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Chapter 278 bully intolerably

“Not good !”

Qin Nan complexion slightly changed, this Talisman came too quickly, not only him, even Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, have not yet reacted.

He immediately ran Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts, within the body into flames, and burned, but the three black marks in his eyebrows were shadowless and unchanged.

Seeing this scene, he immediately ran War God’s Pupil and locked his brows, but found that the three black marks had no effect on himself, but only possessed a wonderful power, which could not be dissipated anyway.

“This is … 3 black marks!” The monkey saw this, and then lost his voice: “You are actually 3 black marks, I have not done this business!”

He said nothing, and flickered, ready to escape.


Qin Nan Spiritual Consciousness runs directly, hits the monkey’s head, makes the monkey’s whole body stiff, stands on the spot, panicked, and says, “3 Seniors, I haven’t offended you in the next, you do n’t want to shoot. And Jiang Huang City cannot use force … “

Qin Nan expressionless, saying: “Tell me, what is the 3 black mark?”

“Don’t you know 3 black marks?” The monkey’s eyes were round, but he saw Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect with embarrassed faces, he hesitated a little, this was the only way: “Business Alliance has created a specialized Cultivator for bad reputation The black mark of the Chinese name cannot be dissipated in any way. The black mark is divided into one, two, and three. If it is three, it refers to the three types of robbery, deception, and disguise. “

Monkey Paused, continued: “Business Alliance as a very fair force, if it is stamped with 3 black marks, it will be rejected by all Cultivator, no one will trade with you, if you do n’t believe it, look at it yourself … “

Qin Nan 3 people, subconsciously moved towards Jiang Huang City Lord said.

I saw those street vendors who were extremely hot, seeing the three black marks shining in Qin Nan’s eyebrows, his face changed, the enthusiasm in his eyes disappeared, and it was replaced by coldness.

They are vendors who sell treasures. The most disgusting are the 3 black people!

Qin Nan complexion ashen.

Is the Business Alliance fair and just?

He did not secretly sell the Martial Fate Pavilion to the Mysterious white clothed woman, and this white clothed woman turned out to be such a killer.

Is this forcing him to surrender the secret?

Qin Nan took a deep breath, differently said: “I’ll give you 2 Fine and Detailed Stones.”

After speaking, he directly popped 2 Fine and Detailed Stones and fell into the monkey’s hand.

“This …” The monkey looked dumbfounded. He had wanted to escape, but these two Fine and Detailed Stones were his income for several days and helped him break through the current bottleneck. He bit his teeth now and said: “In this case, I made this business. But 2 seniors, I want to tell you, you have 3 black marks on your brows, you can’t go to the Ancient Dragon Auction, and you can’t participate in the Selection of the Two Great Sacred Land disciple!”


Qin Nan almost suspected that he had heard the wrong ear.

Monkey said resolutely: “Because only a terrible mistake is made, the Business Alliance will make 3 black marks. For such people, Two Great Sacred Land is rejected and will never be recruited. Apart from this, with 3 blacks Yin, in this Jiang Huang City, I’m afraid I can’t make it anymore … if Senior, you regret it now, these 2 Fine and Detailed Stones, I can return them to you. “


Qin Nan complexion changed, a chill flashed in his eyes.

It ’s a Mysterious white clothed woman, it ’s a Business Alliance. In order to get the secret from him, he actually did this kind of thing to him. Could it be that he really bullied?

During the trip to Martial Fate Pavilion, Princess Miaomiao was also present. After hearing these words, the pretty face chilled and said: “Business Alliance bully intolerably, now you quickly take us to the Ancient Dragon Auction and take them all away! “

“Yes, all of it!”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect also shouted.

They now have Killing Sovereign and 3 Peak Lords as their backing to rob this Business Alliance. Don’t be afraid!

The monkey was full of horror and quickly waved: “Two Seniors are absolutely impossible. When the Ancient Dragon Auction is held every year, there will be Venerable guards. There is no way to do it in Jiang Huang City. Even the Peak Lord ca n’t mess around … … “


Dragon Tiger Monster Sect persuaded immediately.

“hmph! ”

Princess Miaomiao’s face didn’t look good either.

The power of this Business Alliance is far beyond their imagination, even if they have the support of Killing Sovereign and the 3 Peak Lords, they cannot be brazen.

Qin Nan squeezed the anger in his chest and said, “That said, now that I have been stamped with 3 black marks, I have to leave Jiang Huang City?”

“It stands to reason that staying in Heaven ’s Imperial City has no effect at all …” The monkey said here, and suddenly gritted his teeth. “If the 3 seniors don’t dislike it, they can stay in the hut, but they must pay 2 yuan a day Fine and Detailed Stone! “

In the usual way, people like Xiang monkey will also accept guests, living in the home, it is only ten days one piece of Fine and Detailed Stone.


Qin Nan expressionless’s nodded, although distressed by Fine and Detailed Stone, he still doesn’t know much about Jiang Huang City and can’t act rashly. After he got through the rules of Business Alliance and Jiang Huang City, the Mysterious white clothed woman, and Business Alliance, bully intolerably, he must not let go!

“3 Seniors, follow me!”

The monkey led the Qin Nan 3 people, quickly left the initiative, and came to a remote place in Jiang Huang City, an ordinary courtyard.

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, Qin Nan immediately said, “Princess Miaomiao, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, the Ancient Dragon Auction of the Business Alliance, which will be held ten days later. I cannot enter. You can check it out first.”

“it is good!”

Both Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect are nodded. The business alliance’s approach is too shameless. If you leave in vain, it will be too embarrassing.

The monkey’s eyes looked straight.

Didn’t you say that the Business Alliance has Martial Venerable?

Could it be that these three people, to this day, still want revenge?

The monkey took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

At this time, suddenly, a spiritual thought came from afar, and it fell into Qin Nan’s mind, and the sound was pleasant: “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, didn’t expect After a few months, you came to Jiang Huang City. Now that you have understood 3 black marks, why not come to the Clean Heart Tavern box one? “


Qin Nan eyebrow raised.

This voice, he was naturally familiar, it was the Mysterious white clothed woman of Martial Fate Pavilion.

Now that the Business Alliance has given him 3 black marks, he has not yet come to the door, but the other party has found it?

“Okay, then I’ll go and see what the hell are you selling!”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, and immediately said to the monkey, “Go, take me to Clean Heart Tavern!”

ps: Chapter 2. Today, the school is going to get the entrance examination. I must know that the friends who went to the university know the special entrance guide. The evil spirits have to be reviewed in the afternoon, lest it be hung up … It will be updated before the early morning.

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