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Feng Yudao’s face instantly became extremely ugly.

He absolutely didn’t expect that the other party was so don’t give face, and he said it so plainly, this is obviously Jianhe Heavenly Venerable, and he really didn’t take him seriously at all!

But anger is anger.

Feng Yudao people’s hearts, more is still a sense of weakness.

The Heavenly Venerable giant, after all, is the Heavenly Venerable giant, the highest-level existence in the entire Great Upper Realm.

Even though Ruler peak Boundary is only one step away from Heavenly Venerable, the difference between the two is as different as heaven and earth.

However, at the next breath, the eyes of Fengyudao people became sharp, and they were not completely swallowed by the sense of weakness.

That promise, he has not fulfilled.

If even such a thing can’t be done, then his promise of that year will be a complete joke.

“Since Jianhe Senior is unwilling to give up, there’s nothing to say! But you can catch someone, but you can’t do anything to him! If you are determined to do it, step over my body!”

Feng Yudao drank sharply, and from the Storage Bag, summoned a fairy sword, sword intent.

He wants to protect Qin Nan.

“Very good, Wind Headmaster, didn’t expect, you dare to make such a move for an outsider! Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. Red Elder Ye, you shoot quickly!”

Yu Lin’s face was differently said.


Red Elder Ye and other Elders saw this and felt embarrassed for a while.

Jianhe Heavenly Venerable can not put Fengyu Taoists in their eyes, but they can’t. After 10000 Fengyu Taoists really become Headmasters, they can’t cope.

“Red Elder Ye, my Master said, no matter what went wrong, he took it all! If Feng Yudao people trouble you in the future, my Master will come forward to solve it for you! You can rest assured!”

After Yu Lin said this, she gave the red Elder Ye and the others sound transmission, saying, “After this is done, my Master will definitely give you a very good chance!”

The eyes of red Elder Ye and the others flashed.

One generation of Heavenly Venerable, saying a very big opportunity, that is extraordinary!

“Wind Headmaster, offended.”

The red Elder Ye and the Elders, without any hesitation, arched their hands against Feng Yu’s fist, one after another amazing Internal Qi, and locked the Feng Yu Taoists.

“That’s a fight!”

The Rule Strength of Fengyudaoren within the body is fully released and ready to start.

Just at this moment, mutation suddenly rises!

I only saw that among the Qin Nan Storage Bag, one piece of dragon-form Token, towering released the extremely bright Purple Gold, quickly broke through the blockage of the Storage Bag, appeared in front of everyone, and formed a statue. Great shore silhouette.

An incredible coercion, like a storm, swept away from the 4th party, so that all Cultivators present were trembling and felt a majestic pressure.


The silhouette of the mighty shore, slammed loudly, like a heavens-frightening thunderstorm, a blast of Elder’s ears trembled, and the pool water all around violently surged.

“Dragon … Dragon if Heavenly Venerable?”

Red Elder Ye Tongren shrinks sharply.

Once in a dense place, he happened to see Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable.

“What? Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable?”

The faces of the other Elders changed simultaneously.

Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable, but among the Heavenly Venerable giants, the top ranked Heavenly Venerable is very high!

Compared to Jianhe Heavenly Venerable, it is a lot stronger.

“You guys have the courage to dare to move even the people I shelter, don’t you want to hang around in the Great Upper Realm?”

Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable looked down at the crowd, word by word, extremely domineering, shocking red Elder Ye and other Elders, their faces were slightly pale.

Yulin, who was full of vigor before, was also slightly trembling in shape.

Feng Yudao people looked at this scene embarrassingly. He absolutely didn’t expect that these youngsters could now invite giants such as Heavenly Venerable to come forward.

It seems that the other party said earlier that it doesn’t matter, it’s not politeness, but it’s really encouraging.

“Long Ruo.”

At this moment, a gurgling voice seemed to straddle the endless void and rang in everyone’s ears.

Immediately afterwards, a great power descended from the sky, and a white-haired, wrinkled old man appeared in front of everyone.

A more horrifying power radiated from the old man. Even the power of Longru Heavenly Venerable, and aura, etc., were crushed instantly, like a Great Mountain suspended in a big tree. before.

If Dragonly Heavenly Venerable comes, it is will.

However, this old man is here in person!

“See Headmaster!”

Elder Ye and the others, Yu Lin and Hong, suddenly felt a joy in their hearts, and quickly saluted.

The white haired old man in front of me is the Headmaster of Dao Lineage in Senyang today, 10000 Heavenly Venerable!

In the Great Upper Realm, there is a top level existence that is not weaker than Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable.


10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable slightly nodded, after a glance at Qin Nan and the others, he looked towards Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable, differently said: “Long Ruo, between you and me, between you and our Senyang Dao Lineage, nothing What a grudge. So, I don’t care about your trespassing in Dao Lineage, and give you a face, you can go. “

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of Qin Nan, Ji Xuan, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor and the others were simultaneously stunned.

Obviously, Jianhe Heavenly Venerable had long anticipated that Qin Nan would invite Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable, so he had already informed 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable early, and Senyang Dao Lineage stood on the side of Jianhe Heavenly Venerable.

That’s a big deal!

“10000 Luo, are you sure you want to help Jianhe Heavenly Venerable?”

Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable sneered.

“Long Ruo, what I said just now, don’t want to talk about the second time anymore. In order not to hurt our harmony with each other, you should leave quickly.”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable indifferently said.


Just then, a sound of laughter suddenly sounded.

From the dragon-form Token of Qin Nan Storage Bag, towering rushed out of Heavenly Flame, condensed into a great shore silhouette in front of everyone, and stood beside Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable.

“Another Heavenly Venerable?”

Everyone present was refreshed.

“En? Yanming?”

Even the 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable has a dim look.

“10000 Luo, you and I can be considered a little friendship Ah! This sword river, a stray dog, and have no sense of identification with your Sect, are you sure you want to stand with him?”

Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable Smiled Dao.

“Are you two, are you sure you want to protect this Lin Xiaozhi?”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable did not answer, but asked a question.

“Hahaha, if Long and I are here, will will be here, of course, it is a guarantee! 10000 Luo, Lin Xiaozhi is the person who Long and I value very much. If it was not for him, we would have accepted him as Successor. So, this time you give us two face-to-face, and do not let Junior care, how about? At that time, Long Ruo and I will be very grateful. “

Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable said with a smile.

The atmosphere at the scene became quiet.

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable brows frowned, he risked offending Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable this time, because Jianhe Heavenly Venerable gave him a lot of benefits.

But now, Yan Ming and Long Ruo come together, and Lin Xiaozhi still has such a high status in their hearts. If he continues to help Jianhe Heavenly Venerable, then it is necessary to give Yan Ming and Long Ruo both. Offended in the death.

Yu Lin and Hong Elder Ye waited and the others, looking at this scene, the atmosphere dare not come out.

Fengyudao people will also be full of momentum, all converged.

To this extent, it has nothing to do with them, and they are not qualified to participate at all.

At this moment, in the 10000 Heavenly Venerable Storage Ring, one piece of Token suddenly gave rise to a spiritual thought. It was the sword river Heavenly Venerable.

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable glanced at it immediately.

“I never thought that Jianhe Heavenly Venerable would even take that thing in revenge on Lin Xiaozhi!”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable was ecstatic in his heart, and there was an instant decision.

He is willing to keep Jianhe Heavenly Venerable. In addition to the latter’s cultivation level, there is a more important point. He is very interested in participating in Jianhe Heavenly Venerable.

He had always been thinking about what method to use to move Jianhe Heavenly Venerable, but now he did not expect such a small thing to achieve his purpose.

“Sorry, Jianhe is the man of my Dao Lineage in Senyang. Now his killing enemies are here, can we Dao Lineage in Senyang let him go? Yan Ming, if you and Long leave, don’t let things go at that time It’s too stiff! “

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable expressionlessly said.


Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable and Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable, their eyes simultaneously narrowed.

They guessed almost instantly. The sword river Heavenly Venerable must have given 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable, and made a very amazing treasure, otherwise, 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable would never be the case.

The people of Senyang Dao Lineage, those are totally nonsense.

“10000 Luo, since this is the case, then I will not talk nonsense to you! Today, if you dare to touch Lin Xiaozhi with a sweat, then I and Yan Ming will never let you go. “

Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable was imposing and suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold.

Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable was also coldly snorted, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s murderous aura, released from him.

Suddenly, the invisible atmosphere became tense and turbulent, so that everyone who was present felt a tremendous pressure.

“Lin Xiaozhi, you don’t have to worry, Yanming and I are here with all our strength! At that time, we will definitely save you.”

Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable did not forget to pass a spiritual thought to Qin Nan.

“Many thanks 2 Seniors!”

Qin Nan said immediately.

“Don’t let go of our Senyang Dao Lineage? Long Ruo, Yan Ming, you’re so good! Since this is the case, I don’t need to save you face!”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable’s eyes were cold, and the terrifying Heavenly Venerable power within the body was all working. The momentum emanating from him was also skyrocketing, making the water of the hundred thousand li of the square circle violently turbulent. .

The entire Earth level area, and even the Cultivator in the retreat in the Heaven level area, were shocked and spiritual thoughts swept away.

Heavenly Venerable Rage, the world changes colors!

“Qin Nan, it’s bad this time!”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor complexion changes are extremely dignified.

Now Long Ruo and Yan Ming are just a dao intent, they must not be able to block 10000 Heavenly Venerable.

Moreover, even if Long Ruo and Yan Ming 2 Heavenly Venerable giants came, they are now in the Dao Lineage of Senyang. They are on someone else’s site. With 10000 Heavenly Venerable iron hearts, Long Ruo and Yan Ming may not be able to save them. under.

“Little Brother Lin, you don’t have to worry, I’ll go find someone now!”

Ji Xuan gritted his teeth.

Until now, I can only ask his big brother Ji Cang.

If Ji Cang is involved, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

“Qin Nan, we can use our knowledge of this era as intelligence to let Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable and Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable find more Heavenly Venerable giants to come and resolve the immediate crisis!”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor also thought a little bit, quickly sound transmission saying.


Qin Nan’s face was somber.

This time, the mistake he made is really too big.

At the time, things that could have been solved at the time, but ended up in such a situation that they could not end.

Qin Nan took a deep breath and quickly began to remember. What opportunities will appear in the Great Upper Realm in recent months? What will happen to Azure Vault?

“Give me out!”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable with almost no delay, made a bold move.

The palm of the incomparable gigantic, like that too Ancient Immortal mountain, moved towards Long Ruo Heavenly Venerable and Yan Ming Heavenly Venerable, snapped.

If Longly Heavenly Venerable and Yanming Heavenly Venerable, expressions are both cold and grim, they will completely burn will, and compete with it.

The big battle, at the touch of a hair!

At this crucial moment, an extremely majestic and extremely ancient voice suddenly exploded above everyone’s heads.

“10000 Luo, you are so brave, stop me now!”

Take it word by word.

“this is……”

For everyone present, expression was dumbfounded.

Could this be the 3rd Heavenly Venerable Giant?

“Suddenly called 3 Heavenly Venerable?”

The heart of 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable couldn’t help it.

He really did not expect that Lin Xiaozhi, but Ruler big accomplishment, had such an amazing relationship.

“Three Heavenly Venerable, compared to something like that …”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable Think quickly and weigh the pros and cons.

Within a short period of time, his heart was fierce, and today anyway, he must stand on the side of Jianhe Heavenly Venerable.

He had said something like that before, and if it changed immediately, it would damage his face and the face of Senyang Dao Lineage.

Not only that, if you participate in something like Jianhe Heavenly Venerable, for him, his strength will be greatly improved.

With his Boundary today, it is more difficult than heavenly ascension to improve his strength.

“Let me stop? Don’t even think about it! It’s in Dao Lineage in Senyang, not elsewhere! No matter how many Heavenly Venerables you have today, Lin Xiaozhi must be handed over to Jianhe Heavenly Venerable. Will not give it! “

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable’s extremely tough comeback.

“Oh? Is it?”

That voice sounded again.

Then, a bright white light shone in front of everyone, slowly condensing into a silhouette.

“10000 Luo, don’t you even give me face?”

Come expressionless, differ asking.

“You… you are…”

10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable Looking at the young man in front of her eyes, Hitomi shrinks sharply and her heart trembles.

God, Spirit of the celestial poles list?

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