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Qin Nan could not help but breathe 7 air-conditioners.

In a world-fighting war, many Powerhouses that surpassed the Peak Emperor, Qin Nan would not be surprised, because All Heavens and Myriad Realms are extremely vast, and they are beyond countless Powerhouses.

However, judging from their deaths, this seems to have been done by one person.

Who are you in the end, to kill them all?

And why do their bodies hang in the void like this?

“Will this so-called great opportunity place really be a peerless place, as the Lord of Azure Vault said?”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

If so, as long as this fierce land does not reach the point where both Emperor Item and Emperor Item are disabled to subdue, it is actually a good thing for them.

At the very least, they can take this opportunity to renegotiate with Jiang Red Sleeves.

“The lord of Azure Vault is expected to wait for a while, go all around first.”

Qin Nan settled on the lord intent and continued to fly forward.

Suddenly, an extremely strong sense of crisis came to Qin Nan’s heart!

Qin Nan had almost no hesitation. The within power broke out completely, bursting out at the fastest speed, and moved towards the front.

He rushed out of the hundred thousand feet in one breath, Qin Nan’s sense of crisis, which faded away a lot.

Qin Nan looked back and found that in the sky above his original place, a drop of purple black blood was spilled from a wound about 6 inches long on a corpse full of hunted zhang. , Dripping down.

At the moment of landing, a thunderous roar was issued suddenly, with a forest of more than 9000 feet, which instantly turned into a giant pit, and astral qi was turbulent.

Qin Nan spiritual thought Sweeping away, that drop of blood still exists, and this drop of blood seems to be unsealed, and a tremendous will is released from it.

Although the formidable power caused by this drop of blood may seem small on the surface, in fact, if Qin Nan does not avoid it in time, he will confront this drop of blood, and the will released there will be enough to give his mind Obliterate.

Qin Nan shook the head, move on.

This drop of blood is of course amazing formidable power, but it descends very slowly. With his current ability, it is enough to completely avoid it.

Not long after, Qin Nan saw a mountain in front of him.

The mountain peaks are not magnificent, only a few ten thousand zhang high, and there is a distance from the corpses in the sky.

Qin Nan felt in his mind that this mountain was only of this size, as if it was suppressed by the corpses in the sky, unable to break through the corpses and straight into the clouds.


Suddenly, Qin Nan saw a faint golden radiance on the mountainside.

If you change to someone else, you find such a situation in this weird Heaven and Earth. Even if you look at it in the past, it will be cautiously, move forward slowly, and even use many means to test.

However, Qin Nan has no such concerns at all, and the speed has continued to increase.

However, Qin Nan came to the glory for a long time.

This is a pond with a radius of 2 hundred zhang or so. The pool water inside is presented as pale-gold, exuding a mysterious aura, which makes people feel inexplicably warm.

“This pond seems like a heavenly material treasure?” Qin Nan frowned.

Just then, Qin Nan suddenly saw a drop of golden blood dripping into a corpse above the pond.

At this time, Qin Nan not at all felt any crisis, so he hesitated for a moment, but stepped back a distance, not at all went away.

Sure enough, after the golden blood was submerged in the pond, there was no impact, but it quietly melted into the pond.

From this point of view, this pond will become like this, all because of this golden blood.

Qin Nan stood in place, his eyes flickered slightly, his body flew away towards the pond, and landed on the water.

At this moment, one after another invisible Internal Qi was released from the pool water and quickly submerged within the body of Qin Nan.

A pleasant whistle sounded in Qin Nan’s mind.

Qin Nan soon felt that his body was getting lighter, as if he had lost some restraint and became very relaxed.

More than that, everything between Heaven and Earth became clear at this time, various thoughts, one after another came to Qin Nan’s mind, extending to all directions.

“Can this golden pool of water help people to realize?”

Qin Nan’s eyes startled look.

Enlightenment is a very rare state. Any heavenly material treasure that can help others to enlighten is bound to be extremely precious and rather rare.

“Wait, that’s not right, it will not only help people realize!”

Qin Nan suddenly found out that he got a kind of invisible blessing in his entire body, which made his thinking, spirit, perception power, and so on all improve significantly, as if his martial arts natural talent had been improved!

“Blessing my martial arts natural talent? This is my first encounter!”

Qin Nan took a soft breath and soon calmed down, completely sinking into that feeling.

Soon, a variety of Cultivation Techniques have surfaced in Qin Nan’s mind. In the end, these Cultivation Techniques have continued to evolve, leaving only Datong Tianjie and Space-Time Scripture.

Unconsciously, Qin Nan is gradually doing two things at the same time, while he is demonstrating the Datong day decision, while comprehending the Space-Time Scripture.

Time passed unconsciously, and 2 hours passed quickly.

During this period, the color of the pond water gradually faded, and the light halo emitted gradually dimmed. When it became completely clear, Qin Nan closed her eyes, opened her brush, and the divine light in her eyes shone. Even more radiant, in great spirits.

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