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Ye Zhaoxian noticed his strangeness, and immediately sounded into his ear with a thunderbolt.

Cang Rumen wakes up at first, reflects from the memories, and looks at Qin Nan not far away.

“Qin Nan, Qin Nan, you really gave me a huge surprise Ah!” Cang’s eyes still had no fear, but the sense of excitement had become more intense: “It really made me think that you He got his inheritance! Where did you find it? Azure Vault? Inside the Nine Dragons Stone Seal? Or Zhou Di they left? “

Cang, Ye Zhaoxian, and Through Heavens Dao Tree, both subconsciously believe that Qin Nan is the successor of Lin Xiaozhi. They simply couldn’t think of it, Qin Nan soul returned to antiquity time, Qin Nan is Lin Xiaozhi.


Qin Nan smiled.

It is good to think of him as Lin Xiaozhi Successor.

“When you die, you will know everything.”

Qin Nan indifferently said.

At this moment, the momentum emanating from him had completely climbed to the peak, like a real deity, tore off the ordinary coat, and showed endless power.

In the endless void, a Heavenly Venerable who watched the battle was simultaneously sucking in a cold breath of air.

Although they don’t know what just happened, they can see that the coercion displayed by Qin Nan at this time has completely surpassed Cang and Ye Zhaoxian!

Anyone can see at a glance that Qin Nan is stronger than Cang and Ye Zhaoxian, and much more powerful!

Not only that, they also found that Heaven’s Heavenly Emperor Arts has been affected a lot, unable to get blessing of infinite world’s strength from time to time, and faults appear from time to time.

“Body Heaven and Earth!”

Qin Nan didn’t have any extra nonsense, the whole person disappeared directly, and shadowless disappeared.

“En?” Every Heavenly Venerable, they are all expression expressions. Qin Nan really disappeared? However, if it is really missing, why are Ownerless Vault Chart and Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain still releasing the peerless might ability?

“No! Look carefully, the entire extreme south land has changed!” Lu Fang Heavenly Venerable exclaimed.

I only saw that the ground of millions of li on the full circle began to shake violently. The vast sky was filled with countless dark clouds, which were also mixed with thunder light, as if there was a peerless Thunder Tribulation. fall.

Not only that, they can also clearly feel that the aura emitted by this Heaven and Earth has become different.

You know, the first Small Immortal Territory is a whole. No matter what Secret Realm is in the first Small Immortal Territory and what kind of secrets are hidden, the core rules of Heaven and Earth are the same.

But now, this piece of extreme south land seems to be separated from the first Small Immortal Territory, completely becoming an independent existence, becoming the smallest one piece of Immortal Territory in history.

“Break!” Qin Nan’s voice sounded, indifferent and overlapping, ringing in every corner of the entire extreme south land, as if there were countless Qin Nans and then speaking at the same time.

Cang instantly noticed that in that invisibility, it was as if 33 blade lights had been cut, and the connection between his 33 Heavenly Emperor Beads and the first Small Immortal Territory was extremely weak to the cut.

The momentum from Cang suddenly fell sharply, and the world’s strength that poured into him within the body became extremely weak.

This piece of Heaven and Earth is called Qin Nan!

Cang in this Heaven and Earth, still want blessing?

Essentially impossible!

Moreover, although this piece of Heaven and Earth has only million li on the circle, it is only a small part of the first Small Immortal Territory, but Qin Nan can use the mysterious nature of the origin to draw Cang from the other parts of the first Small Immortal Territory. Give a thorough interception.

After all, now Cang can only borrow Source Strength, not at all to reach the level of control.

Qin Nan’s current Body of Source can completely restrain him!

“Xian Sword 9 is cut!” Ye Zhaoxian knows the power of Lin Xiaozhi’s Cultivation Technique and also the might ability of this embodiment of Heaven and Earth, so he directly changed his original thinking, maintained the Space-Time monument, and hit Supreme Technique.

“Qin Nan, do you think that with the help of Lin Xiaozhi, you can really suppress me completely?” Cang magic seal ended, and countless golden lights exploded: “The source is in me!”

In the battle of the Heavenly Venerable battlefield, Cang paid attention to Lin Xiaozhi. Later, when the Spirit of the celestial poles list was dying and said something like that, he paid more attention to it.

So for a while, he once deduced wholeheartedly how to deal with Lin Xiaozhi.

Now that this dusty memory has been awakened, he naturally thought of the coping strategies that he had introduced in the beginning!


I just saw that the Heavenly Emperor Beads who sunk into the earth after one after another turned into one after another monstrous rays of light, breaking through the invisible barrier of the million li Heaven and Earth on this circle, with a thunderstorm. , Into the Cang’s within the body.

Every time I submerged one, the momentum on Cang’s body would go up!

Cang urged that one after another Heavenly Emperor Bead, temporarily absorbed one after another Source Strength, and merged into each Heavenly Emperor Bead!

He reintegrates into Heavenly Emperor Bead and can mobilize these Source Strength!

Although this is far less than his continuously borrowing the world’s strength of the first Small Immortal Territory, at least Qin Nan can’t stop it!


Qin Nan speaks out.

The entire world’s strength of the extreme south land suddenly boiled violently, and numerous murderous intentions spontaneously generated, just like the sky, and moved toward Cang, Ye Zhaoxian and the others.

Not only that, from the depth of the dome, ten divine lights were suddenly lowered, and in each divine light, there was a silhouette of Qin Nan.

Some ‘Qin Nan’s are blooming saint light, just like the Holy King. On some ‘Qin Nan’, demon light blooms, just like Demon God. There are also fighting intents, arrogance and so on.

Qin Nan dominates Myriad Laws with the Body of Source. Now that he has become Heaven and Earth, he will make Half Step Eternal Inextinguishable Physique, and Immortal Upper Demon True Arts, etc. will be compatible with world ’s strength and directly create Came out of his ‘Avatar’ and confronted him.

Obviously, compared to the antiquity time at the beginning, Qin Nan used Datong Tiande stronger. The battle strength is more than several times than when Lin Xiaozhi and Boundary at the antiquity time!

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