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200th 80 Chapter 5 Men with Black Marks

After Qin Nan’s departure, the whole of Box 1 was suddenly cold, like an iceberg, and suddenly came.

Sou! sou!

Starting from 2 sky-splitting sounds, 2 powerful silhouettes, simultaneously descended, turned out to be the Powerhouse of 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm.


One Powerhouse whispered shouted: “This child is bold, so let’s use the Antique Killing Formation to extract his soul and search for his soul.”

The white clothed woman waved her hands. The cold aura on her body slowly converged, and said, “This is not necessary for the time being, how about it, is there any news from Luo River Kingdom?”

“Not yet.” Another Powerhouse said solemnly: “I don’t know why, we try a variety of ways to enter the Luo River Kingdom, will be intercepted by Azure Dragon Sacred Land and Flying Upwards Sacred Land’s Powerhouse in secret, and directly Doing so cost us 2 or 1 shadows. “

The so-called shadow, in the Business Alliance, is the person who probes the news.

Each shadow is a special talent found by the Business Alliance from the vast crowd, and it takes a lot of resources to cultivate a shadow.

Losing ten or two today is already extremely heavy.

White clothed woman’s eyes narrowed and thought for a long time, then slowly said: “Withdraw the other shadows, Luo River Kingdom. We don’t go for now. Now your two people, follow Qin Nan quickly, know all his whereabouts, and never let He leaves our sight. “

“As you bid!”

2 big Powerhouse, flickered, simultaneously disappeared.

The white clothed woman muttered to herself: “Qin Nan, you can’t escape from my palm!”



After leaving Clean Heart Tavern, Qin Nan was ready to return to the courtyard with the monkey.

Halfway through, Qin Nan step one stopped and said: “Monkey, you leave first, I will come to you later.”

The monkey was awed by Qin Nan at this time, so he naturally obeyed and left quickly.

“Want to follow me?”

Qin Nan glanced behind without a trace.

If it is elsewhere, the 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouses are dedicated to tracking him. He is extremely difficult to detect, but Jiang Huang City is different. Every Cultivator must not distribute aura and use the cultivation level, otherwise he will be subject to Jiang Huang. City’s punishment, even Martial Grandmaster, Martial Sovereign Powerhouse, is the same.

The two Martial Grandmasters follow Qin Nan, naturally relying on all skills and experience.

Qin Nan’s footsteps speeded up immediately, his body was shaking in the crowd, suddenly left, suddenly right, and looked fuzzy.

2 Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse See this, simultaneously slightly change.

“This child found us?”

You know that two people, without using cultivation level, relying on a single skill, even the Martial King Realm Peak Powerhouse, are extremely difficult to detect, let alone Qin Nan.

“Even if you find us, you can’t get rid of it!”

The 2nd Martial Grandmaster sneered again and accelerated his steps. His shape was the same as Qin Nan’s, constantly shaking, suddenly left, suddenly right, and even each step taken was the same size.

This is an ancient technique of the Business Alliance, called ‘Episode Step’. After a long practice, it was put on display, letting itself fall asleep, imagining itself as the other party, causing all the actions of the body and the other party to be coordinated.


Qin Nan walking ahead, noticed this scene, raised his eyebrows slightly, War God’s Pupil, immediately spread out.

In an instant, everything in Fangyuan 3 was seen by him, as if overlooked in mid-air.

This ability is the early awakening ability of War God’s Pupil, but because it is not very useful, Qin Nan has never used it, and now the opportunity comes.

Qin Nan looked at the terrain in Fangyuan 3, and suddenly saw an alley, his body flickered, and he was immersed in it. The 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouses, followed closely from behind, but they walked into the alley with a complexion. change.

It turned out that a wall was standing in this alley, blocking the opposite.

The 2 large Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse quickly stepped forward and crossed the wall. Looking forward, as expected, the silhouette of Qin Nan was already in the alley and disappeared.

“His, how does this child know that there is an alley here? And if he wants to leave that far away instantly, he obviously goes through layers of plot against, otherwise he would simply leave without using the cultivation level. Don’t drop us 2 … “

2 Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse, at this moment, his face is extremely ugly.

This is their first tracking failure in history, and the other party is just a small Half-Step Martial King Realm.



“This Jiang Huang City is really not calm.”

Qin Nan walked on a Grand Dao. The place where he walked, the street vendor on the 2nd side of the road, looked very changeless, looked towards his eyes, all filled with indifference.

“This mark must be removed somehow!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath. The impact of these three black marks on him was huge. It was hardly different from the white clothed woman’s mouth.

Even if Qin Nan has War God’s Pupil, he can gain insight into the many treasures of extraordinary origins, which are being sold at low prices, but he cannot buy them, and all the stallholders will not trade with him.

Just then, a sudden snoring sounded: “This fellow daoist, this fellow daoist please hold your steps!”

Qin Nan step one stopped, could not help looking towards that person.

He has 3 black marks on his body, but someone still calls him?

I saw a young man with a waxy complexion, a thin body, and a pair of triangular eyes. He smiled at Qin Nan with his teeth, and said, “This fellow daoist, I see you at Yintang.” Black, it must be a bad mood. Come and come, I am here all authentic King Dao Item, now sold at low prices, as long as you buy it back and feel their formidable power, your mood is much better! “

“King Dao Item?”

Qin Nan, for a moment, moved towards the street vendor and swept up, and saw one blade one sword, a gun, lying quietly, the coercion overflowing from there, it was a King Dao Item!

What is King Dao Item?

Profound Spirit Sect’s sect’s top treasure, Headmaster Main Hall, is King Dao Item!

“Oh? How much are you going to sell at a low price?”

Qin Nan showed a hint of interest.

This insignificant young man, not afraid of the 3 black marks on him, dare to sell his things, presumably mysterious.

“Not expensive, not expensive, a piece of 100 Fine and Detailed Stone …” The wretched young man stretched out three fingers and looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, so hot that Qin Nan shivered subconsciously.

“100 Fine and Detailed Stones? So cheap?”

Qin Nan was slightly surprised.

Although 100 pieces of Fine and Detailed Stone are huge, it is almost impossible to buy a King Dao Item, which is worth at least 2 100 pieces of Fine and Detailed Stone.

“So cheap, not afraid of me 3 black marks, there must be fraud!”

Qin Nan couldn’t help secretly said in one’s heart.

Unexpectedly, the insignificant young man seemed to see what he thought, could not help laughing, saying: “This brother, you must be very confused, right? Why is it so cheap? Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, if you use the pump technique, despite Look into the 2st and 1nd, these King Dao Items are guaranteed to be all right! “

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

He did know that some vendors, in order to sell treasure, deliberately used some secret technique to enable an Acquired Item to issue the aura of a King Dao Item to deceive others.

“This man is so strange, let me see what is special about him.”

Qin Nan was not very interested in the King Dao Item, instead he was a little interested in this young man. At the moment, his eyes were swept away, but he didn’t expect it, which made his face suddenly change.

5 …… 5 black marks?

ps: 4rd more

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