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Two explosions sounded, 2-layer Void Sky Sword and the protector will be very powerful, but their previous slashes have consumed a lot of power, and now they are shattered by such a blade glow. Into nothingness.

“Not good !”

Shi Tianjun and Donghuangqing complexion changed slightly.

Now, their fairy and magic 2 realm is completely empty, and there is no magic method. If they are chopped down again, then the fairy and monster will collapse and the battle will be divided.

However, the victory is only the last pawn!

When the silhouette was brandish a blade again, two people burst out with a brilliant divide light, and the power of within the body Divine Physique was fully operating!


The two people played a chess piece at a speed nearly 3 times before. On the realm of the fairy demon 2, they immediately rushed into two amazing momentums, namely the extreme snow fairy sword, Divine Kingdom Saint.

The higher the cultivation level, the more expensive they are not only in the amount of perception power. They also settle down faster than the cultivation level.

It was just that they had dealt with Qin Nan in the past and felt that they were stable and secure, so they did not show their full strength.


Above the training field, everyone is startled.

How is this going?

It seems that Shi Tianjun and Donghuangqing two people have fallen behind.

Li Huayi, Lu Chao, and the others were all in their hearts, and the light of hope in front of them suddenly shone a lot. On the contrary, Zhao Wushuang, Jiang Sheng, and Jiang Qu were all uneasy in their hearts.

“Impossible! Impossible! Qin Huan’s martial arts natural talent is strong, and impossible is an opponent of the 2 supreme talents! It was just an accident just now, and Qin Huan must not be able to continue!”

Zhao Wushuang, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu, and the others quickly stabilized their minds.

At the same time, the battle of martial arts continues and is more intense than before.

Although Shi Tianjun and Dong Huangqing are arrogant, they haven’t reached the point where they can’t tell to good from bad. Nowadays, where can they dare to stab Qin Huan? They all broke out at the fastest speed, slamming down Pieces.

Qin Nan turned a deaf ear to all this, his fighting intent was arrogant, and the pieces were playing at the rhythm of his, within the realm.

However, for a long time, the third technique of Shi Tianjun and Donghuangqing has not yet been played out. The fourth technique and fifth technique of Qin Nan have all evolved. Without exception, all are attacking techniques.

This is also Qin Nan’s strategy. In addition to the first sect defense method, he can reverse the situation and turn into defense!

Shi Tianjun and Dong Huang Qing stared at each other. If they continued in this way, their third technique had not yet been played, and Qin Huan could play the Six Sect technique, and then formed a dao technique.

When they get there, it ’s dangerous!

The two people had almost no hesitation, and after Qin Nan’s Six Sect technique was played, they played the third technique.

Immediately afterwards, their chess game changed, and instead of continuing to play the pieces just played, they turned to other corners of the Fairy 2 and played pieces.

However, these pawns are much weaker than the pawns they originally played. However, less than seven of them have evolved a technique, but it is no longer a main attack and kill, but a pure defense, similar to the groundwater 7-layer mountain.

When comprehend their true powers, they intentionally comprehend some weaker true powers. They can quickly form defensive skills, which can come in handy at critical moments.

But now they are forced to play ahead.

Time passed by a little bit, and on the chessboard of that person’s world, more and more techniques evolved, and moved towards the immortal 2 world to kill.

The more chess pieces dropped, the more Qin Nan’s upper hand became, and the more obvious it became, making the fairy and magic world all start to dim.


Above the training field, absolute silence.

The impact of this scene on them is really too great.

With such a huge Boundary gap, Qin Huan can still suppress Dong Huang Qing and Shi Tianjun with his own strength. How powerful is Qin Huan ’s martial arts natural talent?

“I didn’t expect that Qin Huan could do that!” Zhao Wushuang, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu, and the others, all gloomy and ugly.

“However, Qin Huan’s Boundary is so low, and the spiritual thought is not strong enough. How many pieces of power can he realize? That offensive, he must not be able to continue!” Zhao Wushuang, Jiang Sheng, Jiang Qu and the others secretly said in one’s heart, Qin Huan will definitely lose!

As they guessed, Shi Tianjun and Dong Huangqing both realized about five-six thousand pieces of real power puppets this time. Qin Nan only realized one 2 pieces.

In fact, with Qin Nan’s martial arts natural talent, he could understand 3000 pieces, but Qin Nan didn’t waste time on that.

This is because he has no sense of more than 1000 pawns. As long as he cannot play an overwhelming force, he cannot absolutely defeat Shi Tianjun and Dong Huangqing.

As time goes by, he will instead fall into an embarrassing situation when the pieces are finished, and he will undoubtedly lose.

Therefore, he devoted his time to understanding more than 1000 pieces to thinking and deduction.




Pieces of chess pieces fell successively in the 3 realms. Qin Nan, like a large bowl with wings spreading out, kept rising, and the fighting intent of the whole person became more and more powerful.

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s eyes flashed through a sharp glow, and he smashed the 80th pawn.

This one piece, with the strength of the other 79 pieces, all merged in an instant, and a majestic aura appeared on the human world.

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