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“Is this congratulations that I have integrated the magic body?” Qin Nan said lightly, slowly stood up, all directions suddenly set off countless storms, and his chaotic aura instantly returned to normal.

“Knot … is it over?” 4 The devil Heavenly Venerable, Heavenless Demon Lord and the others were all shocked and couldn’t believe it.

The battle between Qin Nan and Huangfu Jue ended so soon?

This started with Qin Nan’s fusion of the dark golden skeleton, and it took less than ten breaths time Ah!

In their expectations, whether it is Qin Nan or Huangfu Jue, even if they have prepared a monstrous means, in order to win the other party, at least they must have more than 1 breaths!

In this way, they can better take advantage of the situation, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits Ah!

“You … Are you My Lord or …” Mo Xie was shaking, staring at Qin Nan.

“Since then, there is no Huangfu Jue in the world!” Qin Nan indifferently said, and immediately the whole body burst into a torrent of weather, and the light of Saint Demon behind it, simultaneously shone.

He took a step forward, punched out with a punch, and hit a unimaginable terrorist force, directly shaking the entire 4-brake magic array, shaking it violently.

5 pieces of Demonic Artifact in suspension, serving as the formation eye, were the first to withstand it and exploded into pieces.

Qin Nan is Half Step Eternal Inextinguishable Physique. Now he has smelted the magic body of Huangfu Jue. Although he still has time to fully grasp Huangfu Jue’s bones and the 9000 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth’s Mysterious runes, his current physiology has already been mastered. Tough to the point of being incomparable.

“Are … no more Huangfu Jue?” Mo Xie’s face turned pale after a while, and even his thinking was blank.

He already had a bad hunch, but in his deep in one’s heart, there is still a illusion of My Lord, pulling strongly against a crazy tide!

Today, the illusions are disillusioned, leaving only the cold reality!

My Lord, haven’t you said that you are setting a peerless situation? Didn’t you say that you are bound to return? You have never lied to anyone, why do you deceive me now?

Losing life is not terrifying. At this moment, the third person of Dignified All Immortals has lost the faith in his heart.

At the same time, the 4 devil Heavenly Venerable suddenly responded, his face sulking: “Okay, okay, okay! Qin Nan, we really scorn you! Didn’t expect, you can defeat Huangfu in such a short time Jue’s will! “

“But what then?”

“How powerful you are, after all, it’s just a little peak Ruler! Don’t fucking hold me up, now we’ll take everything from him!”

Under this roar, Heavenless Demon Lord, Kanler Ruler, and many other Powerhouses returned to their hearts immediately. Everyone’s eyes were bursting out of murderous aura.

That’s right!

The situation has not exceeded their control!

Qin Nan is just a little Ruler that’s all after all!


Led by the 4 demon Heavenly Venerable, the entire 4-brake magic array was immediately urged to erupt into a peerless divine power.

The scene of Qin Nan all around immediately changed completely and turned into an ancient Demon Domain.

In the blood-red sky, countless Demon God illusory shadows rushed out, each carrying heavens-frightening power, to kill him.

“Breaking Heavens Blade!” Qin Nan waved his arm and re-grabbed the familiar knife.

The blade trembled, and the long cry didn’t stop, it was extremely pleasant.

“It’s just a fantasy, it’s a break.” Qin Nan rose to the sky and waved his arm. The white and bright blade light reflected the entire sky, and the eyes of the Demon Gods seemed to be blade light. Blind, stunned, Ren Qi was chopped.

The picture broke instantly, Qin Nan didn’t care what the situation was like at all, Breaking Heavens Blade came out, turned into a peerless shock, directly penetrated the many murderous intentions of the formation, all penetrated and cut into the depths.


One corner of the entire 4-brake magic array was cut out with a huge gap.

Qin Nan stepped out of the trap, and no longer suffered any repression and ban.

“Not good!” 4 The Heavenly Venerable complexion changed and responded quickly.

The four-disc magic array, which he obtained from Azure Vault, has incredible formidable power.

The general formulation is difficult to move after to arrange, but under the guidance of the 4 devil Heavenly Venerable, the 4 brake magic array can be changed like a Magic Item at any time.

However, before he showed the power of the formula, his pupils shrank sharply.

Qin Nan’s speed was too fast, so fast that he almost couldn’t see it.

By the time he saw it, Qin Nan had come to Demon Dao Ruler, who had previously uttered words, carrying the light of Saint Demon and punching him.

“You—” The Demon Dao Ruler opened his eyes wide, his face full of fear, and had no time to react at all. The power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood directly turned his Demonic Artifact into the formation eye he was in. , And his flesh body was smashed, leaving nothing in the slightest.

“Although I am not Huangfu Jue, but Huangfu Jue has a relationship with me, you traitors, I will handle it with me.” Qin Nan coldly said, stunned, came to the wolves Ruler, punched and crushed Crush.

“4 Brake Dragon Sea!” 4 Devil Heavenly Venerable roared, countless demon dragons rushed up and rushed to Qin Nan.

Qin Nan doesn’t care about them at all, even if they collide, can his body be destroyed now?

Between light and flint, Qin Nan took a step forward and bombarded a Ruler with a punch.

He shook his body, drew a blade again, and cut another Ruler.

His eyes were like electricity, looking towards Heavenless Demon Lord, a great horror, which instantly surged in Heavenless Demon Lord, making his face change dramatically: “My Lord! No, Qin Nan, I–“

Qin Nan mercilessly cut through the delusion and killed the All Immortals Successor directly.

At this moment, the remaining Ruler Powerhouses, as well as the 4 devil Heavenly Venerable, their bodies became cold and their hearts filled with chill.

“You … how can you have such power?” 4 Devil Heavenly Venerable voice trembled.

He is Heavenly Venerable, or the leader among Heavenly Venerable!

Now that he has united so many Rulers, can’t he still stop Qin Nan’s power?

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