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Under the attention of Ye Zhaoxian’s 5 Heavenly Venerables, Through Heavens Dao Tree, and other Heavenly Venerables, Qin Nan completely entered the battlefield of Nanxun.

Qin Nan’s speed has not been reduced in the slightest, and it is still extremely amazing, causing huge movement.

In today’s Nanxun battlefield, such a move is undoubtedly quite unwise.

Because after a day or two, countless opportunities have appeared in the battlefields of Nanzhao or Beiju, and there are many natural phenomena and ten thousand zhang. Every opportunity was spotted by Ruler from the 2 Heavenly Immortal domain, or by strange creatures in Azure Vault.

Qin Nan is now ‘ramming’, maybe the Rulers in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain will not target it, but in the eyes of many strange creatures, Qin Nan is like a ‘plunderer’, from a distance trying to plunder them.


Sure enough, after Qin Nan broke into the battlefield of Nanxun, but ten breaths, 5 strange creatures were furious, some shouted from the sky, and some made weird syllables. At the same time, they played a different technique than 9 Heavenly Immortal. Law, moved towards Qin Nan in the air.

“Anyone who dares to stop me will kills without mercy!” Said Qin Nan coldly. The blooming saint light suddenly condensed into 99 sacred swords, which instantly shattered a lot of spells and turned the five strange creatures into their bodies. , And also chopped into pieces.

Then 99 saint light swords flew back to Qin Nan’s side, and walked continuously, like opening a peerless sword net to protect his whole body.

However, with the continuous advancement of Qin Nan, those strange creatures seemed to be unable to perceive the power of Qin Nan, and continued to kill Qin Nan, and they were finally ruthlessly chopped by the sword of saint light.

Half an hour later, Qin Nan arrived at the middle of the battlefield of Nanxun.

Use the pump technique to look away. In the distance, Immortal Palace was born, and ancient tombs emerged. A lot of peak Ruler and strange creatures have participated in it, and they are constantly fighting.

“That’s Qin Nan?”

“He seems injured?”

“Tsk tsk, Qin Nan is not simple Ah!”

“Yeah, Ye Cang Alliance to arrange that kind of inescapable net, even if it was just injured, it already rushed over!”

“Listen to me, don’t talk about Qin Nan anymore, let alone provoke him!”

Many Ruler Cultivators have discovered Qin Nan. Even though some Ruler Cultivator saw Qin Nan being injured, they had other ideas in their hearts, but when they think of Qin Nan passing the terrifying inescapable net, their mind fades naturally. Already.

Qin Nan glanced at all around, his body suddenly flickered, and he came to a peak Ruler not far away, and the evolutionary hand caught him directly. Indifferently said: “Where did Cang enter?”

The peak Ruler stunned for a moment, reacted quickly, and ran his finger forward: “He entered that place …”

Qin Nan immediately released him and said, “many thanks.”

The place where Cang enters, when viewed from a distance, is like a group of mountain ranges floating in the depths of the void, but if you look closely, you will find that these mountain ranges are very illusory, like a picture.

Qin Nan turned into a light glow, straight into this continuous mountain range.

“En? Is he ready to impact Heavenly Venerable?”

Through Heavens Dao Tree and so on Heavenly Venerable, an idea came to mind.

Ye Zhaoxian 5 people were unmoved, but urged the ancient map to release more powerful insights, and thoroughly revealed the scenes in the mountain range.

As for Qin Nan, after walking into this illusory mountain range, it felt as if it had crossed a void and came to a strange space.

Looking up, I saw that this is a vast and vast grassland, green and lush. In that sky, floating incomplete Great Mountain, exuding a great desolation aura.

In Qin Nan’s ears, a roar of fatly discernable was also heard, apparently a battle was erupting ahead.

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the rays of light flashes quickly rushed forward. Wherever he passed, Qin Nan saw a puddle of puddles and many strange creatures.

After a few ten breaths, Qin Nan stopped.


Ahead of that, there is a golden lake with a huge number of hundred thousand li. Above the lake, Cang is alone, like Heavenly God, with the help of a Mysterious formation hidden at the bottom of the lake, and all strange creatures fight around him.

Apart from this, Qin Nan also saw a flower growing in the middle of that lake!

This is a flower that Qin Nan has never seen before. It is as tall as ten and five feet tall, and has 5 petals. Each petal has a light blue color, and the brilliance flows on the surface, like inside. Contains some kind of divide power.

Qin Nan’s huge sense of power, can feel that this strange flower contains an incredible mysterious power.

Obviously, Cang came for this flower, and wanted to use it to ascend to Heavenly Venerable.

At this moment, Ye Zhaoxian 5 Heavenly Venerable also found this scene, and suddenly the pump light suddenly.

“What does Qin Nan mean?” Yang Ling Heavenly Venerable 愣 Divine Dao: “Master Chong chose this place, why did he come here? Is it possible that, he also wants to fight with Lord Cang?”

“Indeed, shouldn’t you avoid the Lord now?” Dark Owl Heavenly Venerable is also a tightly knit browser.

Ye Zhaoxian pupil light moved and immediately said indifferently: “I understand Qin Nan’s plan now. He from the very beginning, maybe he didn’t think of being promoted to Heavenly Venerable.”

At this point, the other 4 Heavenly Venerable are startled.

“Under the sky, only Cang has the ability to find the existence of Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain.” Ye Zhaoxian’s eyes flashed: “If you can kill Cang, then Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is worry-free. By that time , Qin Nan can also choose next time, or next time, come again to promote Heavenly Venerable. “

At the same time, above the lake.

Cang noticed that he turned around and saw Qin Nan at the lake-side.

All I saw was that Qin Nan faintly smiled at him, breaking the Heavens Blade in his hands upwards.

“Let you wait long. I’m here to kill you.”

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