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Qin Nan felt that their bodies were sinking at an alarming rate, but between the fingers, they seemed to have crossed a barrier and entered a new world within the realm.

“What is this place?” Candi’s pen calmed down, and Li Hua sounded a doubt.

Qin Nan’s eyes looked towards all around, only to see them now, came into a white world within the realm, above is a gray nothingness, below is a vast sea, and the seawater appears to be 9 colors, In its middle, a dark thousand sword with a length of ten thousand zhang was inserted, and the sword was covered with densely packed cracks, as if it would be broken at any time.

Everything is so silent here, quiet enough to hear other breathing sounds clearly, to the whole expanse of the sea, there is no undulation on the sea surface.

An inexplicable sense of depression came to everyone’s mind.

“This should be the giant’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.” The lord of Azure Vault glanced around and said, “From the perspective of the aura here, the giant should have completely died, and it has been dead for many years. “

“Giant’s Sea of ​​Consciousness? Red Sleeves, what are you looking for in the giant’s within the body?” Li Huayi couldn’t bear ask.

Jiang Red Sleeves ignored him, shoots a finger, a ray of light burst out, and cut into the sea.

At this moment, the Sea of ​​Consciousness changed greatly, and began to tremble violently. The calm sea surface also set off one after another stormy sea.

Immediately afterwards, the long sword issued a buzz, in the sky actually emerged into 1000 to 10000 dark illusory shadows, making a deafening roar, and people moved towards the presence.

“What’s going on? Isn’t the giant dead?” Li Huayi complexion slightly changed. The power of each illusory shadow is comparable to the realm of God.

“Although the giant is dead, there will still be will in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Now that outsiders break in, that will naturally kill us.” Azure Vault’s main path.

Seeing this, Jiang Red Sleeves flickered slightly, hitting the world by storm, and attacked the long sword.

“Hey, I say you guys, if you don’t want to get hurt, break this long sword together.” Jiang Xiaoya shouted out loud, never let this group of people follow behind in vain, nothing needs to be done.

“No problem.” The owner of Azure Vault readily agreed: “2 brothers, it’s up to you.”

Li Huayi and the young Sword King Lu Chao corner of the mouth twitched, only one person could urge the imperial pen to block the illusory shadow of all directions, and one person attacked the dark long sword.


One after another deafening explosion sounded one after another.

The dark illusory shadows seemed endless, no matter how many they killed, how many came out.

The power of that long sword is also extremely amazing. It looks like an ancient Tianshan. Even if Jiang Red Sleeves and the others jointly shot it, it took a long time to completely blast the long sword into a sky. Debris.

A huge vortex immediately emerged from the sea below.

Ginger Red Sleeves and the others changed into formation immediately, like a Phoenix spreading wings, and flew directly into it, Qin Nan and the others quickly followed.

I just saw that behind this vortex, there was a boundless darkness, with one after another extremely huge stars floating in it, but the rays of light of these stars have completely fainted, and they may be extinguished at any time.

“The flesh body is the world of reality, it seems to be the inner world? It seems that the giant’s cultivation level reached the Immortal Sovereign Boundary during his lifetime.” The young Sword King Lu Chao said here, his face showing regret, saying: “It’s just a pity, this It ’s been too long for a giant to fall, otherwise you can comprehend the truth of the martial arts that this giant mastered before his life. “

Not only that, in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the existence of Immortal Sovereign can already be regarded as a Powerhouse in Peak. Their flesh body can be called martial arts Supreme Treasure, which contains amazing value.

It’s just that he died for a long time and the power flowed away completely, and the flesh body would be of little value.

On the other side, Ginger Red Sleeves within both eyes flickers divine light, glanced in this darkness, and after about time it takes to drink a cup of tea, she noticed that her figure moved straight towards a star .

Qin Nan and the others followed, and it didn’t take long for me to see this star, which had a radius of millions of li, and all the mountains had collapsed, and all the trees and flowers of the forest were withered and withered. All kinds of huge weapons were all broken to the ground, and then Lightless Mang exuded a strong sense of death.

“En? The aura here is a bit weird. It is a dead silence, and there is a kind of mist in the depths of it, as if there is something hidden in it.” Li Huayi and little Sword King Lu Chao, Both eyes were slightly shiny.

Jiang Red Sleeves glanced at Qin Nan and the others, the magic seal in his hands was knotted, the exquisite fire swept out, turned into a sea of ​​fire, and flooded the earth.

All kinds of burning sounds rang in the darkness.

After about hundred breaths, an ancient aura suddenly emerged from the bottom of the star, and then there was a splendid 9-color divine light rising from the billowing sea of ​​fire into the dark.

An extremely pleasing Phoenix Cry sound followed, all directions.

The Lord of Azure Vault and the others are all running God Pupil, staring at the sea of ​​fire, and suddenly they found that the face of the Lord of Azure Vault suddenly revealed a rare startled look: “Longlong Dragon-Phoenix Jade There is one piece of Linglong Dragon-Phoenix Jade here? “

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