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In a blink of an eye, the sound of the 2 1000th Grand Dao sounded absolutely immortal world.

At the heart of the world, Shi Tianjun, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu, and so on Heaven’s Chosen Child, are all together with many protectors, forming each and everyone battle formation, and erupting a very powerful force, like one after another torrent, Impacting the sky Youling.

From a distance, they have a huge momentum, as if the winning ticket is in their hands, but when they take a close look, they will find that their expressions are full of intense anxiety, and there is still unwillingness and anger in the brows.

Obviously they have more than 90 Powerhouses, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers, but now they look extremely embarrassed.

Time is running out, only Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth is running out!

This is the idea of ​​every Heaven’s Chosen Child and Cultivator.

To be precise, they only have 900 98 time left.

What’s more terrifying is that for such a short time, they still haven’t figured out a way to break the sky!

“Stable!” Compared with their anxiety, Li Huayi and Lu Chao were completely relaxed, and a smile appeared on their faces.

“3 girls, thank you so much this time!” Li Huayi and Lu Chao sincerely sound transmission.

“The two of you don’t need to be polite, and we didn’t do much, mainly because of the wonderful formation of Sister Red Sleeves.” You Shui Ling smiled slightly, and You Shui Yao and You Shui Yu were also relaxed and relaxed.

They bet this time!

However, at this moment, dozens of amazing momentum suddenly descended into the realm of space.


Ginger Red Sleeves 6 people’s eyes immediately looked at the arrival of 2 or 3 Cultivators, but at this time so many people came in one breath?

At this look, they expressed surprise at the same time.


Not only them, but even Heaven’s Chosen Child, Shi Tianjun, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu, etc., have a shocking look on their faces. Absolutely did not expect that Donghuangqing actually came, and also brought 12 other Heaven’s in one breath. Chosen Child!

“It looks like the time is right.”

Donghuangqing faintly smiled.

When the war broke out, he was ready for 2 moves.

If Grand Dao’s voice doesn’t ring, it means that Qin Huan has been beheaded by Shi Tianjun and the others, or the refining circle failed, and he doesn’t need to come down.

If Grand Dao sounds, he will come at the most critical moment.

In order to achieve the second point, he made a lot of sacrifice.

Because once he left without permission, Yun Juedi was left unattended, and the formidable power he could release would be greatly reduced. During this period, with the sharp glow of the time knife, it was enough to severely damage Yundi Emperor.

When he presides over Yundi’s emperor’s body, the strength of the emperor’s body, as well as the effects, will inevitably be greatly reduced, and may even become worse than a quasi-Emperor Item.

Of course, it is also because of this that Donghuangqing’s plan can succeed.

After all, in everyone’s view, even if Jiang Red Sleeves and the others were defeated, whoever killed Qin Huan and became the new master of the world is simply not good. In the case of the emperor’s body, Donghuangqing had absolutely no need to take risks.

Although an intact emperor’s body is inferior to the boundary device, the gap is not so great.

“Donghuangqing, you really have the courage. In order to kill Qin Huan, even Yun Yundi’s body is ignored! Could it be that you can be so sure that you can kill Qin Huan yourself?” Li Hua A cold voice spoke.

“I did not at all grasp to kill Qin Huan with my own hands, but as long as I can kill Qin Huan, that would be enough.” Donghuang Qing’s body was full of saint light, with a majestic domineering: “Abandon an emperor’s body, and abandon it! Without it, I can still step into the Immortal Emperor! “

Having said that, he stared at Jiang Red Sleeves and said, “No one can rebel against me! Even if you become a big accomplishment Divine Physique, you cannot rebel! So today I destroy your Dao Companion!”

Jiang Red Sleeves beautiful eyes said coldly, “I’m going to chop you with my hands.”

“Hahaha, have the courage, then I have to see, how will you cut me when I get there!” Dong Huangqing laughed heartily, not sound transmission, but loudly: “You fellow daoist, if you want to break the sky bell, It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible! Next, I will teach you a method, please master it within the time of hunted breaths, and then listen to me! “

After speaking, Dong Huangqing waved his hand, and the 100 light glow flew out, flying into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Shi Tianjun, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu, and the others.

“This is …” Shi Tianjun and the others quickly sank into it.

“What method has he prepared for?” Seeing this, Li Huayi, Lu Chao, and Youjia 3 women couldn’t help sinking, and a sense of anxiety gradually spread in their hearts.

Hundred breaths time, passing by fingers, Dong Huangqing didn’t waste the slightest time, and didn’t care about whether other people had mastered it. He made a mark with his hands and flew ten or five blood from him within the body.

As soon as this blood came out, a terrifying coercion immediately descended into the realm space, and the emperor’s prestige released by Tian Youling was able to stand in court.

“Emperor’s Blood?” Li Huayi and the others Tong Ren shrank, startled: “No, this is not ordinary emperor’s blood–“

“Yes, this is the ten or five drops I extracted from Yunjie Emperor’s body to the pure emperor’s blood. Each drop is worth more than a quasi-Emperor Item!” Dong Huangqing said.

Li Huayi and the others could not help but suck in a cold breath of air. Donghuangqing was really crazy, and she did so.

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