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200th Chapter 69 The Power of Killing Sovereign

Time passed by, no one talked between Heaven and Earth, even the wind didn’t dare to blow, just let the bloody rain fall, and leaped on the ground, staining the broken White Jade Temple Scarlet, until calm, still, no one speaks, only deathly silence.

When the lives of several hundred Powerhouses were all strangled to death in just half a breath, it was no longer a shock, but a chilling shock from a horrific slaughter.

Cang Lan Continent, respected by Martial Artist, the humble ones are like ants.

How could a person be compared to a ant, but now it is a complete ant. Even the blinking eyes have not been closed, and the heart hasn’t even beaten. All the characters with great names across the Luo River Kingdom are dead.

“Fuck … fuck … fuck …”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect a pair of dragon eyes is swollen, and the eyes are about to fall out. It is the Dignified Heavenly Dragon Thunder Tiger’s Bloodline. It was the first time I saw it except after being shocked by the little monster fiercely of Qin Nan. At last, a human Powerhouse brought a massacre, which actually made it frightened, and even Fuck said three times.

“This old man…”

Princess Miaomiao has a pair of beautiful eyes, and after a slight loss of focus, her show nose wrinkled. With her knowledge, she saw it for the first time. In this remote lower territory, there was a human who could interpret the slaughter to such extreme .

There was a shock in Qin Nan’s eyes. He used to know that the old man was extraordinary, but he didn’t know that the old man was so horrible.

“You three.”

The old man looked away and fell on Zhao Fang, Wei Tong, Lin Xuan.


Zhao Fang 3 people only felt that there was a piece of cold thunder in their hearts, and in this bland, uncompromising look, they felt endless fear, but they were Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse At that next moment, just use this after all strength to hiss and roar.

“Escape! Run away!”

Zhao Fang 3 people instantly turned into Changhong, moved towards 3 directions, fleeing wildly.

“Not very obedient …”

old man shook the head, he didn’t move, but just moved towards Zhao Fang.


A terrible scream rang out in the sky, Zhao Fang’s fled body was suddenly stiff, and his face looked as if he had encountered great terror, and his eyes almost jumped out of his eyes.

I saw his body suddenly swell out, and after three breaths, it burst into a burst and turned into a blood mist, leaving nothing left in his body.

“For your sake, you are given a direct method of death.”

The old man looked towards Lin Xuan again, waving his palm.

Lin Xuan, who was fleeing wildly, just felt a cold in her neck. She had no time to look back. There was a sudden wave in the air behind her. An invisible large blade was cut from in the sky. , Scratching her neck, less than a breath, she headed directly to a different place.

2 Martial Grandmaster Realm falls.

Wei Tong, who flees wildly, is like a huge Fireball. Where it whistles, the air is sounded by the burning zi zi. This is a card mystery he has been hiding for many years. It is called ‘Life Fire’. Burning life, the speed soared tenfold.

“Escaped so far, I can survive …”

Wei Tong found that after escaping 100 miles away, he couldn’t help expressing ecstasy, and felt a sense of escape from Death God.

With a distance of 100 miles, no matter how wide the Killing Sovereign Divine Ability is, he can’t help it.

But at this moment, it was clear that the same indifferent voice was clearly separated by 100 miles, but it resounded clearly in Wei Tong’s ears: “Your one person escaped the farthest, and damn slowly.”

On White Jade Temple, the old man was a little bit.

One hundred miles away, Wei Tong’s face suddenly turned red, and his left leg suddenly exploded, causing him to scream.

“Can’t you escape?”

The old man was a little bit more.

Wei Tong, 100 miles away, suddenly exploded with his right leg.

The old man was a little bit more.

One arm of Wei Tong exploded, and then the old man ejected dozens of fingers. The other arm, chest, and head of Wei Tong exploded and fell completely.

Three Great Sect Sect Master, all dead!

“How about you two?”

The eyes of the old man fell on Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy and Ouyang Ba.

Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy and Ouyang Ba, this time has scared the soul flew away and scattered. This is the first time they have seen the strength of Killing Sovereign so close. The unpredictable power has made them the soul of two people. , All shivered.

“Before … before … Senior … I … I’m the headmaster of Profound Spirit Sect … but not …”

Ouyang Ba has no previous domineering style, his face is full of fear and stuttering.


The old man said, “Your name is Ouyang Ba, right? You always seem to want Qin Nan to kneel?”

“Senior me …”

Ouyang Ba was pale.

“Ouyang Ba, come here.” The old man beckoned.

“I …” Ouyang Ba didn’t know what would happen, the shock from that massacre, even if he was Martial Sovereign, he was completely scared now.

“I don’t want to say second time.” The black blade in the old man’s hand slowly groaned.

A sudden horror chill exploded from the spine of Ouyang Ba, making his scalp numb. He had almost no doubt. If he dared to talk nonsense for a word, she would be like the three Martial Grandmasters.


Ouyang Ba’s figure immediately came to the old man. The old man pointed at Qin Nan without looking at him, and said, “Knelt in front of him, and said I was wrong.”

Ouyang Ba’s face instantly froze.

Killing Sovereign wants him to kneel with Qin Nan?

He dignified a Martial Sovereign Powerhouse and actually wanted to kneel with Qin Nan?

Can kill, can not be humiliated!

The old man glanced at him and said, “If you do as I say, I will not waste your cultivation level.”

“…” Ouyang Jun’s courageous anger almost disappeared almost instantly. His face changed constantly, as if struggling, but the scene just now kept crashing into his mind. After a while, he seemed to have lost all of his body. With strength, he said, “Senior … I … I do.”

After speaking, Ouyang Jun flickered, came to Qin Nan, and looked at Qin Nan’s blood-stained face. He fiercely clenched the teeth and listened only to a loud noise. His knees were bent and kneeled. In front of Qin Nan.

His head was almost buried on the ground, and his voice squeezed out of his teeth: “Qin Nan … I …”

Speaking of half, for some reason, the next two words, he was extremely difficult to say, as if stuck in his throat, he seemed to feel that the 2 disciples eyes of the audience gathered on him, like a needle. Into his heart.

His body trembled irresistibly, and a pair of eyes were filled with deep aversion and resentment.

He dignified a Martial Sovereign, and was forced to kneel down to Qin Nan, even to concede to Qin Nan!

What is Qin Nan?

The existence of a Huang level 10-Rank Martial Spirit!

A cricket with only Half-Step Martial King Realm!

“Killing Sovereign, Qin Nan, Ouyang Ba today, I don’t hesitate to kneel, hesitate to apologize, and wait for me to succeed in Powerhouse. Such shame will definitely make you a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

There was a roar in Ouyang Jun’s heart, and then forcibly squeezed out the remaining 2 words from his throat: “wrong …”

At this point, the mutation is abrupt!

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