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Qin Nan 3 people browse slightly wrinkle.

Has someone been following the Great Saint Token?

That is to say, Dongyang was directed by others?

Dongyang is a descendant with a long first child. It’s not very bad at himself. He wants to give him a word …

“Sect Master Lineage or some descendant of Immortal Emperor?”

Qin Nan 3 thought of this.

“I can tell you, it is the descendant of Immortal Emperor.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor said with deep meaning, “And this time, the water is deep and the situation is complicated. You have got this Great Saint Token this time, maybe Not a good thing, but a bad thing. Would you like me to take out the Great Saint Token for you? “

Qingxiu boy snorted: “What about the descendants of Immortal Emperor?”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list is also completely fearless: “Immortal Emperor Senior, this does not need to bother you. No matter who he is, I have never given up the habit of giving things.”

Qin Nan’s heart moved, Asking Dao: “Immortal Emperor Senior, can you tell us where the Immortal Emperor descendant is?”

As soon as this word came out, the Qingxiu boy and Spirit of the celestial poles list were the eyes shines.


The opponent already has 2 Great Saint Tokens!

If you can find the descendant of Immortal Emperor, and then deal with him, how couldn’t it be that you can easily gather 3 Great Saint Tokens?

“You have the courage, but you still want to take the initiative to look for it.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor smirked and said, “It is not so troublesome, the other party must have understood what happened here. After you leave here, the other party must have a way to find you. . “

After speaking, Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor suddenly shots a finger, hit 3 immortal lights, and fell into the inside of the Qin Nan 3 people.

“Now that the Great Saint Token has been found, I can’t help you. These 3 strands of will may help you at a critical moment, it’s compensation for you.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor lightly said with a smile: “The descendants of Immortal Emperor are stronger than you think. You can’t belittle you here.”

Qin Nan 3 people simultaneously arched: “Thanks Senior.”

Subsequently, the three of them were not talking nonsense.

After thirty breaths, the Qin Nan 3 people appeared on a mountain peak, looking around all directions, they could only see the fiery clouds, and they could no longer see the inheritance land left by Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor, apparently being transmitted far away.

Suddenly, the Spirit of the celestial poles list frowned slightly and said, “It’s fast.”

He formed a magic seal with one hand, and then shot forward, a white light, printed into the void, slowly condensing into a vaguely long-haired young man.

“Under Zhang Bufan. I don’t know how to call it?” The long-haired young man looked at the Spirit of the celestial poles list with a flat tone and a kind of inherent pride.

He didn’t know yet that he passed a spiritual thought through the Great Saint Token of Spirit of the celestial poles list within the body, which has been used by Spirit of the celestial poles list, and now it is between Heaven and Earth.

In his current eyes, there is only Spirit of the celestial poles list.

“Just call me Elder Brother Tian.” The tone of Spirit of the celestial poles list is equally flat.

“Elder Brother Tian?” Zhang Bufan froze for a moment, feeling a little displeased. The Spirit of the celestial poles list wanted him to be called like this, and made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of him.

“If the fellow daoist refuses to say it, that’s all.” Zhang Bufan said: “I will not talk nonsense. We already have 2 Great Saint Tokens in our hands, which is worse than the Great Saint Tokens in the hands of fellow Daoists. As long as fellows daoist will give us this Great Saint Token. After opening Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect and real inheritance, in addition to Inheritance Palace, other refining Medicine Pavilion, Xianfa Building, etc., can let the Fellow daoist choose the 2 of them. How? ? “

Spirit of the celestial poles list smirked and said, “Are you a fool? I wo n’t talk about the 3 Great Saint Tokens, and you will get the real secrets of Great World Mountain. What ’s more, why do n’t you give me 2 Great Saint Token, except for Inheritance Palace, I’ll give you all the great halls? “

Qin Nan and Qingxiu also couldn’t help laughing.

This Zhang Bufan is really a good abacus.

In Zhang Bufan’s fuzzy eyes, two thunder lights emerged, and the sound became cold, saying, “Fellow daoist, this is not willing to give up the inheritance of Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect, want to compete with us?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list as it should be by rights nodded: “Of course, Great Saint Token chose me, that is, I have a fate with Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect inheritance, how can I just give up? In my opinion, we It’s better to join hands and turn on inheritance. By then, who can get inheritance depends on personal ability. “

Zhang Bufan sneered: “Fellow daoist thinks better. We already have 2 Great Saint Tokens, but you only have one piece of. How can we not’t it be lost together? Moreover, the Fellow Daoist really wants to fight us? Although The three of you have great battle strength and Heavenly Venerable to Dao Boundary, but do n’t forget, this is in the Great World Mountain, not elsewhere! “

“And let me tell you, many of the many geniuses who came to the Great World Mountain this time have been drawn to us by eight-nine. The Young Master and the others you see are really only part of it. “

The young boy twitched his lips and said: “God, you tell him, have you heard of a fairy ban called 9 Witch God Weep?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list is clear, very quietly say 9 Witch God Weep.

The thunder light of Zhang Bufan within both eyes suddenly rose and seemed to be angry.

Qin Nan and Spirit of the celestial poles list do not know the specific role of these 9 witch gods cry, but Zhang Bufan is very clear that this method is an absolute ban in ancient times, which can restrain the Great Saint Token and break it down.

According to Zhang Bufan, the Spirit of the celestial poles list is obviously threatening him!

“Very well, didn’t expect fellow daoist is still in control of antiquity!” Zhang Bufan pressed his anger and said, “In that case, please invite the fellow daoist to come to the balcony.”

After speaking, Zhang Bufan’s figure shattered and turned into countless light spots.

“The situation is not optimistic. Didn’t expect Zhang Bufan to invite most of the genius. It seems that he has been planning for a long time and has arranged various plans.” Spirit of the celestial poles list frowned.

Moreover, as the descendant of Immortal Emperor, Zhang Bufan must know more about Great World Mountain and Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect, like a tiger that has grown wings.

“What did he invite so many geniuses to do? Wasn’t he afraid that someone would enter the Inheritance Palace to compete with him? Or, would he be joined by many geniuses after he acquired inheritance?” Qin Nan Asking Dao.

“It is clear that Zhang Bufan dares to do so, and he is not afraid of someone coming to grab it. I estimate that it is necessary to have a Great Saint Token in order to be eligible for the true inheritance of the Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect.” Qing Xiu Jui thought for a while, and said: “Moreover, he invited so many geniuses to pass. The real purpose is not to gather many geniuses and win those Great Saint Tokens, but to form a big scene to promote Supreme Heavenly Venerable.”

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