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Rao is Qin Nan’s current cultivation level, and before he can respond, he is hit by this Mysterious force.

Later, he only felt that Heaven and Earth started to spin up, and after counting the breaths, he returned to calmness.


Qin Nan immediately discovered that he had come to another space.

The space here is extraordinarily desolate, and the 4 places are extremely dilapidated, as if there was a big war, even now you can feel the mighty battle aura.

Qin Nan looked up, the sky was blood red, and there was a blood-reeking qi in the air, and the blood moon in the sky outlined flashed with blood color.

This place should be an Ancient Battlefield!

“Didn’t expect, the place of Mysterious turned out to be something like Item’s Spirit.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart and immediately looked at 4 parties.

The meaning of the other party’s words is to evaluate them. Only after passing the assessment can they continue to stay in that area.

Since it is an assessment, there will be an assessment content.

“So, what’s the next assessment?”

Qin Nan frowned and looked around all around.

“En? So many dead bones!” Qin Nan looked away. The dead space suddenly filled with dead bones, and many of them were still blooming with a hint of golden light. He had reached Heavenly Venerable level before his death!

Among them are Monster Beast corpses. Just looking at these corpses Qin Nan can imagine the severity of the battle here.

“This Ancient Battlefield is not easy, no wonder there will be such a rich murderous aura!”

Qin Nan squinted his eyes, feeling Qin Nan’s guess when he felt the Murderous aura, but until now he didn’t know what the assessment was. At present, it seems that only these bones are the most suspicious!

“Roar roar roar!” At this moment, Qin Nan only heard countless heavens-frightening beast roars from the empty space, and the blood moon in the sky bloomed a blood light, shining on the Supreme Earth, those Monster Beast, which had been transformed into a corpse, stood up slowly, and a mighty spirit emerged spontaneously!

Qin Nan frowned, “could it be that this is the so-called trial? Is it too perverted? So many Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones!”

“Roar roar roar!” Was another even more angry beeping sound. All the Monster Beast bones were moved towards Qin Nan, which made Qin Nan feel numb.

Qin Nan felt strong fighting intent and killing intent on these Monster Beast corpses!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosions rang through the sky, and Monster Beast’s bones flashed from a distance at this moment, appearing more strange under the light of the blood moon, like the end of the day.

At this moment, the silhouette of Qin Nan looks particularly inconspicuous. The sky is completely obscured by the bones of Monster Beast. Even the blood moon cannot shine on Qin Nan.


Monster Beast’s corpse roared in unison, and the void in all directions carried the trembling roar of constant trembling, as if broken at any time.

At this moment, the whole battlefield shook with it, and accompanied by the sound of one after another screaming and shouting, as if the scene reappeared in front of Qin Nan.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Nan was surrounded by countless Monster Beast corpses, his hair was exploded immediately, and the alarm bell erupted in his heart. This assessment was really a headache!

“Xiu!” A gust of wind passed over Qin Nan’s head. Three huge bone-bone claws appeared in the sky, and the top of the head moved towards Qin Nan whistled, as if to shatter the void.

“Not good!” Instantly, Qin Nan fell into a passive state and was besieged by the bones of Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast. Rao Qin Nan did not dare to take it lightly.

“Swallow the sword!”

At a critical juncture, Qin Nan loudly shouted, endless power bursts with various will at the same time, condensed into a long knife, chopped off into the sky, with great momentum, heavens-frightening moving!

“Bang! Bang! Bang !!”

I only heard bursts of explosions, and the long swords formed by the countless Dao Intents collided with the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast in the air. They merely produced one after another dazzling fire, but did not stop their movements in the slightest.

“Rumbling!” The ground was accompanied by a violent sensation. Countless Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones moved towards Qin Nan, as if to be enveloped in this endless beast bone.

Qin Nan was suddenly in danger, and both the sky and the earth suffered from the enemy.

“No picture of gods!”

Qin Nan didn’t stop. Between the electric light and the flint, there will be no phase of the divine figure, one after another wonderful and complicated divine runes, just like grass and grass moved towards all directions, and in the blink of an eye there are several tens of thousands of li.

With the divine runes full of eyes, the major will burst out, which actually slowed the action of the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast stock a bit, Qin Nan should seize this opportunity to fight back!

“Resolve the danger in the air first!” Seeing the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast in the air getting closer and closer to him, Qin Nan’s figure also moved suddenly, and moved towards the palm of the void, without any suspense, and Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast’s bones collided, and with a sensation, the void trembled a bit, and the originally indestructible Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast’s bone actually broke.

Suddenly, a few treasure lights flashed, turned into one after another ancient heavenly material earthly treasure under the light of the blood moon, exuding endless treasure.

“After defeating these Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones, they turned into ancient heavenly material earthly treasure. This assessment is Interesting!”

Qin Nan’s eyes bloomed with a glimmer of light. He only needed to glance to know the ancient heavenly material earthly treasure transformed by the bones of Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast. It is not simple, but the best-quality in best-quality!

Qin Nan ’s fighting intent skyrocketed. Under the temptation of the ancient heavenly material earthly treasure, he was actively moved towards the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast in front of him. Instead of being passive, it ’s better to take the initiative!

“Rumbling!” Qin Nan pushed the amulet to the extreme, and all the truths of the Asking Dao Technique began to operate madly, and evolved many Divine Ability to unite.

However, relying on this alone, Qin Nan is not enough to deal with so many Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones in front of him. When Qin Nan ran to the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones, he also released Mind Strength and turned into a peerless streamer in the air. Cover all the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones in order to break the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bone’s offensive!

This is not over yet. Qin Nan’s pupils shot 4 of rays of light, taking a panoramic view of everything in front of him, and his shape turned into a flash of lightning. force.


I only heard countless explosions coming from the the sky, which lasted forever. In this space, it seemed to reappear the battle of the year. The void began to tremble continuously, and all existing rules began to vibrate. Fortunately, there was enough space here. Strange, not yet destroyed by this battle.

Even if the battle is so fierce, the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones standing on the ground are just shaking, not like the previous Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones, which have turned into ancient heavenly material earthly treasure.

“A bit troublesome! The Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bone here seems to be a lot stronger than before!”

Qin Nan frowns, but the attack on his hand did not stop.

“No! It’s not that they have become stronger, but that my strength has been suppressed!”

Qin Nan’s body was completely covered by Blood Moon at the moment, and a sense of oppression came from within the body, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Before, he felt that this blood month was not right, if it was consumed so much, it would be bad for Qin Nan.

“You have to solve the problem of Blood Moon before you clean up the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bone!”

Qin Nan Xinru Mirror, if he can’t solve the problem of blood moon, he will have to face this huge group of Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones.

Qin Nan’s hands condensed into a magic seal. Suddenly, there were countless clouds coming from nowhere, and these clouds were dragged by a force of Mysterious.

Under the night, the sky was red as blood stained, and a sound of Jin Ge iron horse echoed in Qin Nan’s ear.

“break for me !”

Qin Nan loudly shouted, the loud noise disappeared instantly.

As a result, the turbineoil changed, and the wind rose!

The Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast on the ground felt the strength of Mysterious, stopped the attack, raised his head and looked towards the sky, the scene seemed strange.

At this time, Qin Nan seemed to be transformed into the sky above, into this invisible wind, as if everywhere!

“En? Body Heaven and Earth? Interesting Little Brat!”

in the sky The Mysterious voice sounded again, with a slight surprise in his words.

“Heaven and Earth prison!”

Just then, Qin Nan illusory’s voice echoed throughout Heaven and Earth, enduring.

In an instant, the sky was dim and there was no trace of rays of light. All Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast made a low and disturbing roar in the bones and throats.

At the next moment, the void in the square several tens of thousands of li actually produced a trace of cracks. A trace of Chaos Energy was generated from the cracks, and instantly formed a huge circle of chaos.

This is not over yet, all the chaos circles have started to continuously twist, condensing into a huge death knot in each and everyone in the sky, in the sky has also reduced one after another vast power, turned into countless soldiers, fire rune, Lei Fu waited on the huge knot of each and everyone.

The feeling of depression in Qin Nan within the body disappeared instantly, Blood Moon was completely covered by his Heaven and Earth prison, and the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bone was the trapped beast in this cage.

This is the World that belongs to Qin Nan. He is this day and this place!

This kind of thing can only be done by Qin Nan who owns the Body of Source, of course, provided that there is no interference from this piece of Heaven and Earth spiritual wisdom.

“Heaven and Earth burial!”

Qin Nan didn’t delay, loudly shouted, saying what he said.

The words fell, and endless thunderbolt, ice, snow, and flames emerged from the endless dark void. One after another crack appeared in the dilapidated battlefield, and countless gravel shot out from it. Turned into one after another sharp glow, moved towards countless Heavenly Venerable Monster Beasts.

“Rumbling!” Under the cutting of the gravel sharp glow, the original dark and empty space flashed a burst of firelight, which looked particularly dazzling.

At the same time, in every inch of the sky, countless sharp glows flew out, like a tornado sweeping in.

Murderous aura expands without risk, no place is safe.

“Roar! Roar! Roar!” A wailing beast sounded between Between Heaven and Earth, especially harsh.

the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, the beast sounds stop, the clouds and mists are removed, and the sky is red again, but the Heavenly Venerable Monster Beast bones have completely disappeared, each and everyone is transformed into the ancient heavenly material earthly treasure.

The ancient heavenly material earthly treasure is fused with the bones of the earth in one piece of children, and it really looks incomparable.

Qin Nan next moment is ready to start refining the ancient heavenly material earthly treasure, so many heavenly material earthly treasures are really rarely seen, and the aura alone is enough to seduce.

But at this moment, Qin Nan’s mind reappeared that Mysterious and desolate voice.

“Junior! Do you actually have a Body of Source?”

Qin Nan was not surprised by this. After all, spiritual wisdom is the real master of this space. Qin Nan’s performance just now can’t escape his eyes.

“It’s rare to meet someone who owns a Body of Source. In that case … then it will be more difficult to assess!”

A thunderous voice echoed in Qin Nan’s ears, which actually made Qin Nan completely unprepared.

“What? We need to make the assessment more difficult?”

Qin Nan expression startled, this spiritual wisdom seems a bit pit!

“Give you an hour to refining these ancient heavenly material earthly treasures, and next … you will face ten peak Heavenly Venerable!”

“Not Heavenly Venerable but better than Heavenly Venerable, interesting, haha ​​…”

Spiritual wisdom is extremely overbearing. He is the Ruler of this space. He doesn’t care about Qin Nan’s feelings at all. He is willing to do whatever he wants.

“What? Ten peak Heavenly Venerable?”

Qin Nan’s countless fuck your mother is rushing, shouldn’t this be too bad? He has n’t broken through Heavenly Venerable yet, let him one-time face ten Peak Heavenly Venerable, and only give him one hour to refining these heavenly material earthly treasure?

“No time to delay, you have to refining these ancient heavenly material earthly treasures!”

There was a sense of urgency in Qin Nan’s heart, and he didn’t feel that spiritual wisdom was just joking with him.

Qin Nan stabilized his mind and picked up the nearest Dharma that exudes the Supreme Law aura.

“Just start refining from these 10000 Dao results!”

Qin Nan sat cross-legged and swallowed 10000 fruit on his stomach.


After swallowing 10000 Dao Qin Nan, Qin Nan only felt a shock from within the body, a warm current struck, and the amazing Taoist method aura moved towards 4 Fang Yang opened.

One after another, the complex Dao Lines gradually began to spread on Qin Nan, and a moment of horrific coercion raged across all directions.

Hong long!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Nan bloomed a great light, as dazzling as stars, and the two were instantly compatible.

When Qin Nan opened her eyes again, her eyes bloomed, her eyes became sharper, and her understanding of the Dafa became a little deeper.

“Simply refining 10000 Dao fruit so fast? Do I have more time for him?”

refining 10000 Dao Qin Nan just took less than ten breaths. The whole process is as usual. This speed is spiritual wisdom and I am slightly surprised.

Spiritual wisdom even regrets that Qin Nan should not be given so much time, but since he has already said it, he will naturally not regret it.

If Qin Nan knows Dao Spirit’s thoughts, I don’t know if he will ‘greet’ spiritual wisdom.

In the following time, Qin Nan did not have any delay in refining these heavenly material earthly treasures. During this period, he did not stop to take a breath, and it took less than ten breaths to refining each heavenly material earthly treasure.

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