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At this time, Nanxun battlefield.

When Qin Nan was gone, everyone was almost physically and mentally, only feeling that Heaven and Earth were much brighter.

“Huh, what is fierce. We didn’t worry about him before we came to help him?” Princess Miaomiao said, be that as it may, but her face was still full of happy and proud emotions, and her eyes were bent into Crescent.

“Princess is right.” Jiang Bilan said with a smile: “He has just been promoted to Heavenly Venerable, or Union Master. On the bright side, we can’t ask him for trouble, and when we get back, we will pack him together.”

“Nice, no fight for 3 days, go to the house to reveal the tile.” Xue Mengyao quickly agreed.

“Well, that’s so settled. Then we will pack him together …” Princess Miaomiao nodded, and then looked towards the ruler in the distance, face turned cold, and said, “What are you doing? Is that what my husband said? Hurry up and get ahead. “

The Ruler was full of helplessness and bitterness, but did they dare to refuse? Dare to run away?

They are not stupid, Qin Nan’s promotion to Heavenly Venerable is successful, too many things have to be changed.

It’s the strange creatures who, because of the language incompatibility, are not as troublesome as them, and they are directly covered in dirt.

Divine breath outside the battlefield, in endless void.

When Qin Nan acted, the Heavenly Venerables instantly noticed.

“Qin Nan, this is …”

Everyone at Heavenly Venerable quickly thought of something, and the heart was simultaneously shocked.

Obviously, Qin Nan is going to go to war with Cang and Ye Zhaoxian!

Cang and Ye Zhaoxian are now working on the Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain in the first Small Immortal Territory. Qin Nan has now successfully proved Heavenly Venerable. How would you stand by?


“Follow me!”

The Heavenly Venerables, with almost no hesitation, left a dao intent in place and quickly moved.

Originally, the main reason they came to the top of the battlefield of Divine Breath was to give Powerhouse protector to their respective forces, so as not to be conspired by hostile forces after being promoted to Heavenly Venerable.

But now, they don’t even care about that many!

This is the most peak battle in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain today!

The results of this battle will also completely affect the pattern of the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain!

Moreover, Qin Nan is the reincarnation of the two Supreme Heavenly Venerables, Cang and Ye Zhaoxian are the former Supreme Heavenly Venerables, and they have all surpassed Heavenly Venerable peak to an incredible degree. The battle between them must be extraordinary. If you can witness it with your own eyes, you will gain something and even bring about a certain breakthrough.

More crucially, on the surface, they are not at the same level as Qin Nan, Cang, and Ye Zhaoxian. They do not have the opportunity to participate in the war, but they are not.

What if, on the Qin Nan 3, the two sides of the killing suffer?

Or was one party seriously injured and one party fell?

Maybe they will have the opportunity to participate by then!

“Heavenspan Senior, before the situation is completely clear, you must absolutely not be impulsive, and you must not easily help Qin Nan.” Sovereign Clouds Heavenly Venerable suddenly thought of something and reminded him.

“You can rest assured, old man, I have lived from antiquity time to the present, is it an impulsive person?” Through Heavens Dao Tree gave Sovereign Clouds Heavenly Venerable a centering pill, and then the speed of terrifying broke out, bringing other Heavenly Venerables Far behind.

At the moment, deep in Dikun.

Huangfu Jue, who had learned all the news, suddenly turned from overcast to sunny, and laughed.

For him, if Qin Nan was not able to promote Heavenly Venerable, that would not be a good thing at all, and would make his situation particularly dangerous.

But now, Qin Nan gave him a big surprise.

“Hit, hit me fiercely! When that time comes, I’ll send you a big surprise!”

Huangfu Jue secretly said in one’s heart, looked at Mo Xie, and said, “It’s time, go to Tiangan.”

At the same time, the first Small Immortal Territory, extreme south land!


Heaven and Earth on millions of li on the circle are all caught in the explosion sound like Heavenly Thunder, one after another astral qi like a storm, sweeping over all directions, destroying the void into smash.

The various Cultivators among the millions of li had already fled, and those who did not have time to escape were crushed into smash by astral wind and coercion.

I can only see that Cang and Ye Zhaoxian are like two extinct gods. They exhibited heavens-frightening dynamics and hit the blurredly-shaped Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain.

Yang Ling Heavenly Venerable 4 people were not idle, and they shot from behind at times.

Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain blooms saint light, triggers world’s strength, and interweaves various ancient formations to resist.

However, anyone can see that Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is sinking continuously, and the blooming rays of light are getting dim.

Although Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is on par with the Celestial pole list, Zhou Xundao is not a Spirit of the celestial poles list. Although he is Mountain’s Spirit, he cannot use the formidable power of Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain at all.

In this Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, a bit of disciplines of Qin Nan Alliance, looking at the violently shaking 1-layer Zhongshan Pass, his face turned pale and frightened.

Standing on the 9th-layer mountain pass, Divine light bloomed all over, and Zhou Xundao, who shot with all his heart, gradually lost his blood, and his body looked older and older.

“Qin Nan, you Smelly Brat, if you don’t break through Heavenly Venerable, then don’t blame me for changing the owner with Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain!” Zhou Xundao gritted his teeth.

Before Qin Nan’s personal expedition, he had solemnly vowed assured him that he would definitely be promoted to Heavenly Venerable, and then Qin Nan asked Zhou Xundao to run Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain to the extreme south land of the first Small Immortal Territory.

This is because Qin Nan has also considered that if Cang is not beheaded and Cang is successfully promoted to Heavenly Venerable, Cang will definitely start with Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain.

If Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is in other Small Immortal Territory, those Small Immortal Territory’s Source Strength is not strong enough, Rule Strength is not strong enough, once it is played, it will inevitably have a greater impact.

In addition, the first Small Immortal Territory is closer to the Azure Vault. If something unexpected happens, Qin Nan can catch up in time.

In addition to Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, Cang and Ye Zhaoxian and the others, shot again and again, the divine light is gorgeous.

“It’s almost a success!” There was a touch of light in Cang’s eyes.

Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, finally succeed!

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