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She is not reconciled!

When she was young, father told her many stories about Immortal Emperor, which made her fascinated and fascinated. She told father that she would become Immortal Emperor, father laughed, only to think it was a child’s joke.

However, this small dream has grown stronger and stronger as she grows up and keeps taking root in her heart.

God still cared for her, she soon awakened Divine Physique, martial arts natural talent was born beyond ordinary people, and the resources of the Jiang Family also quickly tilted towards her. Various heavenly material treasures, various Divine Ability Cultivation Technique Are inexhaustible.

But she soon realized that the young eagle under permanent shelter would not be able to soar, so she left the Jiang Family, hiding everything, like a loose cultivator, and went to other worlds.

She has penetrated countless ancient restricted areas. She has confronted many geniuses. She has also been hunted down by various forces, and even chased by Jundi Powerhouse.

But she came all the way, this is her belief!

She can rely on her own strength, step by step, and finally set foot on the Immortal Emperor, becoming a legend among other people!

However, if she could not even get the karma order close at hand, how could she realize her childhood dream?

At this moment, the will of Jiang Red Sleeves broke out completely.

Even though her power dried up within the body, she still exhausted everything and struggled in the darkness.

She doesn’t know what the outcome will be, she didn’t think about the outcome, but at this time, she will spell everything for herself!


Suddenly, a beam of rays of light, as if coming from infinite Space-Time, was thrown into the darkness, shining in all directions.

An illusive old man, standing at the end of the rays of light, although he could not see his five features, but could make people feel that he was laughing.

“Second generation, if you want to do one thing, it will not be enough to rely on your own will alone. But all things must have will before they can start and they can be completed.” Old man smiled and groaned.

“Too… ancestor?” Jiang Red Sleeves quickly recognized the old man.

But how will the ill ancestors evolve at this time? Hasn’t she already been recognized by the ancestors of the too virtual ancestors?

“In the ancestral land, the inheritance I left is just a test that’s all. Now you, you have passed the test.” Taixu Immortal Emperor said in a voice: “I will ask you, my descendants, The name is too forbidden curse, are you willing to use it? This method of formidable power is absolutely extraordinary, but once used, it must be cursed. If it can reach the Immortal Sovereign Boundary within 20 years, it can extend life for 100 years. Within 100 years, the position of Immortal Emperor can be proven to resolve the curse. “

“But if Immortal Sovereign is not reached within 20 years, or Immortal Emperor is not verified within 100 years, then the body dies and Dao disappears will be reduced to dust.”

100 Year Certificate Immortal Emperor!

In today’s All Heavens and Myriad Realms, people who start with the God Emperor peak Boundary and use only 100 years to prove Immortal Emperor, according to Jiang Red Sleeves, that can be counted on one’s fingers.

And, almost all of them are awakened by Innate.

The only person who knows Jiang Red Sleeves is the one who only awakened Divine Physique and obtained the Immortal Emperor for 100 years.

This is one of the reasons why the ancestors were called Legendary Immortal Emperor.

“Seniors, there is not much time for you to think about it. Answer me, do you want to or not?” Immortal Emperor expression was too loud, and the voice became loud, as if it could shake people’s hearts.


Ginger Red Sleeves stared at the light glow. She had many things hesitated before, but now the biggest thing in her life, she didn’t hesitate at all.

Ancestor can do it, why can’t she do it? Even if the ancestors failed to do so, no one could do All Heavens and Myriad Realms, so why couldn’t she do it?

100 years is a snap, 10000 years is also a snap.


An invisible and majestic aura, released from ginger Red Sleeves, is like a calm sea, suddenly rises heaven overflowing giant wave.


At this moment, Shi Tianjun and the three women in the home, as well as the master of Azure Vault, Qin Nan, and the others outside the mountain range, all felt the changes in Jiang Red Sleeves.

Youjia 3 Goddess color changes, vision flashes, without any hesitation, at the same time playing Youyou Forbidden Technique, in terrifying power in the sky.

“Too much forbidden curse!”

The body of Jiang Red Sleeves suddenly burst into a torrent of weather, like the long-asleep 9 Heavenly God girl, and finally opened her eyes, stunning the whole world.

She shot it with a palm, which was too vain, and rushed away, and blasted the Forbidden Technique into a smash. She shots a finger and shot a sword that was too vain to actually forcibly break the light of Space-Time. Come on.

“What is this Forbidden Technique? How could her power become so terrifying?” Youjia 3 female Hitomi shrinks sharply, and at this time, the ginger Red Sleeves makes them feel a chill.

“Is Forbidden Technique?” Shi Tianjun’s vision flashes set off a fighting intent: “Let me see how strong this Forbidden Technique is, raise Heavenly Bell, town!”

He rose to the sky, the magic seal came out, and the illusive bell rushed to the top of Jiang Red Sleeves in an instant, and a powerful force broke out.

This liter of Heavenly Bell is exactly that Space-Time device. The power it releases is not an ordinary power. It also contains the essence of Space-Time, which can trace back time, accelerate time, and even turn into Space- Time chaos.

“Jiuxiao Saint Sovereign formation!” You 3 female came back to his senses, clenches the teeth, magic seal, the power of 3 people, merged together, evolved an ancient formation, released the terrorist power.

No matter what happened to Jiang Red Sleeves, she must be stopped now. As long as she blocks her time, other Heaven’s Chosen Child must be awake.

By that time, even if Jiang Red Sleeves had a strong hole card, that would not change the result.

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