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At the same time, outside the Faxian training field.

When the Grand Dao’s sound reached the 2nd 1000th 990th, the attitudes of the giants of all parties did not change much, but the heart actually became more and more agitated.

Especially Jiang Huaiming, the subconscious clenching of the palm of his hand, and sweat in his palm.

His expectations for Jiang Red Sleeves are really too high, otherwise, he would not force Jiang Red Sleeves and Qin Huan to become Dao Companion.

However, as time passed, the giants of various parties quickly expressed startled.

what happened?

No. 2 1000 991 Grand Dao did not sound?

They all thought that there was an illusion, so they kept counting time.

2 breaths, 3 breaths … still no Grand Dao sound!

The faces of the giants on all sides suddenly revealed a startled look.

This situation is simply unheard-of!

could it be that, the heir of the lord was killed at this time?

That ’s not right. According to the rules of the circle, after becoming the circle ’s heir, he will perform refining in the circle, and no one can interfere!

What’s going on inside?

For a moment, many giants sank in their hearts, and the atmosphere became tricky.

At this moment, in the realm of space.

Qin Nan didn’t bother about their shock, and didn’t say any more nonsense. He felt the vast power of the sea within the body, grabbed his hands with the void, and in the realm of space, numerous divine glows suddenly fell, condensed into a blade.


Qin Nan was slashed, all directions trembled violently, and a terror that was difficult to describe in words, just like the same ancient Immortal mountain, was directly moved towards the East Huangqing, Shi Tianjun and other 5 formations.

“Not good !”

Dong Huangqing, Shi Tianjun and the others, all complexion changed greatly, burst into a chill in their hearts.

Under this crisis of death, they almost instinctively urged all the power of formation, erupting one after another dazzling sharp glow.

Just listening to a loud noise, terrifying’s astral qi, flocked to all directions, Dong Huang Qing, Shi Tianjun and other 15 Heaven’s Chosen Child who presided over the formation, all spit out a mouthful of blood and looked pale.

The formulas they evolved were even more violently shaken, and even some of the formulas also made ka ka sounds, which made Heaven’s Chosen Child and peak God hair stand on end.

This is just a stab, and it has brought such a huge impact to them!

You know, even the Immortal King peak can’t easily shake the ten or five formations they have condensed!

That is to say, Qin Huan now has the power of equivalent to Immortal Sovereign?

This idea just rose in their minds, and they soon found a scene that scared them. The whole space of the heart is glowing with one after another dazzling brilliance. Qin Nan is standing under this brilliance, and his momentum is still there. Increasingly.

“Get out of here quickly! He has become the master of the realm, and now he is invincible in the realm of realm!” Dong Huangqing took the lead to respond, yelled, desperately urged the formation, and fled to the rear And go.

“Go!” Heaven’s Chosen Child, such as Shi Tianjun, Zhao Wushuang, Jiang Qu, Jiang Sheng, and so on, all reacted and ran away desperately.

They now have no thoughts in their minds, the only thought is to leave this place!

“Want to leave?” Qin Nan coldly’s voice sounded. He was like the only deity. With only one thought, a vast brilliance emerged from the space of the mind, as if it turned into a Great Mountain of 100 or 1000 seats. Block them off.

“Break for me!” Dong Huangqing and the others quickly urged the formation and released the peerless sharp glow.

Qin Nan would let them break open the blockade, and his figure moved, person and blade unites, as if the only rays of light between Heaven and Earth, moved away.

there is a person The formation formed by Heaven’s Chosen Child, which was slow a moment ago and fell behind the crowd, so it only forcibly withstood this blade, and immediately made a loud noise, and the formation completely shattered.

The Heaven’s Chosen Child and others still wanted to use other means to escape, but before they could cast it, 1000 to 10000 blade intents rushed down, completely flooded them, and strangled them into a bloody rain.

In this scene, all Heaven’s Chosen Child and peak emperors are chilling, and they are desperately performing various Forbidden Techniques to promote the power of formation to the extreme.

When Qin Nan’s thoughts move, the whole mind space is turbulent, and the power of terror is about to emerge.

At this moment, Lu Chao, who was in a coma behind, suddenly coughed violently, and his injuries tended to get worse.

Although Qin Nan was immediate, he had lowered the rays of light of the Lower Realm to protect their bodies from the effects of the aftermath of the battle, but Lu Chao only had a breath and was supported by a sword. Just now this The will that burst out during the terrifying shock still stimulated Lu Chao’s sword bone.

Qin Nan pupil light came to Lu Chao’s side as soon as he was condensed, and he raised his hand to attract one after another Xia Guang, and continuously entered Lu Chao’s within the body.

Such a good opportunity, Dong Huangqing and the others, can’t be missed, now tearing away the invisible blockade of the realm of space and fleeing.

“Run away, I see where you can go.” Qin Nan was sneaked in his heart, and he hadn’t expected to open the killing ring in the mind space.

After all, he has just become the master, and the foundation of this body is poor before. Even if he can get blessing in the boundary space, he can’t reach a peak state quickly. He can only block Donghuangqing and the others 2 3 time.

If this is not the case, Qin Nan’s mind space in this world is indeed invincible, even if the general quasi-empire arrives, he can kill it here.

Qin Nan continued to raise his hand and brought in one after another Xia Guang, who were not in the body of Li Huayi, Youjia 3 women, and Jiang Red Sleeves.

At this time, Qin Nan’s eyes also met the beautiful eyes of Jiang Red Sleeves.

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