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200th Chapter 64 Nine Yin Nine Ghost Refining Soul Formation

The audience in the audience was full of Palace Lord Sect Master, stunned.

Qin Nan called the 2nd Martial Sovereign to forget about it, after all, he has this qualification.

But such a mysterious existence, where did they come from?

Although it is impossible to understand this problem, the young disciples, seeing this scene, clearly understand that the chaos has nothing to do with them, but they have boiling blood, and even the tip of the nose is slightly sour.

“Hahaha, young people, pretty Ah! Qin Nan, what are you hesitating about?”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect shouted in excitement.

“Qin Nan, rest assured.”

Old Shan laughed.

“As a servant of this Princess, you cannot counsel.”

Princess Miaomiao coldly snorted.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ba’s laughter stopped abruptly, his face turned blue and his body was shaking violently.

What kind of people is this fuck?

2 Big Martial Sovereign Realm Powerhouse, actually not so concerned?

“Qin Nan, how dare you–“

Ouyang Ba snarled at the moment, and Heaven and Earth, which was ten miles away from the earthquake, were all roaring, but his body was completely blocked by Princess Miaomiao. Even if he performed a 100-like killing move, he still could n’t escape. Shape.

At this moment, Qin Nan was standing on the White Jade Temple. He stared at the scene, and grinned a moment later.

“Life is magnificent.

“Dare to bully me, I will kill you!”

“Who makes me go all over is the most daring!”


The last word seemed to break Nine Heavens.

With 1000 pairs of eyes in the audience, only Qin Nan waved his palm, and the knife in his hand was held high, as if the glare of cold light bloomed, and the head of moved towards Ouyang Jun fell directly.

Pu chi!

A burst of blood shot out.

Ouyang Jun was completely fainted without knowing what happened.

At this moment, 10000 people were all quiet, and after half a scream, everyone in the audience was astonished.


“Qin Nan really killed!”

“Fuck! This fucking mess!”


Zhao Fang lost his face and murmured to himself, “What kind of monster is this, even if it’s me, I’m afraid I don’t have the courage.”

Wei Tong and Lin Xuan were so shocked that they couldn’t even say a word.

“Qin Nan!”

Seeing this, Ouyang Ba, his eyes, instantly red, blond, began to dance wildly.

The Headmaster Main Hall suspended in the midst of the White Jade Temple seemed to feel his anger, exhaling 1000 rays of light, one after another horrible formation, and it turned out from there.

“Ouyang Ba!”

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy suddenly heard a loud drink: “Calm down to me! This is not the time to deal with him! You could it be that you want to make all the layouts go away? “

This shouting loudly, like a cold water, poured on Ouyang Ba’s head, making his blood-red eyes gradually restore a coldness.

“The surname is single!” Ouyang Ba curbed the horror of anger, directly ignored Princess Miaomiao, a pair of eyes, crossed the void, locked on Old Shan’s body, and shouted: “Give me the Killing Sovereign Scripture quickly! “

“Only you, still want Killing Sovereign Scripture?” A scornful smile appeared on the corner of Old Shan’s mouth: “Looking at your son being killed, now you can stop the anger for Killing Sovereign Scripture. You What is the difference between this behavior and that beast? “


Uncovered by Old Shan, Ouyang Ba’s entire face was sulking, but he forcibly forbeared it, and suddenly, turned his head, looked towards the Headmaster Main Hall, shouted: “Zhao Fang, Wei Tong and Lin Xuan, now you three of you, come quickly to help me and show the formation! If you three do not help, you will bear the consequences yourself! “

It was another conspiracy, which was directly opened.

It turned out that Ouyang Ba suddenly held a birthday feast because he had a formula and needed another 3 Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouse to participate in order to perform.


The faces of Zhao Fang, Wei Tong, and Lin Xuan were all rigid. Didn’t expect Ouyang Ba to have such a deep plot against.

But how should they choose?

Although Ouyang Ba has now become Martial Sovereign and also combined with Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy, they are the Sect Master of Three Great Sect after all. They will not simply bow their heads just because of the appearance of a Martial Sovereign.

In the Three Great Sect, although there is no Martial Sovereign Powerhouse, there is also a deep foundation. The existence of a Martial Sovereign is extremely difficult to destroy them.

“If you take the shot, the fortuitous encounter on Qin Nan, and the secret of the Martial Fate Pavilion, all to you!”

Ouyang Ba shouted again.


Zhao Fang, Wei Tong, Lin Xuan 3 simultaneously shivered.

Qin Nan’s strong perverts are obvious to all. If they can really get the fortuitous encounter on Qin Nan, it will be of great benefit to them and to their entire Sect.

“Okay! Ouyang Sect Master, it’s all up to you today!” Zhao Fang vision flashes stood up.

“I hope Ouyang Sect Master will not break the promise.” Wei Tong and Lin Xuan, both simultaneously opened the mouth and said.

At this moment, in addition to Three Great Sect, all chose to stand by Ouyang Ba.

“Get me over!”

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ba screamed at the moment. Ten thousand zhang golden light erupted in his hands, turned into a horrible storm, covering Princess Miaomiao’s figure, and even though Princess Miaomiao showed his magical smash, it also broke. After being moved by this move, Zhen’s figure was regressed, and he came to the side of Old Shan and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect.

“Not good !”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect complexion greatly changed, bringing their three people together is definitely not a good thing.

“I still want to escape?”

Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy sneered, 5 fingers spread out: “7 Ghost Seal Forbidden Technique!”

For a while, the wind blew, and in the void, there were 7 ghosts and gods rising from the ground, condensing a formula, trapping Princess Miaomiao, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, and Old Shan.

“Nine Yin Nine Ghost Refining Soul Formation!”

Ouyang Ba immediately issued a long howling, across the void, hit a piece of palm-sized black iron sheet, and from that black iron sheet, suddenly an endless roar of ghosts rang out, looking away, I saw that after the dark iron piece, one after another obscure ancient runes, jumping like flames.


Ouyang Ba and Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy, at the same time, the two Martial Sovereigns were strong, opposed to each other, and suspended on the iron piece.


The sky suddenly darkened, and from above the iron piece, rays of light suddenly flickered, one after another dark runes, condensed into long dragons, like some kind of Monster Beast’s tentacles, and extended quickly to all directions In the blink of an eye, it was densely packed, and it filled 3 square miles.

“Here are 3 people, return home quickly!”

Ouyang Ba shouted loudly.

The faces of Zhao Fang, Wei Tong, and Lin Xuan were all stunned. Without saying a word, their bodies flashed and came to three other directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the black iron piece spit out a ray of heavenly light, the densely packed runes spreading for 3 miles, soared in an instant, swept the whole circle for ten miles, so that the runes were flooded, like the sea, apart from this, along with these 3 bombing sounds, formation At the moment of condensing, the void actually broke a crack, as if connected to the nine nether, and a black flame lotus emerged from it.

“This is …” Dragon Tiger Monster Sect stared at it for a while, then issued angry roar: “bastard, actually performing this kind of formulation, we will refining our soul! I fight with you!”

ps: Because I have to go to school in the morning and have to go in the morning, I can only publish a chapter at noon. I will skip the class code in the afternoon. It will be updated between 6-7 o’clock and also at 1-1 o’clock.

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