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Chapter 240 6 Birthday Banquet

“The birthday party has begun?”

Qin Nan startled, then run War God’s Pupil, directly moved towards Sect to see.

I only heard a bang, a huge palace with a number of thousand zhang and a width of 600 zhang, rising slowly from the ground, shrouding a huge shadow, floating in mid-air, all around the palace, there were a number of 100 Dao Spirit Light, glorious!

Qin Nan saw it at a glance. In the depths of this huge palace, there is a humanoid Item’s Spirit, which is running hundreds of formations.

“I’m afraid this is the Headmaster Palace at the head of the 6 great hall, but it is a King Dao Item!” Qin Nan took a deep breath, and continued watching.

After the Headmaster Main Hall rose, from the main entrance of the great hall, 7 colorful rays of light suddenly sprayed out. These 7 colorful rays of light turned out to condense into the Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Platform, slowly dipped, and landed on the White Jade Temple.

This White Jade Temple has been transformed a long time ago. Next to it, there is a table for a birthday party. Each table is made of Swire Stars Stone. The seats are all 2 years old red wood. As for the table, There is one after another delicious food, such as 蛟 Dragon King bone soup, violent Ox King meat, etc., and dozens of bottles of wine, all of which are of extraordinary value, with a total of 1000 tables.

Apart from this, from the gate of Heaven’s Peak Mountain into the White Jade Temple, there are a total of 400 outer sect disciples, dressed in wedding robes, standing next to 2 to welcome guests.

“I’m afraid these 400 tables are for the seats of the disciple. As for the Headmaster Palace, only the distinguished one can enter.” Qin Nan secretly thought.

At this moment, a rushing sound of air broke out in the sky. I saw a dashing eyebrows middle-aged man stepping on a long sword with ten zhang feet, and the word aura evolved into a giant dragon dragon’s. head, teaching void, comes.

When the middle-aged man came to the White Jade Temple, step one stopped, the giant sword under his feet now turned into a red glow, which was ten times smaller, took off, and turned a sword flower in the sky, automatically inserted into the waist Scabbard.

“Zhao Fang, on behalf of Flying Sword Sect, wishing Ouyang Ba Sect Master a longevity!” Middle-aged man yelled loudly and resounded through the entire Sect.

Suddenly, countless people in Sect were all startled, and exclaimed one after another.

In the Headmaster Main Hall, the Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord came out and said with a smile aloud: “Welcome Zhao Fang Sect Master to our Profound Spirit Sect. Please enter the Headmaster Palace first, and taste a tune. , Drink some good wine, we Sect Master will come later. “

Zhao Fang expressionless’s nodded, pedaling in the void, ready to enter the Headmaster Main Hall.

“Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouse …” Qin Nan’s eyes were flashed. He used War God’s Pupil. It can be seen that Zhao Fang’s cultivation level is at Martial Grandmaster Realm peak.

Just then, all of a sudden, the sky in the distance resounded one after another, and the trembling void waved.

Then I saw 8 bulls with 4 horns, covered with green skin, and 8 feet long, pulling an azure light brilliant carriage, magnificent and turbulent, looming, and could hear the carriage In, there came one after another fairy sound.

“This is Four Horned Bull King? Which Sect’s Sect Master is it? Let 8-head Monster King pull the car for him …” Qin Nan took a deep breath.

The 8-headed Four Horned Bull King came to pull the car. This way, compared with Zhao Fang’s stepping on the sword, I don’t know how many times stronger. At least when viewed from afar, he will be shocked by the momentum of the 8-headed Monster King.

“Young Female Sect Sect Master Lin Xuan, congratulations to Ouyang Ba 40 on longevity!” A gentle and beautiful voice of a woman resounded, which once again triggered the astonishment of many characters of Profound Spirit Sect.

Qin Nan frowned slightly, he was quite familiar with this voice, and it was similar to the Nangong Rou on Autumn Mountain.

He didn’t think much, and continued to pay attention to this birthday party.

I saw Zhao Fang, who was about to step into the great hall, step one stopped, and looked back with a smile: “didn’t expect that you will come in person today, it really surprised this Zhao.”

“Why marvel? There are so many people here. If you want to tell the old, go in and tell.”

In that azure light carriage, it was no longer the gentle voice just now, but a bland female voice, and there was no emotion in the voice.

“No urgency, and Old Acquaintance is coming.” Zhao Fang laughed, and in his eyes, a layer of sword shadow flashed out, as if forming a pupil of the sword, looked towards the void.

His voice dropped less than 20 breaths, and the white clouds in the distance were suddenly red, as if the flames were burning fiercely.

A red-haired old man, wearing a dark red armor, step by step, every step he takes, the armor on his body will move with it, making a sound of Jin Ge symphony, the voice contains a magical power, Actually, like Monster Beast roar, baleful qi turns up.

The comer is Chaotic Flame Sect Sect Master, Wei Tong!

When Wei Tong came, he grinned, and said, “tsk tsk, my face is big, 2 Sect Masters actually waited for me!”

“You think too much,” said the female voice in the azure light carriage, and then the 8-headed Four Horned Bull King roared again and walked into the Headmaster Main Hall.

“You Old Monster, come and let her go.” Zhao Fang shook his head. “You temper, you have to change it.”

“Yi Di, your boy is very unconvinced.” Wei Tong rolled the eyes, without Sect Master style.

Then the two people looked at each other and laughed heartily. Without further comment, they walked into the Headmaster Main Hall.

At this moment, Profound Spirit Sect is going up and down, because of the arrival of the three major headmasters, it becomes very lively.

Inside Heaven’s Peak Mountain, Qin Nan frowned, saying: “Three Sect Masters have already appeared, Ouyang Ba hasn’t come yet?”

His doubts just said that the sky of Profound Spirit Sect suddenly appeared natural phenomena, endless golden light, like a giant screen, shrouded down, so that everything underneath fell into golden light World.

Then Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord was loudly shouted at this moment: “Welcome to Palace Lord, I wish Palace Lord 10000 to live forever!”

After she was first shouted, all the major Palace Lords, Elders, and so on in Profound Spirit Sect were all shouted at this time: “Congratulations to the Palace Lord, I wish the Palace Lord 10000 to live forever!”

10000 people spoke, their voices were loud and they almost pierced the sky.

Under the attention of 10000 people, the large area of ​​golden light in the sky suddenly slowly gathered, gradually condensing into a middle age person.

This middle age person, with a majestic appearance and sharp eyes, is full of a domineering temperament, which makes people feel like an emperor. When he looks away, he will be convinced.

He is Profound Spirit Sect Sect Master, Ouyang Ba!

“I’ll take a look at the cultivation level of this Ouyang Ba!”

Qin Nan, which is far from Heaven’s Peak Mountain, is running War God’s Pupil at the moment and is fully looking towards Ouyang Ba.

At this moment, Qin Nan only saw a magnificent golden light, which made him quite dazzling, and then a mysterious power suddenly burst out on Ouyang Ba. It was not just a kind of treasure, but forcibly blocked Qin Nan’s insight. .

“Eh?” Ouyang Ba in the sky, if you feel it, a pair of eyes, moved towards Heaven’s Peak Mountain.

For a while, Qin Nan only felt that a huge crisis was coming, making his pores upright and trembling.

The spiritual energy giant dragon that was entangled in his body was also awakened, roared, and spit out an ancient spiritual energy rays of light, covering the whole body of Qin Nan.

That terrible sense of death crisis quickly disappeared from Qin Nan.

“It’s miserable … I was almost found …” Qin Nan was sweating heavily, and within the body came a feeling of collapse after one after another. If it wasn’t for the spiritual energy giant dragon, his existence would have been Ouyang Ba. aware.

“Senior, many thanks you!” Qin Nan gasped for breath, he not only absorbed the huge amount of spiritual energy of spiritual energy giant dragon, but also saved it once.

“No … thing … you … small … heart … Ouyang … ba …” spiritual energy giant dragon seemed to be very weak at this moment. After he uttered this sentence, he fell asleep.

Qin Nan froze slightly.

Be careful of Ouyang Ba?

Why be careful of Ouyang Ba?

And the dazzling golden light just now, what is going on?

ps: 2rd more

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