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Qin Nan hearing this for a moment.

Wu Di asked this sentence, which is really weird.

In this sentence, a meaning is revealed, that is, Wu Di knows that one day in the future, he will be obtained by the Cultivator of a Great Upper Realm.


Suddenly, Divin light flashed in Qin Nan’s head, remembering a detail that he had always ignored.

Judging from the means revealed by Wu Di, the sacred place, Wu Di’s power is definitely above that of Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

In this case, why can Cang, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian compete for Wu Di after becoming Supreme Heavenly Venerable?

In the end, they also sealed Wu Di’s repression so that he finally got him cheap.

From the current situation, that is definitely an impossible thing.

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed, but he couldn’t think of an answer at all. He could only hold on for a while, probes asking: “Wu Di, how do you know that you will be obtained by the Great Upper Realm Cultivator? In this world, Cultivator can be obtained you?”

Wu Di hummed: “Brother Old Lin, it’s not me bragging. With the power of this Uncle, even if the emperor in that World comes down, it can only be served by me.”


His expression changes became miserable, and said: “Even though this Uncle is the number one in Azure Vault, after all, it is still under the rules set by the master of Azure Vault, and cannot be surpassed.”

“Not only this Uncle, but also the Eastern Bright Universe Chain, and all the treasures in this Azure Vault, they will be obtained by your Cultivator of the Great Upper Realm.”

“In the words of the owner of Azure Vault, that’s the destination person.”

Hearing these words, Qin Nan’s mind seemed to split a few fairy thunders, blasted away, and his heart shook.

He absolutely didn’t expect that in Azure Vault, there was such a heavens-frightening secret!

“So, all the Supreme Treasure in this Azure Vault seems to be the master of the Azure Vault of Mysterious, prepared for the Cultivator of the Great Upper Realm! But why do the master of the Azure Vault do this? “

Qin Nan took a deep breath.

If it were him, set up Azure Vault and other gods, and there were so many Supreme Treasures, there would be only two purposes.

First, for his oneself, leave inheritance, leave Successor.

Second, he wants to train a group of people so that they can grow up and use them later. Or maybe, to perform some kind of mission.

“From the current situation, the second point is very likely. No, no, if it is really the second point, why did he choose the Cultivator of the Great Upper Realm? The owner of the Azure Vault is obviously from another A World holds incredible power, and he can choose from that World. “

“If it’s a little bit, he can’t get around this doubt. Why doesn’t he pick Successor from that World? The martial arts level of that World is obviously stronger than the Great Upper Realm too …”

Qin Nan’s mind flashed one after another.

“Forget it, don’t want to.”

Qin Nan finally shook the head.

Lord of Azure Vault, what an amazing existence. Is his thought speculative?

“Hey, man, don’t be shocked when you patronize.” Wu Di with a sad face, sound transmission saying: “Hurry up and figure it out for me, who is my bastard! You think about this, Uncle, Azure Vault. , Crush the treasures, don’t be given by a bastard … “

Qin Nan’s face turned black, you are bastard!

“Wu Di, after you said that to me just now, I felt a weird feeling in my heart.” Qin Nan God Mysterious said secretly.

“Oh? Tell me.”

Qin Nan said, “I think … the one who got you, maybe me.”

Qin Nan tried to say it, and the result was unexpected, without causing the obstacle of Strength of Space-Time.

“Cut, it’s up to you?” Wu Di said contemptuously, and said, “Brother Old Lin, don’t say I look down on you, you are just Heavenly Venerable peak, just because you want to get this Uncle? This Uncle obstructs the rules, No matter how power is bound, that is at least Supreme Heavenly Venerable … “

Having said that, Wu Di suddenly responded, widening his eyes: “fuck! I forgot it, aren’t you heading to Huanghuangtai to strike Supreme Heavenly Venerable?”

Qin Nan is not working now, that does not mean that Qin Nan in the future will not be Ah!

Qin Nan couldn’t help but smile, and said, “How about? Wu Di, let me get you by then?”

Wu Di’s face changed for a while, and it seemed a little uncomfortable and a little unwilling, but in the end, he suddenly thought of something, laughed: “What you said makes sense, anyway, due to the rules, we will eventually be obtained by your Cultivator of the Great Upper Realm . At that time, it might as well let Brother Old Lin get it, anyway, I think your boy is more pleasing to the eye. “

Having said that, his smile grew richer, and said, “Brother Old Lin, even if you become Supreme Heavenly Venerable, it is extremely difficult to get the Sky Dragon Heavenly Seal. It is better that you promise me a few conditions, I Open a back door for you, what do you think? “

After speaking, he also added a sentence with great care and said, “Brother Old Lin, this is your peerless great good fortune. Looking at the entire Azure Vault, this Uncle is invincible, and even involved … anyway, got it Sky Dragon Heavenly Seal, your kid has a great future. “

Qin Nan’s lack of interest: “What conditions?”

Regardless of whether Wu Di can open the back door, eventually Sky Dragon Heavenly Seal is in his hands. This is an unchangeable fact.

Wu Di thought for a while, and then said, “I do n’t ask too much. The first point is that you and I do n’t distinguish between the master and the servant, and they intersect on an equal footing. The second point is that you ca n’t be pressed by rules. Let ’s go talk about people together. No. 2: Always be busy … ”

Qin Nan thought what the conditions were. As a result, the goods mentioned more than a dozen conditions, all of which were trivial matters. Immediately saying: “No problem!”

Wu Di is very excited: “That ’s all right! Hahaha, the old man must not have thought of it. Although I obeyed his rules, I can set a destination person in advance! Come on, Brother Old Lin, I ’ll be here in advance You within the body to arrange means! “

After saying this, Wu Di shoots a finger, an ancient light, broke into Qin Nan’s soul.

“Wu Di Old Brother, since the two of us will work together in the future, if there are some problems before that, please ask Old Brother to help solve them.” Qin Nan said.

He promised Wu Di to do just that.

Even the title was quietly changed to show closeness.

After all, he is still in this Great Upper Realm for decades. With Wu Di’s help, all the dangers in this Azure Vault would be gone for him.

At that time, maybe you can understand all the secrets in Azure Vault.

“No problem! By then, Old Brother, I will take you to Azure Vault …”

Wu Di waved a big hand, domineering side leakage.

Suddenly, he felt something, and raised his brow slightly: “Chuanghuangtai has arrived.”

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