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“Oh, I finally found you.”

The lord of Azure Vault was sneaked, the magic seal was reunited, and the meditation was immediately established in his heart. Even if there was no map of the disorderly sea of ​​stars, he could also find where the immortal monument is.

The immortal monument seems to feel a bit, a little shock, releasing golden glow. A mighty force came along the Heavens Secret, as if to take the opportunity to figure out who was spying on it.

“Save your effort, I peeped at you through the Lake of Chaos, and you only have spirituality and no spiritual wisdom at all, how could you find me?” Azure Vault’s twitched his lips said, “You’ll just wait and be honest Let me go to you. “

After speaking, the lord intent of Azure Vault read a word, and the surface of the lake was frozen immediately, sealing all Heavens Secret in it.

The owner of Azure Vault eyes opened, and found that Qin Nan aura was different, and he immediately said, “Small accomplishment so soon?”

Qin Nan awakens came over and saw him in a good mood, sound transmission saying: “Done?”

“Of course, don’t look at who shot it.” The owner of Azure Vault is proud.

“The boundary device didn’t notice it? We found its place in advance like this, and it should be prepared for us?” Qin Nan Asking Dao.

“Relax, although it knows that someone has snooped on it, but it doesn’t know who did it, and it changes locations, we can still find him.” The main idea of ​​Azure Vault: “OK, stop the ink, let’s go out Hurry up. “

“Well, say hello to them first.” Qin Nan stood up.

This time, naturally will not bring Li Huayi and Lu Chao.

However, at this moment, a ray of Mysterious power suddenly fell from the endless in the sky, Qin Nan and the two people of the Azure Vault Lord only felt a change, and came to a familiar lake.

“this is……”

The master of Azure Vault was a little surprised.

Why did Jie Will come suddenly?

Haven’t they already passed the third pass assessment?

could it be that ……

When Qin Nan looked up subconsciously, he noticed that the sky was different. The golden formation texture was not only twice as large, but there was one after another bloodshot between the formation marks, completely turning into an eye.

A sense of being peeped up in Qin Nan’s heart, causing him to stretch his body subconsciously.

“Is it you? Those who peeped at me just now, are you?” The ancient voice sounded again, but the tone was no longer cold and ruthless, but a severe question.

“How did you find us?” The owner of Azure Vault looked inconceivable, “This is impossible Ah!”

“Oh, it is indeed a very clear way of peeping. If it is used by others, I will definitely be imperceptible. However, the moment you step into the disorderly Xinghai, I will be watching you!” Murderous intention was revealed in the ancient voice “I have warned you three more times, didn’t expect you not to retreat, but to make it worse! So, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

After speaking, everything went back to normal.

The eyes of Qin Nan and Azure Vault suddenly disappeared, and their eyes could not help looking at each other.

“No! No!” The owner of Azure Vault suddenly realized something, and exclaimed: “This realm, it has spiritual wisdom!”

You have to know that all the realms of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, even if each has a very high spirituality, will even appear to issue different tasks according to their own moods and sorrows.

However, there will never be spiritual wisdom in any realm, which means that the entity Item’s Spirit will never be born!

Because the boundary device is born from Answering Heaven, and is connected to the luck, destiny, and so on of a World. It is this World, and it wants to find a suitable Powerhouse to assist the World through it.

If there is spirit in the world, what is the difference between it and magic treasure? When choosing the Master, can the boundary device completely make decisions based on its own will?

The existence of Item’s Spirit will cause too many unstable factors, so after all the devices are born, they will not have Item’s Spirit.

“Fuck! I see, why has n’t Immortal World been a new owner for so long! It’s not because of the Emperor seal, but because this device has created Item’s Spirit!”

The owner of Azure Vault suddenly awakened and realized the problem: “How can Item’s Spirit be born in this world? Even Yun Yun Immortal Emperor helped, it was impossible to do it at all! Could it be said that … because of the Emperor seal?”

The owner of Azure Vault cannot help but take a deep breath.

At this moment, 3 outside the Holy Space.

Shi Tianjun and the others suddenly felt that Heaven and Earth began to be turbulent, and they were already familiar with this. This disordered sea of ​​stars was about to change again.

However, it doesn’t matter, they have used their means to lock down these 3 holy spaces, and even if they are teleported to the other side, they can still find them.

“En?” Shi Tianjun felt keenly aware that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the expected chaos did not appear, but in the 3 holy spaces, a huge crack appeared, 3 blood-colored silhouettes burst out from it, and a heavens-frightening momentum broke out, attacking the 3 holy spaces frantically.

“This is … the 3 Immortal Sovereigns who are in the devil?” Shi Tianjun and the others immediately felt the power of terrifying from these 3 silhouettes, and his heart was shocked.

What’s happening here?

They were too late to react, one after another crack, one after another terrifying aura emerged one after another in all around the three holy spaces.

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