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200th Chapter 55 First Conspiracy

No one had ever expected that, in an instant, it was a monstrous mutation.

The four auras of the Martial Grandmaster Realm almost broke the sky, and the many disciples on the White Jade Temple were suppressed almost instantaneously, and even a lot of disciples flew on the spot and vomited blood in their mouths.

Ouyang Jun was stiff, eyes looked at the four monstrous auras, and a horror erupted in his eyes.

He is like a cricket under these 4 monstrous auras.


Ouyang Jun’s heart has long been insane. He now has a single thought head, that is, killing Qin Nan. He is now carrying this dreadful pressure, his body quickly moves in, and a punch moved towards the back of Qin Nan.

His this fist contains the power of Martial King 1-layer, even if it is Qin Nan’s flesh body, if he is hit, he will undoubtedly die.


Just at this moment, the figures of Princess Miaomiao, Old Shan, and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect have already arrived, carrying their mighty power and suppressing them in one fell swoop!

“You Long crosses the sea shuttle!”

Ouyang Jun did not succeed in this blow, but he was not disappointed. Instead, he was full of madness and released a huge spike shuttle. The spike shuttle is blue, and the outer scales relax like a swordfish. , The aura that came out turned out to be a Half Step King Dao Item.

As soon as You Long crossed the sea shuttle, he immediately wrapped Ouyang Jun’s figure into a touch of blue glow, disappeared in place, and avoided the attacks of Princess Miaomiao.

“Not good !”

Princess Miaomiao 3 people, almost at the same time look changes, quickly turned around.

As they expected, a blue glow appeared, and Ouyang Jun’s figure actually appeared on Qin Nan’s Martial King inner core.

“What a vicious thief!”

Princess Miaomiao 3 people are even more angry. Didn’t expect this Ouyang Jun. From the beginning, his goal is not Qin Nan, but a Martial King inner core of Qin Nan.

At this moment, the 3 Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse shot again, and within 8 miles, Heaven and Earth roared.

“Three men show mercy!”

At this moment, Ouyang Ba’s voice was ringing. His body came across the air, and he ran across in front of the 3 people. From him, there was a monstrous golden light, which turned the 3 Martial The Grandmaster Powerhouse attack was completely blocked.


Princess Miaomiao 3 people eyes spitting fire.

This Ouyang Ba deliberately stood in front of them. Isn’t that creating an opportunity for Ouyang Jun.

Sure enough, Ouyang Jun’s figure came to the Martial King inner core. Without hesitation, he thundered with a punch.

“Qin Nan, be careful!” Princess Miaomiao 3 people simultaneously look changes, the body immediately launched a mighty might ability, moved towards that Ouyang Ba to kill.

How do you know that Ouyang Ba has a strength and bottomlessness. Although it only shows the cultivation level of the Martial Grandmaster Realm, it has reached the peak of the Martial Grandmaster. The bottom line is far different from ordinary people, almost equivalent to 4 Martial Grandmaster peak.

For a while, even Princess Miaomiao 3 was helpless and could only watch Ouyang Jun shoot.


Qin Nan at this moment, he came back to his senses long ago, and saw Ouyang Jun going to take a shot at his Martial King inner core. At the moment, with a sound of rage, he was so imposing that he reached the peak. .


Ouyang Jun expression changed, his body flashed quickly, as if the Great Peng spread his wings, and avoided immediately.


Qin Nan knew that he could not continue to fight with Ouyang Jun. He would quickly move the Martial King inner core, which was about to condense, into the body.

“Funny! Qin Nan, your Martial King inner core, destroy it!”

Ouyang Jun murderous aura turned up. He turned out to be ready for a long time, but saw that Yulong crossing the sea shuttle, suddenly shrinking, turned into a blue glow.

It turned out that the dragon traveling through the sea shuttle not only has a powerful speed and makes people escape, it also has an incomparable Murderous Force.


Qin Nan expression changed a lot, his body flashed quickly, but his speed, compared with this dragon traveling through the sea shuttle, there is a huge gap.

In the eyes of the audience, Qin Nan’s ancient Martial King inner core, forcibly, was hit directly by the blue glow!


Accompanied by a loud noise, it seemed like a giant mountain, strikes, and was broken.

That Martial King inner core, there were countless cracks, the aura was dim, it just had all the mighty power, it no longer existed, it was just a trace, and it was completely broken.


A painful scream sounded.

Martial King inner core was hit with such a terrible blow. Qin Nan ’s entire flesh body was naturally no exception. Her body was almost meridian, almost all simultaneously exploded, exploding countless blood, the majestic momentum, fell thousand zhang!

“Qin Nan!”

Princess Miaomiao’s expression freezes instantly. From her body, a heavens-frightening coercion instantly swells the entire Profound Spirit Sect.

At this moment, she just felt that her heart was slightly stabbed, with boundless anger, and from there, surged up!

“Old bastard, I fuck you!”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sect was also red-eyed at this time. Although he hated Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao’s angry look made him irresistible. At the moment roar towards the sky, the whole body turned into 狰狞 dragon’s head. , Huge tiger body, moved towards Ouyang Ba fiercely to kill.

“2 Please be angry …”

Ouyang Ba’s eyes were deep and unshakable. From within the body, continuously golden light poured out, standing together with Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, and made a loud noise.

“Ouyang Jun!”

The single first child’s face seemed to turn into an abyss, standing in the void, eyes locked on Ouyang Jun, a dreadful might, and killed across the air.


Ouyang Jun has just prepared to run the Yulong Crossing Sea Shuttle again, but I saw this horrible blow. At the moment, the hair stands on end, the scalp is numb, and the figure is locked. Come and kill.

If he was facing the interception of Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse just now, he is not afraid, but now Ouyang Ba is suppressed, he is exactly like a ant in front of Martial Grandmaster!

“father save me!”

Ouyang Jun made a scream.

Just at that moment, in the Headmaster Main Hall, a monstrous giant hand was suddenly stretched out, seizing the power of Old Shan on the spot, and then a sound like a Nine Heavens thunder blast sounded: “Enough!”

This sound seemed to have horror magic, making all around everything silent.

The next breath, several great halls away from Profound Spirit Sect several dozen li, several mountain peaks, almost all at the same time, simultaneously shattered, exploded into the sky, and sprayed infinite fragments.

shouting loudly, the world changes colors.

I saw the middle-aged Envoy of Azure Dragon Sacred Land stepping out of the Headmaster Main Hall, shouted sharply: “Stop it for me!”

Even Princess Miaomiao, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, and Old Shan, who were in anger, couldn’t help but simultaneously stiffen, stopping the killing in their hands.

Ouyang Ba’s eyes narrowed for a moment, as if smiling.

ps: the first more. What’s more, this chapter is to tell you that there are updates at 6 pm and 30 pm respectively. In addition, Yi Zhimei ’s “My Beauty Chairman” is doing an activity. After entering its book circle commentary, you can participate in lottery. There are 1000 places in total, and each place has 1 readers. Readers who do n’t read the cake, hurry up ~ secretly tell you that downloading “My Beautiful Chairman” and publishing book reviews will increase the winning rate ~

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