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After a few ten breaths, the white eyebrows old man seemed to gradually come back to his senses, his fatly smiled, and his body turned into a spot of light, scattered with the breeze.

His time is long gone, and he can think nothing.

Qin Nan at this moment is still looking at that mortal.

The mortal kept walking, he did nothing, on the verge of collapse, it would fall at any time, but it still didn’t fall.

He walked past the land, mountains, rivers, and rivers, and he passed Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter one after another.

Qin Nan wasn’t bored, he was more and more interested.

What kind of Divine Ability does the white eyebrows old man impart to him? What kind of will does this picture want to convey?

Qin Nan was very patient, and concentrated attention watched him go completely. He didn’t neglect every detail.

Year after year, 20 years passed in the picture.

The clothes of this mortal man had been torn and dirty, and his body was covered with wounds and blood stains, more than beggar than beggar.

Suddenly, Qin Nan Hitomi shrinks.

I just saw that the sky above the mortal tens of thousands of li suddenly turned into a dark, thunder light raging, rumbling, heavy rain, washing down, almost shattering the mortal’s body.


Suddenly, a sound of dragon howling resounded through the whole Heaven and Earth.

A giant dragon full of red gold rushed out of the thunder light, moving towards the mortal at an incredible speed.

This collision carried all the power of a dragon, and also gathered a majestic invisible trend, let alone a mortal, even a Divine Mountain can be broken by this giant dragon forcibly.

However, at this moment, the stubborn mortal man suddenly looked up and made a roar sound. While the giant dragon was about to hit him, he caught the bloody mouth of the giant dragon wide open like a The sacrificial bowl, with both hands bursting out of a Supreme power, tore it into the sky.

The clouds dissipated, the thunder light did not exist, and Heaven and Earth restored to sobriety and calmness.

The mortal body also completely cut off vitality and fell to the ground.

This scene, however, shocked Qin Nan’s face, almost unbelievable.

With his current strength, let alone the Golden Dragon by hand, even if it is the ultimate dragon, he can still tear by hand.

However, at that moment, he was extremely clear. Mortal is still a thorough mortal. His body is weak and he has no spiritual energy, even Body Tempering Realm 10-layer has not been achieved.

However, just such a mortal, he actually broke out of a boundless invisible force, tearing a dragon forcibly!

Although the mortal died in the end, who has ever seen a giant ant destroy a giant elephant with absolute power?

Even if this ant ant’s body was broken, he couldn’t shake the giant elephant Ding Dian in the end!

“What power is that?”

“How can a mortal have such power?”

Qin Nan was shocked.

Just then, the picture suddenly turned.

Qin Nan came to a training field. In front of him, there was a fairy mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the white eyebrows old man sat cross-legged, hunting clothes, expressionless.

“I used to have a question in my heart. What kind of technique is the most powerful technique? Some people say that there is no most powerful technique, only the most powerful person. I think it makes sense, but I don’t listen . “

“Some people say that the technique that suits you is the most powerful technique. I think it makes sense, but I don’t listen.”

“I just want to create a technique, one that can make all beings think this is the most powerful technique, no other technique can be compared!”

“I know that my ideas are ridiculous and unrealistic, but I still travel to All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and with many giants boiler tea and discuss the Dao, I have also broken into countless forces, and read Myriad all over the world. Laws. “

“I hid in the heart and deduced it again and again, whether or not it had results.”

“Of course, I didn’t succeed in the end.”

White eyebrows old man said here, expression becomes more and more serious, like a sword out of the sheath: “However, I created this great technique. Not to mention that the world is the strongest, at least after most people have learned it, it must be that The strongest technique most people have! “

A sense of domineering and self-confidence, moved towards Qin Nan assaults the senses, so Qin Nan suddenly appeared in his mind a single thought head, this white eyebrows old man, is indeed the great ancestor of the Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect.

Only such domineering can be exclusive to All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

“What is Bo Tian Da Shu?”

“I think the strongest technique requires only one move! This move is not tangible, but invisible.”

“You have a trick running all the time, but it is intangible, and no one can detect it, nor can it detect it. It keeps running, stacking, and accumulating.”

“If you have 100 years of accumulation, mortals can also killing God!”

In just a few words, it fell into Qin Nan’s ears.

At this moment, he more clearly realized the horror of Botian Dashu.

At this moment, he also understood why white eyebrows old man has such domineering and self-confidence!

If there is enough accumulation, mortals can also killing God!

So, what about the equivalent Boundary Cultivator?

They are already in the same Boundary, and there is not such a big gap. If they are playing Botian, can the other party stop them?

Or is Heavenly Venerable facing Supreme Heavenly Venerable?

Although the latter has crushing power over the former, the former has enough accumulation to fight Supreme Heavenly Venerable as well!

“Little friend, you are very lucky, since I created this technique, I have only passed on one person! Now, you are the second person I passed on!”

“But you have to remember, you can only pass one person in your life!”

“Although I am pursuing the strongest method, I don’t want to cause trouble to people!”

“I had a great curse long before I fell. Once you break this rule, no matter where you hide, no matter what cultivation level you are in, you will be cursed.

With that said, the look of the white eyebrows old man eased slightly.

“Next, I will pass on your great knowledge, you listen well.”

Qin Nan was shocked and immediately saluted, sitting cross-legged, abandoning all thoughts and entering a state of concentrated attention completely.

“What is invisible power? In fact, it does not exist, but it can have a great impact. The so-called potential cannot be counted as invisible. As a typical, it belongs to will. It is invisible but powerful. Except Beyond it, there is … “

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