection in the name of the Lord! “

In that absolutely immortal within the realm, immediately rushed up a golden light Divine Dragon, roar towards the sky, ringing through the 8 squares.

“Have audacity! You know this Sir—” In the cold majestic voice, there was a surprised and angry one.

“I care who you are! Give it to me!” Qin Nan sighed sharply and ordered the Golden Dragon to immediately smash the red hand into a smash.

Shi Tianjun targeted him like this, even if he is Dao Venerable Successor, he can still kill him today!

Not to mention, this is just a fantasy!

In this illusion, he is not afraid of threats!


The sight in front of Qin Nan returned to normal in an instant, and Shi Tianjun, who was not yet alive, changed his face dramatically: “You–you even–“

At this moment, a look of fear finally appeared in his eyes. It turned out that Heaven’s Chosen Child, the No. 5 in the 1 realms, was not afraid of death. He just had a very strong hole card and didn’t worry about death.

It was just that his words were not finished, all the strange aura on his body had dissipated, and the fist intent and blade glow immediately swallowed his body in the form of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Shi Tianjun, fallen!

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