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time flies.

A month later.

Heavenly Martial Arts, Heaven and Earth Wu Gong, Twenty Fifth Layer.

Pieces of bookshelves made of purple spirits exude a circle of hazy, purple color rays of light, and the ancient jade slips placed there are broken from time to time Grainy dots, flowing up and down, constantly flying.

Throughout the great hall, everything was silent.

However, if there is a person with high martial arts natural talent or a cultivation level of Ruler peak Boundary, they can acutely perceive that everything and any changes here are full of a regular aura.

Even in the corner, Qin Nan, who has been sitting cross-legged, has been integrated into the atmosphere of the great hall, turning into a part of this aura, regardless of each other.

In these period of time, Qin Nan entire group starts at 1st-layer and goes up layer by layer.

Qin Nan did not choose to comprehend the Cultivation Technique martial skill of each layer, because of the 18th Layer in front of Heaven and Earth Wu Gong, the Cultivation Technique martial skill possessed by each layer has reached an extremely amazing number, even if it is based on Qin Nan’s martial arts natural talent, I am afraid he has spent a full month and it is difficult to fully understand the 1st-layer.

Therefore, Qin Nan chose another method. He selected 100 Cultivation Technique martial skills from each layer for understanding.

This comprehension is not a complete grasp of it, but a general understanding of the way it works, the true meaning of it, and that is enough.

That’s why Qin Nan was able to come to this Twenty Fifth Layer 5 days ago.

Each jade slip in this layer is a sect rules rule, the rule of rules.

Qin Nan is currently a Ruler big accomplishment, and in the future, Ruler peak Boundary, so he has an initial-stage understanding of the way of rules.

Ruler, Rule Strength.

Heavenly Venerable, the rule of the rules.

The so-called way of rules means mastering a rule that belongs to itself.

For example, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable’s Eternal Night rule, Huangfu Jue’s Immortal High Demon rule.

It is very difficult to master your own rules. However, the current Qin Nan is still quite far away from the rule.

Qin Nan, even when looking through the rules created by others, was watching the flowers in the mist, hazy.

In this Tinty Fifth Layer, Qin Nan chose a total of 2 sect rules and a sect rules.

In the first ten days, progress was not generally slow. From time to time, he returned to the general outline and restarted.

Until recently, the past few days, Qin Nan seemed to realize something, and his progress accelerated a lot. The fog in front of him gradually faded away.


Just at this time, a jade slip of pale red in Qin Nan Storage Bag suddenly trembled and released one after another red dragon-like brilliance, which actually flew out of the Storage Bag and entangled in Qin. Nan’s body.

“En? Is it time?”

Qin Nan’s eyes opened, a little surprised, he felt that it had only been 3 or 5 days.

“This world, Wu Gong, is really a good place. Just staying for this month has benefited me a lot.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, injected a Rule Strength into jade slip to calm it down, then he got up and flew towards the formation not far away, and returned to the 1st-layer.

Unlike the silence of the Twenty Fifth Layer, this 1st-layer is quite lively.

To-and-fro’s Cultivator is endless.

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe, have been waiting here for a long time, seeing Qin Nan, Ji Xuan can’t wait for Asking Dao: “Little Brother Lin, can you get any gains this month?”

Qin Nan un’ed, saying: “I have learned a lot.”

Ji Xuan is curious about Asking Dao: “Did you self-created Cultivation Technique?”

Qin Nan rolled the eyes, saying: “How can a self-created Cultivation Technique be so simple? This month, even the general outline of a Cultivation Technique cannot be created.”

Having said that, Qin Nan suddenly thought of something and said, “Yes, I happen to be in trouble. I need to discuss it with you.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said with a smile: “But what about staying in this heavenly martial art?”

Qin Nan nodded, said: “Yes, I still want to self-created my own Cultivation Technique. To make this step, I also need to spend more time in Heaven and Earth Wu Gong. “

In addition to this 10000th World Martial Arts ranking award, there are many other methods, such as completing the mission of the Holy Martial Arts and so on.

Gu Fe hearing this small mouth, said: “Lin Brother, even so, you can’t stay in this holy martial arts all the time, how boring?”

It followed Qin Nan, but wanted to take a good look at the World outside, experience more things, and grow up quickly.

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said: “Lin little friend, my current cultivation level has reached the bottleneck, and I need to go through it. I must not be able to accompany you to stay in this heavenly martial arts.”

Having said that, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor paused and said with a smile: “Actually, in my opinion, you don’t have to stay in this heavenly martial arts for the time being. Now Ji Xuan little friend, Gu Fe little friend, There is an urgent need to raise the cultivation level. “

“In addition, you are still only Ruler big accomplishment, and there is still a distance to the Ruler peak Boundary. You might as well raise the cultivation level to the level of the Ruler peak first, and then wholeheartedly, study martial arts, self-created Cultivation Technique. “

“By then, whether successful or not, you can participate in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield on time without any other impact.”

Qin Nan thought about it. Bright Beginning Old Ancestor’s remarks really made sense.

If he wanted to create a Cultivation Technique, he would have to focus on it and sink it all in. At that time, he would certainly not care about other things like cultivation level.

Seeing this, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said, “Lin little friend, among the inheritance I got by accident last time, there are 5 celestial orders! With 5 celestial orders, 4 of us can just enter Immortal. -Transformation Pond, staying for a year. “

Aside Ji Xuan, asked hastily: “Bright Beginning Senior, what you said, but the Immortal-Transformation Pond of the 21st Small Immortal Territory?”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor: “Exactly!”

As soon as this remark came out, Ji Xuan was instantly refreshed.

The Immortal-Transformation Pond of the 21st Small Immortal Territory is a well-known existence throughout the Great Upper Realm.

This place is created by World breeding and is guarded by the most powerful force of the 21st Small Immortal Territory. It contains a variety of ancient immortal energy, ancient will, and pure power. It is an excellent cultivation breakthrough Ground.

apart from this, this place is inextricably linked to the Source Strength of the 21st Small Immortal Territory, so over the years, countless Cultivators have entered it and practiced it. Instead of reducing it, it has become more powerful.

Of course, Immortal-Transformation Pond cannot be entered by anyone.

First, you must have a Cultivator below Heavenly Venerable level to be able to enter it.

Otherwise, a Heavenly Venerable giant will let go of absorption, even if Immortal-Transformation Pond can bear it, it will be a huge loss.

Apart from this, in order to enter the Immortal-Transformation Pond, it is necessary to purchase the Nascent Immortal Order from this great force.

Especially the one-year Huaxian Ling, if you want to obtain it, it is not ordinary difficulty, there is no extremely strong relationship, and paying enough price, it is impossible to obtain.

“Old Ancestor 1000 autumn and 10000 generations, flood of good fortune fills the heavens!”

Ji Xuan immediately started to flatter.

In fact, when he first met Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, he didn’t think he had anything.

Had it not been for Qin Nan to call him Senior, he would certainly not have been called Senior.

However, it seems that this Bright Beginning Old Ancestor is not a simple character.

“Little Brother Lin, why don’t we go to Immortal-Transformation Pond? In your current situation, I don’t think it will take a year to get promoted to Ruler peak.”

Ji Xuan said.

“Eun, agree.”

Gu Fe nodded his head.

“That being the case, let’s go to Immortal-Transformation Pond.”

Qin Nan agreed.

“Okay, let’s go now.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said with a smile.

Subsequently, their entire group, without any delay, left the heavenly martial arts and moved towards the 21st Small Immortal Territory.

At the same time, the heavenly martial arts, the Supreme Supreme Treasure’s closed book exists!

Zihao Heavenly Venerable, as well as many giants of the heavenly martial arts, sat cross-legged in the air without any aura, like a stone statue.

The changes in this place during this month were quite huge.

The brilliance in that huge gully kept overflowing, and eventually swept the number of millions of li, making it look like a glowing world, colorful and colorful.

apart from this, there is also an ancient mysterious aura, like a peerless snow, filling every inch of void between Heaven and Earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the millions and millions of Heaven and Earth have become unconsciously transformed into a peerless treasure. Even if the Cultivator of Ruler Boundary comes here to conduct practice, it can also obtain extremely amazing benefits.


Suddenly, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and many giants suddenly felt that their eyes were open.



Inside the huge gully, countless pale red Mysterious Ancient [古] Characters, from the bright glow of the sky, soared into the sky, like a wave, setting off an incredibly impressive momentum.

Within a short period of time, there are endless pale red Ancient [Ancient] Characters, rushing into the depths of the clouds, and then spreading towards the 2 sides, spreading and spreading to the earth.

Then, an amazing scene happened!

I only saw that some ancient [Ancient] Characters of pale red fell into an ancient flower after falling on the ground, and some texts became an ancient tree, and some texts became a sword, a Blade, even a long river, a mountain peak.

All of this, as if there is going to be a Mysterious Small World, will be completely displayed in front of the world.

“Are there any movements?”

The giants such as Zihao Heavenly Venerable, etc., are all expressing slight joy.

This month, they did not wait for nothing!

Immediately, none of these giants continued to meditate, but instead ran the heaven-defying pupil technique, held their breath and stared at everything below.

They waited too long for this moment.

So they have to witness everything in it.

Time passes by.

Unconsciously, 3 days have passed.

During this period, apart from the Mysterious Pale Red Ancient [Ancient] Character, almost every 3 hours, there will be a completely different peerless natural phenomenon that emerges from the gully, affecting the blockbuster.

Today, the restricted area of ​​their holy martial arts is completely different than before.

Hey, hey, dong!

Suddenly, one after another quaint and thick, long and long bell sounded in Heaven and Earth.

An inexplicable majesty slowly swept out, eventually covering the entire Heaven and Earth.

Rao is Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants. Under this majesty, the mind can’t help but make waves and is affected to some extent.

“coming soon!”

The giants such as Zihao Heavenly Venerable and others are all excited.

Hong long!

I only heard a loud noise. In the countless rays of light, the mysterious and mysterious book closures slowly rose, making the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth extremely solemn and solemn.

In this way, the book of closure did not stop until the apex of the sky.


In the midst of it, there seems to be a Supreme presence, turning this book that has attracted the attention of countless greats of the Great Upper Realm.

It didn’t stop abruptly until it turned to middle.

“That is–“

Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants suddenly noticed.

I only saw countless pictures on the open book pages, changing rapidly, there are fairy mountains, there is the sea, there is Battle of God and Demon, Supreme Treasure smash, Heaven and Earth turbulence and so on.

Even if all these changes are very fast and silent, but the giants like Zihao Heavenly Venerable and others have a wonderful feeling, as if they were witnessing all these things with their own eyes, feeling the hiding sky and covering the earth.

Until the end, all the pictures are gone.

Instead, a dark, straight trail.

At the beginning of this trail, a young man stood with his hands folded, expressing solemnity, as if conducting a major event of extremely serious importance.

The trail is not long, you can see the beginning and end.

At the end, there is a door.

This door is completely different from the ordinary door. It is composed of countless mysterious trajectories, strange symbols, and a little bit of outline, like a flame, constantly shaking, and a slight change in shape.

“This aura…”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable’s figure shook slightly.

This aura, he is too familiar!

Although, when he spoke, he hasn’t really experienced this kind of aura until now, but when he became the Sect Lord of the Holy Martial Arts and inherited the secret of the Sect Lord, he experienced it really.

It is exactly the aura of the book closure Item’s Spirit!

Of course, this door is not the book’s Item’s Spirit.

However, as long as you can step over this door, you will definitely be able to see the Item’s Spirit that has been sleeping so far!

Space-Time, at this moment, seems to freeze.

That day, Qin Nan and the others arrived at the 21st Small Immortal Territory.

Also on this day, one thing will happen in the invisible, for the present and for the future, a major event that will cause Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

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