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Time passed and 20 days passed quickly.

During this period, all the major forces are frequent actions. Many Powerhouses and geniuses chose to bet at this time, taking a huge risk to break through, and wanted to improve the battle strength at this last moment. .

It is worth mentioning that various large and small gambling games are also launched in various corners of the Great Upper Realm. The well-known names of each and everyone are used by large and small Cultivators to make bets.

Of course, the odds of the five individuals, Cang, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian, and Xinruo Ruler, are different from ordinary people. There is no option to be promoted to success, only their failed choice, and compensation The rate is extremely high.

On this day, the expression of Spirit of the celestial poles list is slightly ugly.

Theoretically, in the past few months, the rankings of the various geniuses on the Celestial pole list have been constantly improving, and it should be in a very good mood.

It will be so, mainly because of Lin Xiaozhi.

From Lin Xiaozhi’s retreat, it has been a full six years Ah!

Today, the battle for Heavenly Venerable has only ten days to go, and Lin Xiaozhi hasn’t even moved a bit.

No doubt, this disappointed the Spirit of the celestial poles list.

In fact, in terms of Yinyue’s face, and the addition of Lin Xiaozhi, a martial arts natural talent, it is good. Even if it is an exception, let Lin Xiaozhi be on the Source Strength of the Celestial pole list and cultivate for 100 years. He has nothing in mind opinion.

He wanted Lin Xiaozhi to practice Datong Tianjue’s outline before the Battle of Heavenly Venerable, mainly for another reason.

In this battle of Heavenly Venerable, Cang, Zhou Di and 5 others will inevitably be promoted to Heavenly Venerable.

Once they become Heavenly Venerable, the entire Great Upper Realm pattern will undergo changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Apart from this, these 5 peerless talents will never stop and will definitely enter the Azure Vault.

When the five of them enter the sky, what kind of storms they can set off is completely unclear.

If Lin Xiaozhi missed the Battle of Heavenly Venerable at this time, it would have to wait another 30 years, and there would be a 5-year difference between those five people.

Lin Xiaozhi will not be able to catch up with this kind of difference even in the future.

In other words, the future Lin Xiaozhi will definitely exist in the shadow of 5 people, and cannot truly become the leader of the era in the Great Upper Realm.

“Well, maybe my expectations for him are too high …”

Spirit of the celestial poles list was sighed in my heart, and my steps stopped.

“that’s all , that’s all.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list shook the head.

He originally wanted to forcibly interrupt Lin Xiaozhi practice, but when he really did, he couldn’t be resolute.

After all, Lin Xiaozhi is the Yinitor of Yinyue.


Just as he was about to turn away, he suddenly felt something.

Although that aura is very small compared to the Source Strength of the Celestial pole list, it is almost hard to detect, but the aura, which is brand new, to stand out from the masses, has an infinite future in Changkong. .

“Well, this Smelly Brat, practicing a break also affects my mood!”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list laughed and cursed, and his body flickered at once, appearing above the Source Strength that was too old.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​you are here!”

Chen Fenghuo in the distance immediately stood up and saluted.

“Elder Brother Tian !”

Another voice sounded.

Spirit of the celestial poles list Looking for a look, at a glance, even with his Boundary today, Hitomi could not help but shrink slightly.

I only see that Qin Nan has not changed in appearance from the previous appearance. Only a pair of eyes has become brighter. It seems to be able to penetrate people’s hearts, and a cultivation level has also reached the Ruler peak.

If you change to another Peak Ruler or Heavenly Venerable giant, I am afraid I can’t see anything from Qin Nan, but the Celestial pole list can be seen very clearly.

Everything in Qin Nan’s body, including Rule Strength, Sea of ​​Consciousness, Soul Strength, etc., has undergone a major change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Like people, like sources.

No matter where you are in Heaven and Earth, or wherever you are, they are all unique and unmatched.

“Look at your kid, the First Step of heaven-defying Cultivation Technique is considered to be Ah!”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list reacted instantly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Well, the general outline of Datong Tianjue has been trained by me. Thanks to Elder Brother Tian, ​​if not-“

Qin Nan arched saluted, sincerely.

However, before he finished speaking, the figure of the Spirit of the celestial poles list suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in front of him, and banged at Qin Nan with a punch.

Qin Nan immediately felt an indescribable pressure of horror, and a force of terror that was about to erupt from that fist.


Qin Nan’s figure flickered, disappeared suddenly, and appeared on the other side, avoiding this fist completely.

“Boy, do you still want to escape my fist?”

The laughter of Spirit of the celestial poles list rang above Qin Nan’s head, and the terrifying punch was crushed again.

Qin Nan is aura, towering has changed, and he has become extremely chaotic. His appearance has suddenly become more transparent.

Hong long!

Throughout the space, it seemed like a heavens-frightening thunder blast, an infinite astral qi, swarmed towards the 4th party.

This fist of the Spirit of the celestial poles list went straight through Qin Nan’s body and hit the void, without causing any slight damage to Qin Nan.


Spirit of the celestial poles list raised an eyebrow slightly.

This fist he just hit is enough to crush a Ruler peak and shake the existence of a Heavenly Venerable initial-stage.

“What is your status now?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list Curious Asking Dao.

“Uh, although I have completely become Source Strength, I am still alone, and it is slightly different from the Source Strength we know. If you have to give a definition, is it the Body of Source?”

Qin Nan scratched his head and said.

“Body of Source?” The Spirit of the celestial poles list stunned for a moment, then couldn’t help but hahaha laughed: “Yinyue that kid, really created a wonderful Cultivation Technique Ah! Putting it that way, This Antiquity Ten Big Physique, is it going to become the Eleven Ancients? “

After the laugh, the Spirit of the celestial poles list reached out to Pats Qin Nan’s shoulder, admiring, “Yes, your boy did a great job at this time, and did not disappoint me.”

Qin Nan shook the head, saying, “In fact, this is mainly because of Yinyue Senior and Elder Brother Tian. If it weren’t for Yinyue Senior who created the outline of these heaven-defying methods, Elder Brother Tian you …”

Spirit of the celestial poles list rolled the eyes, saying, “Come on, you’re less of this.”

Chen Fenghuo, not far away, came with a smile: “Lin Brother, don’t be kind to Elder Brother Tian. The more you are kind to him, the more anxious he is to you.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list Satisfied nodded, saying: “Still, little Chenzi understands me.”

Chen Fenghuo continued to say with a smile: “So, Elder Brother Tian, ​​are you here this time, because the battle for Heavenly Venerable is about to start, so you have to give Lin a big gift, such as teaching him a few tricks or Give Lin a little baby and help him? “

The Spirit of the celestial poles list stunned for a moment, and then cursed with a smile: “You boy, when did you have so many flowery intestines? Why did you start to come against me? I was not told by your boy about this Things do n’t seem to be coming! Let ’s go, Lin Zizi, let ’s go now. It ’s almost time now, and you wo n’t be too late if you do n’t leave. As for the big gift, it ’s not too late for you.

After that, the Spirit of the celestial poles list did not forget to look towards Chen Fenghuo, saying, “What’s wrong? Are you satisfied with your kid?”

Chen Fenghuo was not embarrassed and said: “Satisfied, satisfied. If Elder Brother Tian prepares another copy for me …”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, his face darkened, and said, “Give me aside, go to Lao Zi for the gift, don’t come to me!”

Seeing this, Qin Nan couldn’t help smiling.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​beacon, then I set off.”

Qin Nan calmed down and said.

There was a ray of rays of light flickering between his eyes, faintly.

“Okay, Brother Lin, I’ll wait for your good news.”

Chen Fenghuo said.

“Well, I’ll take you out now.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list nodded, stretched his hands over Qin Nan’s shoulders, and disappeared into place.

Also at this time, an ancient restricted area.

Countless snowflakes, from the vault of heaven, fall down one after another. If you look closely, you will find that one after another densely packed 潦草 Ancient [古] Character is written deep in the core of each snowflake.

This heavy snowfall has started from three thousand years and has continued to the present. It has never stopped.

3000 years ago, it was still Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, immortal grass everywhere, and the beasts inhabited it, but now it has become a thick bottomless ice field, cold and bitter, without any living beings.

Hey, hey, hey!

Suddenly, a towering knocking sound rang in this section between Heaven and Earth, from small to large.

After about 2.5 minutes, there was a loud bang at last, and the thick ice field of several tens of thousands of li was shattered and turned into ice debris. A silhouette wearing a black robe jumped out of it.

“Shit !, finally came out of that ghost place!”

Silhouette cursed, looking up, revealing a pair of sharp eyes, and a handsome face.

If Qin Nan were here, he would surely recognize it, and he would be Ruler.

“However, this trip didn’t count for nothing, anyway, my cultivation level, and …”

If the heart of Ruler’s mouth slightly ticked, a burst of rays of light suddenly bloomed from within the body, agitating the numerous snowflakes in the entire sky, and the large ice sheet was also shaking for it, as if there was a A catastrophe is coming, destroying everything.

“I don’t know, can such a battle strength catch up with them?”

Ruler thought to himself.

In his mouth, they are Cang, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian.

The four Great Mountains that have been in front of him are also one after another. He has worked hard for dozens of times and has not yet crossed the Great Mountain.


After a while, Ruler came back to his senses, converging his momentum and plunging into the void.

When his body completely left this ancient restricted area, he didn’t notice that it was rising, and the heavy snow that had not stopped once in several thousand years did not fall from the vault of heaven.

When the last snowflake fell on the ice field, the entire large ice field began to melt at an incredible speed.

The destined person it has been looking for has been found, so there is no need to continue.

Meanwhile, the 33rd Small Immortal Territory ends in the East.

In this place, there is a Mysterious cave that has existed for more than 10000 years, which is called Immortal Demon Cave.

Since ancient times, there is a legend that at the end of this Immortal Demon Cave, there is a heavens-frightening secret. If anyone can get that heavens-frightening secret, then anyone can heaven-defying changes the fate and become a peerless Powerhouse. .

Over the past few years, there have been countless Cultivators, who came here in admiration and entered the cave one after another.

However, without exception, neither the Human Immortal-level Cultivator nor the Ruler-level Powerhouse entered the hole and never came out again. I sent them spiritual thoughts through fairy tales, and never heard back.

Over time, this Immortal Demon Cave was also known as a dead cave, regarded by many Cultivators as taboo, and never dare to get involved.

However, what they didn’t know is that at the bottom of Immortal Demon Cave, there is a young man on an old empty training field inlaid with countless fiery fairy crystals.

The youth was sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, and aura chaos.

If there is a Cultivator here, if you continue to look down, you can see an extremely shocking scene below this training field.

Below is a boundless colored space. In the middle of it, there is a silver light cluster like an ancient star suspended. Every rays of light in it is changing all the time.

The power released by each change has reached an extremely horrible level.

The secret of this Immortal Demon Cave is this light group, which is the Source Strength of this 33rd Small Immortal Territory.

This Mysterious youth is borrowing the Source Strength of the 33rd Small Immortal Territory for some practice.


Suddenly, the youth’s eyes opened, and two bright immortal lights erupted.

“Not much time? It seems like it can only be done here.”

The young man murmured, immediately stretched out his right hand and waved forward, an ancient map sketched out by countless golden rays of light, slowly emerged.

On this ancient map, there are 33 fist-sized purple lights, flickering.

“However, the harvest of this time is not bad. Finally, the first chapter of this Cultivation Technique has been completely completed!”

The young man’s mouth evoked a faint smile, stood up, and flew upwards.

“Wait, now that you have completed the first chapter, it’s also time to give this Culture Technique a name, right? It’s always been called nameless, it’s totally unattractive, and you can’t show it to others.”

As the young man flew, he realized a problem.

“What’s so good about it? Thirty Three Heavens created Divine Art? Thirty Three Heavens first Divine Art? No …”

The young man meditated hard, and it was not until a long time later that the smile on his mouth appeared again.

“Well, just call Heavenly Emperor Arts.”

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