You can search “Peerless Battle Spirit ” at 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Time passed, unconsciously, 5 years passed.

During this period, Cang, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, and Ye Zhaoxian made a simultaneously exit. Just like the trajectory of history, the 4 people completed their own Cultivation Technique and physiique, reached the peak they can reach now, and left the other Heavenly Venerable giants far behind.

Subsequently, the four giants started a big move, united ten major forces in one fell swoop, proclaiming Dao’s Title. Zhou Di got Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain and established Eternal Legion. Huangfu Jue exclusively owns a Small Immortal Territory under the pseudonym Demon Domain. Ye Zhaoxian retired to Azure Vault and no longer cares about the world.

Apart from this, there was a major event that shocked all Heavenly Venerable giants.

Mysterious Azure Vault suddenly has a peerless natural phenomenon. There is a Mysterious stone tablet coming from the depths of Azure Vault, swinging endless coercion, with the words All Immortals 2 written on it.

Suddenly, the 4 giants, and other giants, rushed to Azure Vault to explore.

Unlike the turmoil changes outside, Qin Nan and Chen Fenghuo sit silently across the sky under the snowflakes, seemingly falling asleep.

In fact, the hearts of the two people also set off a stormy sea.

In the past five years, the ideas of their two people, like 5 Dao Fire flames, constantly collided, splashed out countless sparks, and extended to countless Heaven and Earth principles.

There are times when the opinions are the same, and there are times when the ideas are in conflict.

However, they never tried to persuade others, but insisted on their own ideas, continued to deduce downwards, and then began to compare and overlap with each other’s ideas.

If at the beginning, there were countless dark roads in front of them.

Then in these 5 years, they are like two streams of light, passing across all roads at an amazing speed.

Until now, there was only one road before them, and at the end of the road, there was ten thousand zhang rays of light.

“I am the source, and I am also a Cultivator, so I am the Body of Source!”

“Source Strength is fundamentally different from pure Source Strength. They dominate itself, and Body of Source dominates you!”

“If history is used as an example, if the origin is to the extreme, it will be broken. In addition, the 10000 1000 rule will evolve All Heavens World!”

“Conversely, everything is born of the Great Upper Realm and the Inferior Lower Realm, and that cannot be separated from its origin!”

“Conversely, Source Strength can affect all rules!”

“Source Strength, with Source Strength, can be integrated into a side World at any time. Avatar is Heaven and Earth and is in charge of world’s strength.”

“Similarly, the Body of Source can affect the rules, everything.”

“It’s not a carrier, it’s a fusion of everything.”

“As big as Heaven and Earth, as small as a flower!”

At this moment, Qin Nan and Chen Fenghuo opened their eyes at the same time, and a new magic seal was formed on the left hand, with the index finger of the right hand as a pen, writing in that void.

A huge mysterious, immediately swept away to the four parties, stirring the sky snowflakes.

Throughout the book, one after another sounded a loud voice, echoing Heaven and Earth.

What is Cultivation Technique?

Cultivation Technique refers to the combination of one or more ideas and will in a substantive way, so that they can work.

Take the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Scripture as an example. Its philosophy is to combine the dome and the wasteland. The upper and lower two articles are aimed at the Vault Universe Meaning and the meaning of wasteland.

Through a special technique, you can master the Vault Universe Meaning by becoming the first chapter, and you can master the meaning of ridiculousness when you become the second chapter.

At the time of each Cultivator self-created Cultivation Technique, they have to do the reverse, first determine the outline, and then deduced the concepts and will of the two articles.

Then, combined with the process of deduction, we get a special method to put its ideas into practice.


After 3 hours, Qin Nan and Chen Fenghuo settled down the last one at the same time, forming the last magic seal.

The two people glanced at each other, and they both saw a strong surprise from the eyes of the other.

In the hearts of the two people, an unspeakable sense of achievement has also arisen!

5 years, countless deductions, completely laid the will and concept of the first chapter!

“Lin Brother, I think this first chapter is called All Heavens. What do you think?” Chen Fenghuo said with a smile.

“Body of Source is the best way to mobilize the power of All Heavens. It’s called All Heavens!” Qin Nan is satisfied with the nodded, and said, “However, I will turn the will of this first chapter into a specific method of expression. I I’m afraid we have to go there! “

Chen Fenghuo stretched out, said with a smile: “Our first chapter, but we need to mobilize the power of All Heavens. I see you, not just a trip, but the entire Thirty Three Heavens Small Immortal Territory. In the future, it ’s different for each Small Immortal Territory. In the future, a Small Immortal Territory ’s East and West, South and North, etc. are completely different. ”

Seeing what Qin Nan wanted to say, he hurriedly said, “I won’t go with you. The hardest part, I have already done it with you, and then I have to accompany the Taoist book.”

Qin Nan twitched his lips, saying: “Okay, then I’ll go by myself.”

“En? Zihao Senior is here? Let’s go out together.”

Two people quickly left the road book.

“How? Is the Cultivation Technique completed?” Zihao Heavenly Venerable saw two people and quickly opened the mouth to ask.

He came over this time and was shocked by the natural phenomenon that occurred.

“Senior, how can this Datong be accomplished so easily? We are only perfecting the first chapter now, and we have to go to every Small Immortal Territory. Otherwise, we cannot create it completely.” Chen Fenghuo Said.

“That is to say, have you already laid down the will? You just need to show it concretely?” Zihao Heavenly Venerable the eyes shines.


Zihao Heavenly Venerable hearing this laughed immediately: “hahaha, your 2 boys are doing a good job!”

It’s much simpler to use specific techniques!

“Senior, it’s not too late, I plan to leave the heavenly martial arts now.” Qin Nan immediately said.

“Well, then you go … wait, just said Huo Huo, do you want every Small Immortal Territory to take a trip?” Zihao Heavenly Venerable suddenly reacted.

“It’s true, what happened to Senior?”

What Ziho Heavenly Venerable thought, laughed: “Then you do me a favor, first go to 33 Small Immortal Territory, then go to 32 Small Immortal Territory. By the way, go to 32 Small Immortal Territory, remember to turn more in the Eastern Region One turn. “

“What is this?”

“Do n’t ask, then you will find a surprise scene! Oh, by the way, are you going to leave now? Among the 3 friends you brought last time, there is a little bastard named Ji Xuan The retreat is over, waiting for you at Heaven and Earth Wu Gong. “

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