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Chapter 240 3 Magic Pupil


In Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, an explosion “hong” suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s azure color eyeballs became brilliant golden and rays of light 4 overflowed. Not only that, Qin Nan’s left eye seemed to cross the endless void and saw a boundless darkness.

In the boundless darkness, a bright ball of ovals hovered quietly.

“what is this?”

Qin Nan’s heart was fiercely shocked. He could feel that this light was bright and extremely vast. Simply was a party to the World and also had a very Mysterious connection with his War God left pupil.

Oh la la !

It was like the sound of a slap of the waves. From the oval light group, a dark azure color aura suddenly floated across the endless Space-Time, slowly swinging into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Nan In.


Qin Nan’s mind-long Spiritual Consciousness clearing pool suddenly skyrocketed and expanded by a full ten times, and this clear pond became hazy and filled with the ancient Aura.

“My Spiritual Consciousness …”

Qin Nan froze for a moment, immediately realizing that his left eye communicated the Mysterious World, and a ray of aura ingested had heaven-defying effect on his Spiritual Consciousness.

“Continue ingesting!”

Qin Nan was in a state of excitement, running the left pupil at the moment, and continued to move towards the oval light in the endless darkness.

It’s just this time, Mysterious World in the dark, nothing happens at all.


Qin Nan frowned, hasn’t waited for him to ponder the reason, the might ability of his left eye seems to dissipate, and the world’s picture gradually blurs until it disappears completely.

“Strange, it’s really weird.” Qin Nan settled his mind, secretly thought: “It seems that this time War God’s Spirit promotion, War God’s left eye has awakened another ability. But there are some rules of change in it, I still can’t understand, But after waiting, I can definitely communicate with that Mysterious World again! “

Just just ingesting a ray of aura from it can make his Spiritual Consciousness soar tenfold. What if he ingested ten ray, the hunted wisps?

Just thinking about it makes people enthusiastic.

“I don’t have much time left now. If I want to shine on the birthday party ten days later, I must hurry up cultivation!”

Qin Nan secretly thought, when he jumped into shape, he fell on the spiritual energy giant dragon’s head and sat cross-legged.

The whole spiritual energy giant dragon seemed to feel something, his body flickered slightly, and then he returned to calmness and his breathing was undulating.

“Clean Heart Washing Demons Arts, Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts, I doing two things at the same time, and thoroughly comprehend the two Cultivation Techniques first.” Qin Nan opened the two Cultivation Techniques at the same time, ready to read.

At this moment, his left pupil, a sudden golden light burst.

“this is……”

Qin Nan hasn’t responded yet, just feels that all the profound mystery of the 2 Cultivation Techniques are under his left eye, all insights.

“Fuck!!” Qin Nan this time, couldn’t help but swear, “This left pupil might ability is a pervert! At a glance, you can actually gain insight into the founder mystery of Cultivation Technique!”

War God left pupil, not only can release the coercion of War God, but also communicate Swire Mysterious World, and now has an insight into the effectiveness of martial skills.

Dare to ask what can be compared with this world?

In this short time of less than 30 breaths, many of the proven mystery of the 2 Cultivation Techniques were all mastered by Qin Nan and memorized.

“With War God left pupil, sure enough the results for half the effort! Then start practicing these 2 Cultivation Techniques!” Qin Nan gradually converged on the shaking mind and entered the state of doing two things at the same time, Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts runs inside the physique, and Clean Heart Washing Demons Arts runs inside the Spiritual Consciousness of the brain. It looks like a tadpole, and keeps circulating according to the order.

Snoring! Snoring!

At this moment, Qin Nan’s whole body looked like a stove, counting 10000 pores. It was simultaneously relaxed, emitting a boundless heat wave, like a giant gasp.

Among his Spiritual Consciousness, there are fairy sounds, sometimes gentle and soft, sometimes killing monstrous.

Time passed slowly, and after 3 hours passed.

Qin Nan’s within the body, each meridian, has a flame that flows away from the body and emits a billowing heat wave.

Today, his Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts has been initially-stage small accomplishment, running, bathing in flames, and can borrow the supreme strength of yang, blessing itself, formidable power terrifying from the sky. However, Qin Nan has a long way to go before Ardent Sun Golden Armor Physique Arts practice is successful. If this door is a big accomplishment, it can turn it into Sun’s Fire, condense Sun Golden Armor, and burn it. The sea is all right.

At the same time, the Clean Heart Washing Demons Arts in his mind had already been formed.

I saw in his Ten zhang-long Sea of ​​Consciousness, monster Beast illusory shadows such as fish, dragon, and phoenix faintly faint. These Monster Beasts sang continuously, every sound, innocent and stable.

“Hu, War God’s Spirit has been upgraded to Xuan level 8-Rank, and it is really powerful. In just 3 hours, you can bring 2 Cultivation Techniques to this step!”

Qin Nan exhaled a long breath, then looked down at the spiritual energy giant dragon at his feet, his eyes flashed: “Let ’s take a look now, I will urge the War God’s Spirit with all my strength, and with this Dragon Vein spiritual energy, see See if you can … impact Martial King! “

He tone barely fell, without delay, War God’s Spirit levitated, and battle strength burst into endless suction on the spiritual energy giant dragon’s head.

What unexpected to Qin Nan was that his small move caused a terrible change!



Inside Life and Death Palace.

Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord’s complexion is a bit iron-colored. She is different from others. There are too many treasures in her body. Now brace oneself said, “Can you …”

“Fuck! You old witch, dare to resist?” Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord didn’t finish the words yet, while the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect suddenly opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and issued a heavens-frightening action Roar of the ground.

Under the command of Princess Miaomiao, the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect is now very excited, and it feels that such things as ransacking are really wonderful. That’s why, when he heard that Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord wanted to speak, he was furious.

Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord was screamed directly. Where can I dare to have other ideas? At this moment, I was very embarrassed and took out the Storage Bag and handed it to Princess Miaomiao.


Princess Miaomiao swept away the treasure in the Storage Bag, and the beautiful eyes instantly brightened, and her small face was very satisfied: “Nice and pretty, I didn’t see it, you old lady is rich and oily! Well, from now on, this Princess Cover you! “

“Many thanks princess …” Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord was about to cry.

Treasure was ransacked, and she ended up thanking each other?

At this moment, the thousands of Life and Death Palace all directions on the sidelines, under the roar of the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, discipline, Elder, and the giants each formed a line.

Everyone honestly stepped forward and paid treasure one after another, just like entering the city and paying the entrance fee.

However, they have no other choice. Now that Sect Master Lineage is thousand zhang, Supreme Elder Lineage is completely dominated. No one can stop their sharp glow.


Suddenly, a terrifying blast sounded throughout Profound Spirit Sect.

All disciple and Elder stayed together for a while, completely unaware of what happened.

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect and Princess Miaomiao expression changed slightly, looked up, moved towards that Heaven’s Peak Mountain, and looked at them, and at the same time, they two people stayed at the same time.

“How could this …”

PS: I stayed up all night and watched Huayan, this is the 9th more.

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