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200th Chapter 51 Breakthrough Imminent

“Awesome, amazing, really amazing!”

“This child is not only arrogant in battle strength, but also terrifying in the war situation.”


In the Headmaster Main Hall, a group of Palace Lord giants couldn’t help but whispered. Qin Nan’s move just not only cheated the two supreme talents, but also all of them.

I do n’t know when it ’s started, while Ouyang Ba and Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy, while tasting, their eyes were actually looking towards White Jade Temple, their eyes were quiet and unchanged, as if they were an aloof and remote emperor, watching a group The ants are fighting.

On White Jade Temple.

Both Cao Fan and Li Qingyu were shocked, but their two people temperament were extraordinary, quickly came back to his senses, and looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, burning the flames.

This Qin Nan is really powerful, but the more powerful he is, the pride and enthusiasm in their hearts all boil!

“Qin Nan, you are strong, and among your peers, you are almost the strongest supreme talent I have ever encountered!” Cao Fan said, “That’s why, today I joined forces with Li Qingyu to perform the strongest blow To deal with you! “

Li Qingyu’s solemn expression was nodded.

To this day, their two people have joined forces to deal with Qin Nan.

Because the situation at hand is very obvious, if you are fighting alone, it must not be Qin Nan’s opponent. In this case, it is better to join forces with two people to see whether Qin Nan defeated their three people or whether Qin Nan was suppressed by their two people!

“Despite the horse coming over!”

Qin Nan’s eye pupil golden light is turbulent, black hair is dancing wildly, and the momentum is as rainbow.

The War Blood of him within the body is already burning!

“Martial Spirit!”

Cao Fan loudly roared. Behind him, ten yellow light swallowed, a ray of strange flames rising, the temperature around all, not at all increased, but it was strangely lowered, like a cold wind blowing .

“The fire burns the sky!”

I saw the demon fire Martial Spirit, suddenly screaming, with a tendency to burn the world, moved towards Qin Nan to suppress it.

All around disciple, all look changes, even if they are all around, they feel the power of this demon fire Martial Spirit, the body seems to be melted.

“Very powerful Martial Spirit!”

Qin Nan’s face also showed a hint of surprise. This demon fire Martial Spirit is probably more powerful than the original Martial Spirit of Wei Hao. Of course, this is mainly because Cao Fan’s cultivation level has now reached Martial King Peak, and he has a better understanding of the capabilities of it’s own Martial Spirit, and it is more powerful!

“Cao Fan, your demon fire Martial Spirit is really strong, but it’s a short shot to trap me!” Qin Nan loudly shouts, his figure, fled when the Martial Spirit surged down, fled, and will Avoiding it, with a strange gesture, moved towards Cao Fan’s figure, groping.

“Qin Nan, don’t ignore me!”

Li Qingyu beautiful eyes are like swords. Behind her figure, yellow light flashes, and a pink cloud hangs slowly.

“The falling cloud Martial Spirit, 9 9 changes, the falling cloud thousand zhang, the big cloud lock cage!”

With the shout of Li Qingyu, her pink cloud cluster, Martial Spirit, suddenly burst into pieces, and turned into 1000 10000 strands of cloud strips, which surged. When it rushed to Qin Nan all around, mutation Regenerate, just listen to the sound of a few crickets. The one after another cloud strip is like a steel sword, straight and sharp, and the strips are combined to form a huge cage, clasping Qin Nan, and covering 30 meters.


Li Qingyu screamed loudly. The cloud prison with a size of 30 meters was moved towards Qin Nan, squeezed continuously, and tightened quickly.

“Want to trap me?”

The fighting intent in Qin Nan’s eyes was agitated, his body was horizontal, and his punch was blown out on the spot!


With a loud noise, Qin Nan complexion towering changes, he only felt his fist, hitting a solid layer of Great Mountain, the other side did not move, the impact of the impact, but instead crashed into his within the body , Shocked his blood energy tumbled.

“I see how hard you are!”

The fighting intent in Qin Nan’s eyes was even more intense, his body turned into a squall, and one after another punched out!


One after another a scalp-tingling explosion sounded, and the whole cloud cell began to shake, but it was still completely motionless and kept tightening. As for Qin Nan’s body, he was hit by the shock of one after another , Making him aura extremely messy.


Qin Nan retreated, his ancient blade came out of the sheath, and the blade intent soared into the sky, but at this moment, the floating Martial Spirit floating in the sky suddenly floated above, spewing out countless flames, moved towards Qin Nan and drowned .

“Not good !”

Qin Nan complexion changed and immediately ran Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts, turning itself into a flame.

In an instant, Qin Nan’s figure was completely engulfed by this billowing fire.

Zi zi zi !

In the midst of this demon fire, Qin Nan was burned continuously, and the temperature of the whole person rose rapidly, and his skin became red. If it weren’t for his Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts, which is precisely the practice, I am afraid that this flame will be severely traumatized.

All around disciple, seeing this scene, all frightened, if I change to them, I am afraid that one of the Martial Spirits can’t bear it.

However, they knew very well that Qin Nan would be defeated.

At this moment, everyone in the Headmaster Main Hall saw this scene. Instead of being relaxed, his eyes were more dignified.

Even Zhao Fang didn’t attack.

This is because … Qin Nan has not yet performed it’s Martial Spirit!

Without knowing the capabilities of Qin Nan Martial Spirit, the outcome of this battle cannot be judged at all!

At this moment, White Jade Temple.

“Qin Nan, do you still release your Martial Spirit? If you are not releasing, you will be burned alive!” Cao Fan shouted loudly.

Li Qingyu frowned.

To this day, hasn’t Qin Nan released Martial Spirit?

In the cloud prison, in the sea of ​​monsters and fire, Qin Nan felt only endless heat, his skin began to get hot, and there was a sharp pain, which caused his forehead to jump blue.

Do you want to release Martial Spirit now?

Qin Nan’s eyes were so cold that he didn’t need to release Martial Spirit at all, because he could release the Heaven Gathering Strike to break the cage.

It’s just meaningless!

“No, not yet!”

“It’s not time to use my hole cards, I can still fight!”

“How can this prison be broken? How can this sea of ​​fire compete? There must be a way, there must be a way …”

Qin Nan’s brain works quickly.

In this tense situation, his entire body became extremely excited. He liked the feeling of being squeezed to the limit by battle strength. Only when he beat his opponent under this feeling would there be a real sweat. Dripping pleasure!

He now twisted a string in his brain, tightening tightly, getting more and more intense.

At this moment, the demon fire was burning more and more vigorously, Qin Nan’s skin had begun to rupture constantly, and the forceful flesh body began to incinerate!

It’s a little bit worse and I can persist!

It’s a little bit worse and I can persist!

Qin Nan seemed to have a voice roaring in his heart. He felt the threat of death. The sense of threat was getting stronger and stronger, but it was still a little bit worse than the last one.

All around disciple’s eyes started to change.

The expressions all of the major Sect Masters, Palace Lords, and Elders in the Headmaster Palace have also changed. Even the brows of Ouyang Ba and Azure Dragon Sacred Land Envoy are also slightly frowned.

“Not good !”

Cao Fan and Li Qingyu were shocked at the same time.

Because they felt that Qin Nan’s physique, at this time, was about to collapse and was about to be burned by this demon fire.


Life and Death Palace Palace Lord complexion changed, raise your palm now, ready to save people!

However, just at this time!

Under the burning of the infinite demon fire, the roar in Qin Nan’s heart became more and more intense, the raging temperature in all directions, the sign that his body was about to burn, and the meaning of death rising from the heart became stronger. , Even more ferocious.

It’s a little bit worse and I can persist!

It’s a little bit worse and I can persist!


Suddenly, the moment Qin Nan flesh body completely collapsed, the moment Qin Nan was about to release Martial Spirit, the inner core of his within the body suddenly trembled violently, releasing one after another brilliance, faint In between, it seems to break out of the shell, making that world power tremble.

Martial King Pill, actually motivated Wu King Tribulation at this moment!

ps: 7th, 3pm and 1 more!

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