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“Heaven and Earth blessing!”

With a big wave of Qin Nan, one after another invisible power immediately emerged from the sky above, constantly immersed in the Through Heavens Dao Tree, making the latter’s aura skyrocketing, climbing, and covering that Heavenly Venerable Tree.

“This should be no problem.”

Qin Nan secretly thought.

Of course, with the strength of Through Heavens Dao Tree, it will take a long time to win this Heavenly Venerable tree.

“Little Brother Lin, let’s refining the Heavenly Venerable Tree!”

Ji Xuan had already reacted, his face full of excitement.

This is the tree of Heavenly Venerable Ah!

If one is refining, to what extent will his battle strength soar?

Qin Nan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor glanced at each other, lightly said with a smile: “Okay, let’s try it.”

After that, Qin Nan moved towards a Heavenly Venerable tree and flew away.

As he expected, when he was close to the Heavenly Venerable tree and the hunted zhang, a terrible Strength of Space-Time shrouded his whole body, preventing him from moving at all.

“Little Brother Lin, why do you stop?” Ji Xuan was surprised.

“This Heavenly Venerable tree, I can’t refining it, it doesn’t suit me.” Qin Nan shook the head, said.

“Ji Xuan, this Heavenly Venerable tree is not suitable for me, please try it.” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor followed.

Ji Xuan froze for a while, only feeling that Qin Nan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor were a little strange.

These two guys, watching 2 Heavenly Venerable trees here, aren’t even bothered?

“Well, if you don’t go to me, you will remember to help me later.”

Ji Xuan was too lazy to ask, and rushed to the front of a Heavenly Venerable tree, showing a powerful method.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Venerable tree seemed to be stimulated in some way. Not only did it erupt, the countless branches and leaves were more like Divine Beating Whip, moved towards Ji Xuan madly removed, hiding the sky and covering the earth, densely packed.

“Fuck!” Ji Xuan immediately sweared. Wherever there were many on the tube, he ran away.

At his current cultivation level, if he was drawn by the Heavenly Venerable tree, he would be seriously injured if he died.

“What’s happening with this Heavenly Venerable tree? Why am I going to refining as if I went crazy?”

Ji Xuan said with some fear.

“Ji Xuan, just stop thinking about it. With your current cultivation level, even if I help you, you won’t win the Heavenly Venerable tree at all.”

Qin Nan watched for a while.

In the records of later generations, only Through Heavens Dao Tree refining two Heavenly Venerable trees alone, not at all news that others were refining, then Ji Xuan would definitely fail if he washed away like this.

“Well, since the tree of refining Heavenly Venerable is not good, then why not try to refining this golden land and dark blue lake together?”

Ji Xuan’s eyes rolled around and he quickly shifted his target.

This golden red land and dark blue lake exist more powerfully than the Heavenly Venerable Tree!

“Wait, let me feel it first.”

Qin Nan waved his hand and turned into a crystal, his powerful sense of perception, as if turned into a peerless net, penetrated downward.

After a few ten breaths passed, Qin Nan body towering trembled.

“We still don’t want to hit the lord intent in these two places, otherwise there is a great possibility that it will fall here!”

Qin Nan shook the head.

Just now, under his perception, he found that the golden red land and the source of the deep blue lake are gathered together. In other words, no matter which one is refining, actually two are equivalent to refining.

By that time, it will inevitably be counterattacked by the golden red land and the dark blue lake.

Judging by their current cultivation level, this counterforce cannot be carried at all, unless it is Qin Nan plus Cang and Zhou Di 4 who work together to deal with them.

“It’s been a long time, how did we couldn’t get it?” Ji Xuan was rather disappointed.

“Old season, when did you become so stupid?” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor ill-humored saying: “Do you think this is the end of this Mysterious land? You could it be that you forgot what happened here Did the big mutation cause the ten Heavenly Venerable trees to come back early? “

Ji Xuan expression startled, suddenly reacted, patted his head.

Just now he was staring at the Heavenly Venerable tree, the golden red land and the dark blue lake.

“Where do we go now? Should I count?”

Ji Xuan immediately asking, be eager to have a try.

“Don’t worry, let’s wait for Through Heavens Dao Tree Senior to stabilize the situation.”

Qin Nan waved.

Time passed little by little, and 3 hours passed quickly.

The confrontation between Through Heavens Dao Tree and Heavenly Venerable is still extremely fierce, but it can be seen from the exterior that Through Heavens Dao Tree has gradually begun to gain the upper hand, suppressing this Heavenly Venerable tree.

“Well, it should be almost the same.”

Seeing this, Qin Nan stood up, and then shots a finger, leaving a mark on the golden ground. He could also know if Through Heavens Dao Tree was in danger, and then rushed back.

“Lin little friend!” At this moment, the voice of Through Heavens Dao Tree rang in the ears of the three of them: “In the process of playing with the Heavenly Venerable tree just now, I found it all the time A force passed away to the east. I guess there is the secret of this mutation. “

It has no interest in the mutation of this Mysterious land. What it wants is to refining the 2 Heavenly Venerable Trees, that’s enough. So, it told Qin Nan the news.

Qin Nan 3 people the eyes shines, immediately fisting: “That’s more Thanks Senior.”

After speaking, the three of them flew out of the valley without stopping, and rushed to the east.

In their sight, this eastern part is still a vast golden land, not even the shadow of a mountain peak.

However, the three of them were not in a hurry, nor did they burst into full force, and always kept flying at that speed.

After about 2.5 minutes, a green appears in the sight of the 3 people.

“Ancient forest?”

The 3 people immediately speeded up, and the green was gradually enlarged in their eyes. After about the breath time, they finally saw the original appearance of the forest.

I just saw that the one after another ancient Boss tree, like the growth of 10000 years, is like a dragon-form trunk, which is extremely thick, and has extended countless branches and leaves, like a great ancient mountain Generally, it gives a huge sense of oppression.

In terms of appearance, these ancient Boss trees are similar to the Heavenly Venerable Tree and Through Heavens Dao Tree.

What’s more important is that each of the big trees here has a very magnificent and pure power. Even the strange flower weeds that grow next to these big trees contain a lot of The power of purity.

“These trees … Is it a dragon fairy tree?” Ji Xuan looked for a while, but finally came to be certain, his eyes began to look startled look.

The Dragon Fairy Tree is in the Great Upper Realm, which is a very scarce Ancient Immortal tree, each of which has amazing value and is extremely valuable. In ordinary times, it is difficult to see one or two in each auction room of the Great Upper Realm. Even if it is, it is probably only 2 years old.

However, these dragon and fairy trees in front of them have at least 100 to 1000, and from the aura emitted there, it seems that they have reached the level of 10000 years.

Also, don’t forget, this is just the most surrounding Ah of this ancient forest!

This kind of dragon and fairy tree has already grown in the most surrounding areas of the forest, then in the middle, even the deepest, what amazing heavenly material treasure will grow?

“We have come to a peerless place … Ah, no, no, it is hard to describe here with a peerless place!”

Ji Xuan was surprised, and his expression became extremely inspiring. Immediately without any hesitation, one palm hit the fire of one after another rule and began to refining a dragon and fairy tree.

If you just refining the most surrounding dragon and fairy trees, then the pure power you get will not be much worse than a Heavenly Venerable tree.


Ji Xuan soon found something wrong.

“Every dragon and fairy tree here has got the world’s strength blessing here, so that your refining speed is now at least dozens of times slower than usual.”

Qin Nan saw the clue at a glance.

If Ji Xuan’s cultivation level is used to refining a dragon and fairy tree normally, it only takes half an hour. Now, at least 20 hours.

“Refining is so slow? Is it OK for me to take them away?”

Ji Xuan’s brow frowned, and a rule hand evolved immediately, moved towards a dragon and fairy tree and captured by fiercely.

Unexpectedly, this dragon and fairy tree seemed to have survived from the ancient times, and a quite amazing martial arts trend broke out against the power of Ji Xuan.

In addition, several other nearby dragon and fairy trees have begun to move.

“Fuck, if you win a dragon and fairy tree, it will take a lot of time and effort.”

Ji Xuan swears.

“No wonder the Mysterious man said that we can stay here for the first half of the year. If we calculate carefully now, this half of the year is not much at all.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said.

With Ji Xuan’s current cultivation level, if you want to refining all the dragon and fairy trees here, it will take at least 3-5 years.

“Since time is limited, then we don’t have to stare at these peripheral things, we still have to go deeper and try to refining the best heavenly material treasure here.”

Qin Nan said.

Ji Xuan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor are both nodded.

“I first integrated into this Heaven and Earth, it will be easier to find, and it will be easier to find the mutation.”

After Qin Nan finished this sentence, his body became transparent, and the body of source’s ability began to operate.


Qin Nan’s eyes were surprised.

This piece of Heaven and Earth is even rejecting him, and it is extremely strong.

Even with his current ability, he cannot forcibly integrate into Heaven and Earth.

“Could it be that …”

Qin Nan had a certain premonition in his heart. While trying to mobilize the world’s strength here, he exuded his keen perception, and even released his spiritual thoughts.

He soon discovered that all three had been greatly suppressed, far less than the usual 3 5%.

Seeing his expression, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor and Ji Xuan had some speculation in their hearts, and they ran the pump technique to release spiritual thought.

Sure enough, they were also severely suppressed, even more so than Qin Nan.

“This Heaven and Earth is extraordinary. It should incorporate a lot of Source Strength.”

Qin Nan opened the mouth and said.

His Body of Source is a very wonderful being that can be integrated into any piece of Heaven and Earth. If you want to stop him, it must be integrated into other Source Strength.

“Well, let’s go straight in.”

Qin Nan 3 looked at each other, and at the same time nodded, flew into this ancient forest.

Although up to now, they have not encountered any danger in this piece of Mysterious Heaven and Earth, as long as they have not taken the initiative, but they dare not have any intention.

This horror here may even be the cause of the mutation of ten Heavenly Venerable trees. If there is any Murderous intention, it will be destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Time passed by bit by bit, three people kept moving forward, Ji Xuan’s exclaiming sounded from time to time.

After all, Qin Nan 3 people underestimated this ancient forest. Every time they went forward about ten thousand zhang, they found that the heavenly material treasure that grew out became more powerful, such as three nether spirit flower, broken Grass, emperor’s heavenly holy stone, Tongwu ancient tree, Lingyue creek and so on.

There are even many heavenly material treasures, which are completely extinct in the entire Great Upper Realm.

That’s it, 3 days and 3 nights passed.

Ji Xuan’s exclaiming voice also disappeared gradually, gradually turning into a state of sage, seeing that one after another heavenly material treasure, there was no fluctuation in my heart, and no feeling of heartache.

Soon, in his sight, a blue color lake with a size of approximately 30 li appeared in front of him, and white mist wafted on it. Every drop of the lake contained an incredible power of purity, and A big mysterious.

“Blue spirit jade immortal lake? According to rumors, after drinking the water of this lake, not only can the cultivation level be greatly improved, but also it has the ability similar to that of the closed book, which will pull you into an extremely mysterious state. It is very useful for self-created Cultivation Technique. “

Ji Xuan saw the origin of the lake and said, “I just heard the Master mention this lake. Didn’t expect it to really exist.”

Despite that, he had no idea inside.

The road ahead is still long, and the ghost knows how amazing heavenly material treasure is ahead.

Qin Nan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor are also a bit similar to Ji Xuan’s mentality, glanced briefly, and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, when Qin Nan passed by a small white flower, he stopped suddenly.

“what happened?”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor and Ji Xuan both open the mouth to ask.

Qin Nan did not look towards the small white flower, but frowned tightly, saying, “You reach out and try.”

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