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Qin Nan then spoke about his situation.

However, with regard to Yinyue Chuan Gong, the change of the closure book to Item’s Spirit, the cultivation on the Celestial pole list Source Strength, and so on, the Celestial pole list has warned him severely and must not disclose it to anyone, so he Can only change a set of words.

The idea is that, because of his martial arts natural talent, coupled with fate, he got a general outline of a Senior who stayed in the martial arts self-created Cultivation Technique.

It took him more than 20 years of retreat to practice this master plan.

Then, just this news shocked Ji Xuan, Gu Fe, and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, and came back to his senses after half a ring, and let Qin Nan show the Cultivation Technique.

In desperation, Qin Nan can only show his hand and completely calm down the three people, and the matter is not revealed.

Time passed by little by little, and soon came to the last day of Heavenly Saint Calendar 2 1000 and 30 years. Ten Heavenly Venerable trees appeared, and only the last day was left.

In the meantime, Qin Nan and the others went all out to reach the depths of the Heavenly Venerable battlefield.

Apart from this, it is also worth mentioning that, on the way, Qin Nan, through the mouth of Ji Xuan, learned a lot about the ten Heavenly Venerable trees.

Qin Nan had always thought that ten Heavenly Venerable trees were growing somewhere on the Heavenly Venerable battlefield, and they would only bloom and bear fruit every 30 years.

But in reality, this is not the case.

The ten Heavenly Venerable trees do not exist anywhere in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield under normal circumstances. Only every 30 years, they will evolve from the underworld and descend on the Heavenly Venerable Deep in the battlefield, until the Cultivators picked ten Heavenly Venerable fruits, they would disappear again and disappear.

Until now, many Powerhouses in Great Upper Realm want to figure out where the ten Heavenly Venerable trees grow in general time. They think that once this is figured out, other secrets about the ten Heavenly Venerable Trees will surely be solved.

For example, how were the ten Heavenly Venerable trees born, and why did they gather the fruits of Heavenly Venerable.

Unfortunately, over the years, Powerhouses have used various methods and still have not captured a trace.

Time continues to pass, 2 hours later.


Suddenly, the expressions all of Qin Nan’s 4 people was a moment.

They felt it almost at the same time, and at the end of the front, there was one after another non-trivial aura, rushing into the clouds. Each aura is completely different, some people feel overbearing, some people feel cold, and some people feel extremely shy.

A rough estimate is that there are at least 1000 tracks.

“That should be the place of the Holy Change.”

Ji Xuan said, his expression faintly excited.

The so-called place of change is the place where each of the ten Heavenly Venerable trees appears.

As everyone knows, the Heavenly Venerable battlefield is the extreme north land located in the first Small Immortal Territory. Coincidentally, the place where each of the ten Heavenly Venerable trees appears is also the extreme north of the Heavenly Venerable battlefield. It has never changed since ancient times.

In the eyes of Qin Nan, rays of light flashes, when aura is about to converge, speed up.

But after a while, they came to the top of a Great Mountain and showed the whole picture of the Holy Land.

“Guy …”

Rao is Gu Fe. For more than 20 years, he has gone through many big scenes. When he saw the situation in front of him, he couldn’t help but stunned and received a lot of shock.

I only saw that in front of them was an extremely vast plain, covered with various large and small cracks, and one after another strange flower was growing. Among many voids, one after Another Wu Dao intent that has not yet dissipated.

Not only that, everything in this plain is different from other places in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield.

After all, this place, every 30 years, will be subjected to a baptism of a world war. The original various rules have long been shattered by the impact.

But this is not important.

The important thing is that on this plain, there are a few thousand Cultivators!

Some in groups of three or four, surrounded together, and some alone occupy a place without saying a word.

Although most of the Cultivators present were communicating with each other through spiritual thought, and only a small number of people spoke directly, it still made people feel heated and extremely hot.

Moreover, most of the Cultivator here are the existence of Ruler big accomplishment and Ruler peak. Hall Lord ’s initial-stage cultivation level is placed in this place, which is already called as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. It is extremely ugly to see one.

“This is the Great Upper Realm at antiquity time.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor murmured.

He was hit even harder than Gu Fe.

In their later generations, the entire Ruler Powerhouse of the Great Upper Realm will only add up to a few dozen.

But at the moment, there are a few thousand, not including some that have not yet arrived.

Prosperity and decay, the meaning of these two words, is very obvious at this moment.

“It was really right to choose Soul to go back to ancient times.”

Qin Nan watched this scene, his long-lost blood began to flow.

Perhaps because of the Space-Time rule, he may not be able to show everything in this event, and he may not be the most eye-catching person in it. However, being able to participate in this grand event is enough.

“It’s almost time now, they should all …”

A thought flashed through Qin Nan’s mind, turning his imaginary pupil into a flash, passing at the speed of this numerous Cultivator.

Suddenly, he stared.

His heart was pounding.

He saw two young people sitting on a blanket of Heavenly Venerable coercion. In front of each other, they were full of delicious food, holding a bottle of immortal wine in their hands, drinking and eating, Talking and laughing, compared to their other Cultivators, seemed out of place and quite casual.

One of the young people, despite the expression between the eyebrows and the aura emanating from him, was very different from what Qin Nan would see in later generations, but Qin Nan still recognized him.

All Immortals Number One Person in the future, Bai Zongsheng.

This person is Bai Zongsheng, then the young man who drinks with him, and the familiar feeling that the young man brought to Qin Nan, obviously he is …

One of the next 4 Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Eternal Heavenly Venerable, Zhou Di!

Qin Nan’s eyes were a little complicated, and I didn’t know how to describe them.

Although Huangfu Jue is also his previous life, when he met Huangfu Jue, compared with Zhou Di now, he felt completely different.

There was a weirdness, a sorrow, and an inexplicable warmth.

Qin Nan took a breath, calmed his mind, and continued to glance towards the 4th party.

“Huangfu Jue and Xinruo Ruler have arrived?”

Soon, he saw 2 familiar silhouettes.

Moreover, he was keenly aware that the Aura emanating from the two people had not changed in more than 20 years, and Heaven and Earth turning upside down had changed. Obviously, there was an extremely large breakthrough.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s pupils shrank slightly, and a murderous aura came out from her body.

He saw a young man in a white robe, white jade, and a smile on his lips.

This young man is completely different from Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, and Ruoer 3. In the vicinity of the latter 3, there is basically a considerable empty space, without any Cultivator approaching. However, around this young man, there are dozens of Cultivators around, talking and laughing with each other, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

This young man, Qin Nan, has never seen it, and everything in appearance is quite strange.

However, the aura from this youth, Qin Nan, is no longer familiar.

One of the next 4 Supreme Heavenly Venerables, Cang!

“Little Brother Lin? What’s wrong? Is there an enemy?”

Ji Xuan cannot bear ask, he followed Qin Nan’s eyes, and Hitomi could not help but shrink.


Qin Nan shook the head.

“In retrospect, it seems that Cang has not completely created Heavenly Emperor Arts.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Unfortunately, he can’t rebel against Space-Time now, seize this great opportunity and kill Cang here.

Then Qin Nan’s gaze continued.

However, he did not see Ye Zhaoxian and the Through Heavens Dao Tree, which is about to make its appearance on this Heavenly Venerable battlefield.

It may be that they have not yet come, or it may be that they are now, and they know that there is a big gap between them and later generations Qin Nan.

“Little Brother Lin, do n’t just stare at them. In the 20 years of your retreat, this Great Upper Realm has appeared a lot of geniuses. Just entering the top 150 of the Celestial pole list, there are 6 Many. “

Ji Xuan calmed down and said.

“There are 6 people?”

Qin Nan was surprised.

Enter the top 150 of the Celestial pole list, which means that you can smash the Heavenly Venerable giant with the Boundary of Ruler peak.

“That’s it! Look at the one who is wearing a red dress and has a very good figure. Her name is Yan Junqing, who is the first direct disciple disciple of Tianfang Dao Lineage, and the daughter of Tianfang Dao Lineage’s Headmaster. 100th 47th on pole list. “

“About a month ago, this woman fought against a giant from Heavenly Venerable initial-stage and defeated it. Moreover, I also heard that Tianfang Dao Lineage tried to protect her as Heavenly Venerable, all the rulers of Dao Lineage’s Ruler Powerhouse will give up this opportunity and go all out to assist her. “

“Also, on that side, a boy with a pale face wearing a gray robe. His name is Yin Fanghan, which is the young head of the clan of the Tianyin tribe, one of the ancient 100 Ancient Clans. One of the top Heavenly Venerable giants, Jiu Yin Heavenly Venerable. This child is amazing, on the Celestial pole list, it ranks 100th and 32nd. “

“About 3 years ago, when Gu Fe and I accompanied Bright Beginning Old Ancestor to find an opportunity, I met him and played against him. Fortunately, we ran fast enough or we had to plant He’s on his hands. Fuck, it’s a bit angry when he mentions it, this kid is a bit mad, if you have a chance, you have to teach him well …

“You see, that short-haired middle-aged man, whose name is Luo Zhenhou, is a loose cultivator. However, this guy was very lucky. 20 years ago, he got a complete Heavenly Venerable inheritance. Since then, it has skyrocketed, ranking 100th and 42th on the Celestial pole list … “

Obviously Ji Xuan worked hard. The top 2 100 Ruler Powerhouses on the Celestial pole list knew everything, and each and everyone pointed out Qin Nan.

Zhan Hao, 7 solution Dao Lineage First Direct Disciple disciple, ranked 100th 39th on the Celestial pole list.

Lin Suyi, an exquisite Ancient Clan number one genius, one of the top 100 Ancient Clan, ranked 100th 37th on the Celestial pole list.

The invisible old man, a Mysterious loose cultivator, has an unknown identity background and rarely takes any shots. He ranks 100th and 30th on the Celestial pole list. The real strength may be much better than this.

Apart from this, there are many Ruler Powerhouses from 150th to 2th.

Qin Nan had a blank period of twenty six years, so he listened extremely carefully, and secretly used the pump technique to observe everyone proposed by Ji Xuan.

There is no doubt that the most dazzling person in this peerless event was Zhou Di and Cang and their six.

However, these remaining geniuses cannot be underestimated. Most of them have mastered Extraordinary Dao and even have their own self-created Cultivation Technique.

No matter which one is placed in later generations, it is extremely dazzling, the existence of the top few.

Time goes back a little bit.

More and more Ruler Powerhouses are coming from afar.

Not only that, but also many Heavenly Venerable battlefields, those powerful creatures who have reached the Ruler Boundary have also come one after another.

Although they will be trapped in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield throughout their lives, the fruit of Heavenly Venerable will have no effect on them, but they also want to see this event for themselves.

Also, there are some creatures who have great interest in the corpse of Ruler Powerhouse.

Unconsciously, the sky has begun to turn black, and countless stars are revealed, suddenly bright and dark.

There was no trace of silence on the whole land of change, and the atmosphere became hotter.

Every Cultivator present can clearly feel that under the existing atmosphere, there is an immense torrent, which is about to rise.

Finally, the night gradually receded, and the sky began to dim.

Just a little bit, the wheel of history will run into Heavenly Saint Calendar 2 1000 and 31.

Oh la la !

At this moment, a majestic and intangible tide surged from the distance of Mysterious towards the whole place of holy change, like a peerless gale, blowing on everyone, tilting Countless robes.

Qin Nan 4 People’s mind was agitated, and their eyes looked forward.

Not only them, but all the Cultivators in the whole place of change, looked forward.

At this moment, the entire Heaven and Earth suddenly became quiet, and there was only a whistling sound in the ear.

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts, feeling a sense of oppression that is faintly discernable.

“coming soon!”

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