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200th Chapter 89 Surprise

Qin Nan’s eyes fell on Hong Feng Crown Prince.

Hong Feng Crown Prince lost his mind and body, his eyes immediately moved towards Peng Yu and Grandmaster Mu, full of prayer.

Peng Yu and Grandmaster Mu expressionless. Although their Business Alliance has to deal with Qin Nan, it does not mean that their Business Alliance has to help Hong Feng Crown Prince.

“Qin Nan …” Hong Feng Crown Prince was ashamed, but at the moment, he can only bite his teeth: “I only have more than 2 Fine and Detailed Stones, and 1000 pieces of King Dao Item, Why don’t we give you these? What’s left? “

“That’s OK!”

Qin Nan expressionless nodded.

Hong Feng Crown Prince has oppressed him again and again, and although he is poor now, Qin Nan will never relent.

Do you feel sorry for you?

Hong Feng Crown Prince gritted his teeth and handed out the Storage Bag.

“This is your 3000 Fine and Detailed Stone!”

With a big hand, Qin Nan paid the Fine and Detailed Stone, and included the fragment of the Saint Dao Item, the sword manual remnant scroll, and the other Bronze Mirror.

The complexion fluctuates seen by Peng Yu and Grandmaster Mu are bleeding.

Although they really wanted to forcefully withhold it, they thought of Jiang Huang’s attitude just now, and they would retreat. If they did that, it would have a great impact on their reputation of Business Alliance.


Qin Nan and Sima Kong, who are leaving now, will not stay, anyway, they have earned enough Fine and Detailed Stone this time.



In an ordinary courtyard.

Sima Kong eyes were hot and said directly, “Qin Nan, I don’t want anything else, as long as you give me the copy of the sword manual remnant scroll, I will give you a way to eliminate black marks!”

“Sword manual remnant scroll?”

Qin Nan faintly smiled, saying: “sword manual remnant scroll is reserved by Sword Venerable and contains Venerable sword intent. Its value is far more than the fragment of Saint Dao Item. You think it can be compared with it by eliminating black marks ?”


Sima Kong froze slightly, complexion fluctuates uncertain, and finally gritted her teeth: “I will give you the method of eliminating black marks, and the Transformation Technique! You just give me the fragment of the Saint Dao Item!”


Qin Nan the eyes shines.

Sima Kong’s Transformation Technique, but he has seen it with my own eyes, mysterious, if it is Xi, it will be useful in the future.

“it is good!”

Qin Nan 2 to say nothing, throw the sword manual remnant scroll and Saint Dao Item fragment all to Sima Kong.

“Hey, I just like you who are so refreshing!” With a sore face, Sima Kong took out a Spiritual Consciousness Jade Slip and handed it to Qin Nan.

At this time, he was really painful. After all, he was in the lower territory, and a large part of it was relying on the transformation technique of itself. If it’s an ordinary thing, he certainly won’t give it away, but the sword manual remnant scroll is really too big for him.

Qin Nan used the War God left pupil, glanced at the Spiritual Consciousness Jade Slip, and found that there were no problems and omissions in the Cultivation Technique, and it was now lightly nodded.

“Brother, I’ll take a step first. I’ll give you this yard. See you soon!”

Sima Kong laughed, his chubby figure flickered, and he left.

“This Sima Kong is Interesting …”

Qin Nan secretly thought.

Although he feels that this Sima Kong is not very reliable, but Sima Kong has 5 black marks and many secret techniques. Mysterious is unpredictable.

“I don’t want so much now, let’s see first, how much gain this time!”

Qin Nan’s eyes revealed the fervent expression, and he took away his Storage Bag, one after another.

In the Relics Workshop 2nd-layer, he won a total of 9 times and received 10000 4400 Fine and Detailed Stones. In addition to Hong Feng Crown Prince’s more than 2 1000 Fine and Detailed Stones, he received a total of 10000 6000 pieces, minus 3rd. -layer costs 3000 Fine and Detailed Stones, which is 10000 3000.

Apart from this, Hong Feng Crown Prince also compensated him with 23 pieces of King Dao Item, each worth 2 100 Fine and Detailed Stones!

“Didn’t expect, go to the Relics Workshop and it’s such a huge gain!”

Qin Nan heartbeat accelerated.

If these Fine and Detailed Stones are converted into Martial King Pill, it will be an extremely scary number.

With that many Martial King Pill, if he takes to promote War God’s Spirit, where will he be promoted?

“The most important thing is … I also got it!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath and pulled out a Bronze Mirror from the Storage Bag.

Bronze Mirror is only the size of 2 palms, carved with ancient patterns on it, clustered together, like silhouettes of all kinds of Fiendgod, extremely ancient.

This Bronze Mirror is one of the three pieces that Qin Nan chose at the time, and it is also the piece that Qin Nan did not show, because the aura in this Bronze Mirror, even his War God left pupil, cannot Snoop.

“Wait for my cultivation level to increase in the future, I will definitely unlock all your secrets!”

Qin Nan secretly thought, then his mind settled and he began to think about the situation today.

He not only offends the Business Alliance Saintess, but also has a holiday with Six Ears Venerable, and basically has an irreconcilable relationship with the Business Alliance.

Today, there are still 2 months until the Two Great Sacred Land Selection disciple, which means that he will continue to stay in this Jiang Huang City and be suppressed by the Business Alliance.

“Business Alliance, this way, don’t let me find the opportunity, otherwise I will certainly not let you go!”

Cold light flashed in Qin Nan’s eyes, no longer thinking about it. From the Storage Bag, he took out 3,000,000 Martial King Pills.

These 3,000,000 Martial King Pills were obtained when he was sold to Ma Qian at Profound Spirit Sect. After War God’s Spirit was promoted to profound mystery 8-Rank, he had no time to digest them all.

“See if you can upgrade War God’s Spirit to Xuan level 9-Rank!”

Qin Nan settled on the lord intent, took out Martial King Pill, and put it in the entrance.

hundred thousand!



Until the 2,000,000 Martial King Pills, War God’s Pupil remained motionless.

“It seems that with the promotion, more Medicine Pills are needed …”

Even if Qin Nan is now wrapped around 10000 rounds and spends 2,000,000 Martial King Pills in one breath, he is very distressed.

“Continue taking it!”

Qin Nan took another Martial King Pill and swallowed it.

At this moment, mutation suddenly emerged, his War God left pupil, and suddenly Bang! Bang! Bang! Beating, a mysterious and mysterious power, instantly covering Qin Nan.


Qin Nan only felt Heaven and Earth turning upside down, all around everything, completely changed, and turned into darkness and boundless.

In this darkness, there is an oval light, quietly suspended, and under that light curtain, there is an immense Mysterious World, unchanged forever.

“this is……”

Qin Nan’s face was lightly startled, wasn’t this the mutation that appeared in War God’s Pupil when he was promoted to War God’s Spirit at Profound Spirit Sect?


I saw that the ancient World in the suspended darkness seemed to be subject to some kind of summon. Through the endless void, a ray of aura floated into the within the body of Qin Nan.

Qin Nan came back to his senses, expression Yixi, this strand of Mysterious aura, at that time expanded his Spiritual Consciousness tenfold.

Just then, a sudden mutation occurred.

ps: 4th more, today is gone.

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