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Time passes by.

After 2 days.

At the end of the 10000 World Martial Arts Fourth Pass assessment, there were 361 Cultivators participating, and only 50 Cultivators passed.

Of the Qin Nan entire group, only Bright Beginning Old Ancestor has not passed, and both Gu Fe and Ji Xuan have been promoted to the fifth pass.

“A fifth pass is about to start?”

“Well, Elder said just now, and 3 hours to go!”

“This fifth pass mainly depends on Lin Xiaozhi and Xinruo Ruler!”

“Yeah, both didn’t expect, and in the last half of the way, a man who shocked Ruler appeared!”

The Cultivators who have not passed the assessment have not left much, but stay on the training field and talk to each other.

There are even a lot of Cultivators who set up a gamble to see who can win.

Soon, three hours passed, and the Cultivators present were all feeling a little bit, looked up together, and immediately saw that Zihao Heavenly Venerable and several Supreme Elders came together, although there was no Emitted any aura, but still inexplicably felt a pressure.

“Oh, you little friends, now the first 10000 levels of the 4th World Armed Forces are over. Some of you have not achieved a very good ranking in this Armed Forces, but do n’t be discouraged. In one day, the 10000th World Martial Arts Association will definitely be held, and you still have many opportunities. “

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable smiled.

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly introduced into everyone’s ears, and it seemed to have some magic power, which made some originally lost Cultivator slightly refreshed, suddenly bright and comfortable.

“Now let us witness together who is the first in the 37th 10000th World Armed Forces.”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable said, from the Storage Bag, he took out a dragon-form crutch, and was in the void.

in an instant, an incredible scene appeared!

I just saw that the number of hundreds of thousands of heavens above the entire training field suddenly turned into a color of 7 colors. Between the vaguely, every Cultivator can see that after that rays of light, there is a Mysterious Small World, hovering quietly.

Even if you have a powerful Cultivator, you can see that in the Small World, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, immortal intent 4 overflow, glowing rays, and natural phenomena, such as the existence of an ancient legendary peerless treasure.

“Fellow daoist, those who have not yet passed the fourth pass, enter the fairyland set in this little unbounded world. Those who pass the fourth pass, please walk in front of the training field and wait a bit.”

Left Elder stood out and spoke loudly.


“Let’s go first!”

“This little world without boundaries is not simple, even if you only stay for a few hours, you can have great gains!”

Countless sounds were heard, and the Cultivators were all in motion, transformed into one after another bright rainbow, and flew into the sky, magnificent, like a peerless river.

“Well? A lot of people participated in the fifth pass this year!”

Just then, a slightly surprised voice sounded.

The people staying in the training field almost looked up subconsciously, and at a glance, Hitomi shrank slightly.

Come, it’s Ruler.

Behind him are Qin Nan and Chen Fenghuo.

“Little Brother Lin!”

Ji Xuan and Gu Fe, looking at the eyes shines, the latter quickly kicked his feet and fell on Qin Nan’s shoulder.

Qin Nan glanced again. The Cultivator that passed the fourth pass assessment was regarded as a well-known existence. He had basically known him through the introduction of Ji Xuan.

However, to his surprise, Xie Siyi and Lin Chengqi were not among them.

From this point of view, it must be that Ruler’s assessment of that level has given them a big shock, which has affected their performance.

“You little friends are here, so let’s follow us.”

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable glanced at Qin Nan, smiled, and turned to the depths of the sky, everyone immediately followed closely from behind.

Soon, they passed through the rays of light and stepped into the little realm.


The moment he entered, Qin Nan’s eyes flashed a surprise look.

I can only see that in this little unbounded world, the sky is azure, with the same size of fairy mountains standing in the distance, exuding one after another of the same aura, and on the other side, there is a huge fairy city floating, shining purple Color rays of light, faint, can also hear various sounds from inside.

Apart from this, the immortal intent of this Small World is so rich that Qin Nan has a feeling of being in the sea of ​​immortal intent.

Between each breath, a large amount of immortal intent can be inhaled.

If Qin Nan let go of itself and absorb it with all its strength, I’m afraid it’s no less than absorbing a heavenly material treasure.

If I stay here for a year and a half, Qin Nan feels that it must be able to break through to the level of Ruler peak.

“You little friends, you must have noticed those peaks, right? Little friends who have been here before, know what these peaks are, haven’t been there, they must not be understood, so old fogey, I still want to talk about today Again. “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable smiled and said, “Every mountain there is made by our holy martial arts and refined by using Sect’s Exclusive secret technique. The role of this mountain is to better measure Out of your martial arts natural talent. “

Qin Nan expression for a moment.

He originally thought that the assessment of the fifth pass would be extraordinary, unheard-of.

But, now it seems, just to test martial arts natural talent?

Could it be, what other profound mystery is the martial arts Natural Talent Test of the Holy Martial Arts?

“In addition, I have one more thing to tell you. Although every 10000th World Armed Forces is basically testing martial arts natural talent, but this time this year, it is very different. As for what is different, you need martial arts After reaching a certain level of natural talent, we can discover the found mystery among them. “

Said Heavenly Venerable.

“Okay, Senior, Zihao, everyone here is not a fool, why not make so much nonsense and start the assessment directly?”

Ruler was a little impatient.

“You kid…”

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable laughed and shook the head and said, “Okay, then, as you said, now officially conduct the fifth pass assessment. In this assessment, there will only be a first place, the rest of the people, all For second place! “

“As for how to judge, this is our thing. All you need to do is to make use of everything you have, as well as the hidden natural talent.”

“Xiao Zuo, you can arrange it.”

Left Elder immediately stood out and said, “Now I read a name, and you will fly into a Huadao Mountain, from right to left, and start in turn.”

“First, Chen Fenghuo!”

As soon as this remark came out, the Cultivators present and the Cultivators in the fairy city were all surprised by the expression, and even many people wondered if they heard it wrong.

You must know that the ranking of each fifth pass of the 10000th World Armed Forces Fifth Pass assessment is of extraordinary significance.

Because this position was carefully evaluated by the martial arts giants.

In the previous ten or so sessions, as long as he sat on the first Huadao Mountain on the right, he is almost the first place, and there are rarely accidents.


“This person’s natural talent is better than Ruler and Lin Xiaozhi?”

“His, this Chen Fenghuo is nothing but the cultivation level Ah of the Unparalleled Overlord! Holy martial arts put him directly in the first place, to what extent does this person’s martial arts natural talent reach?”

“Fuck !, I always thought that this Chen Fenghuo can only pass the level by virtue of relationships!”

“Now this ranking, no matter how big the relationship, can’t get Ah!”

“Hurry up and change the odds quickly!”

After about a breath, in that fairy city, there was a sudden throbbing and various sounds were heard.

“Chen Fenghuo … ranked first?”

If the heart of Ruler’s eyes suddenly blinked, there was a ray of light flashing.

When he got the sound transmission from Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, he just felt that the martial arts natural talent of Chen Fenghuo was very powerful, but the cultivation level of Chen Fenghuo was too low, so Holy Martial Arts taught him Take care.

However, if Ruler absolutely didn’t expect it, the group of old fogeys in the Holy Martial Arts evaluation of Chen Fenghuo has reached such a point!

And, the most important point, what kind of martial arts natural talent he has, the old fogeys of Holy Martial Arts are very clear.

The result now appears …

“This martial arts event is Interesting.”

The heart of Ruler’s mouth twitched.

There was Chen Fenghuo in the front and Old Lin brother in the back. It would not be so boring.

“Hereafter, he will be rays of light ten thousand zhang, and he will move to the top.”

Qin Nan was emotional.

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There was a trace of unwillingness in his heart.

It would be nice if such a grand event was in the afterlife.

At least, he doesn’t need to worry about the obstacles of the Strength of Space-Time, he can exhaust everything and compare it.

At this moment, Chen Fenghuo became the focal point of the audience, and almost all his eyes focused on him.

However, Chen Fenghuo did not shake at all, just clenched his fists in his hands, and saluted Elder to the left, releasing the power of his Unparalleled Overlord and flying towards the first mountain on the right.

Throughout, he didn’t say a word, and his face did not change at all.

This calmness alone is enough to see that Chen Fenghuo is indeed extraordinary.

“2nd place, my heart!”

“No. 3, Lin Xiaozhi!”

“4th place …”

Left Elder continued to say, the rankings behind did not cause uproar and did not surprise everyone.

About time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the Cultivators who performed the fifth pass assessment have been sitting cross-legged on the top of each Huadao Mountain.

“Fifth pass assessment, officially started!”

Left Elder put a magic seal in his hands and made a thunderbolt-like drinking.

Suddenly, I only saw the Hua Daoshan who seemed to have been uncovered, and the golden glow was extremely shining. From a distance, it looked like more than 50 golden giants standing Above the earth, it gives a great shock.

Qin Nan’s mind was also shocked.

When he was sitting on the top of the Daodao Mountain just now, he didn’t have any special feeling, but when the left Elder’s voice fell, he just felt a mysterious force that could not be described in words, straight into his heart.


After a few breaths, everything in Qin Nan’s eyes changed completely.

Little Wujiejie, other Cultivators, etc., all cease to exist, and is replaced by a vast and boundless, presented as a deep blue color of the sea.

Qin Nan hesitated for a moment, then came back to his senses, and turned into a virtual pupil, sweeping in all directions.

In this scene, everything is surprisingly quiet, there is no sound, and there are no waves on Nuo Da’s sea, which makes people panic.

Qin Nan took a step forward, as he flattened the ground without causing a trace of ripples.

He tried another powerful technique to break into the sea ahead, but disappeared into the sea like a mud, disappearing shadowless.

“Since it is testing martial arts natural talent, plus the conditions here, you can only meditate.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, and immediately sat cross-legged, calm.

At this moment, an extremely amazing scene took place. With him as the center, the seawater of several tens of thousands of li began to boil violently, and there was one after another waterdrop, which floated out from the inside and fell into Qin. In Nan’s body.

At first, there were only 100, but less than time it takes to drink a cup of tea, there were already 1000000, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

However, Qin Nan didn’t feel anything at all about this.

Qin Nan only felt that his body was warming up and down, his thinking and so on became clearer than ever before, like climbing out of a well, little by little, the sky in front of him became more and more The bigger, the more vast.

“Sure enough, this martial arts Natural Talent Test is nothing special!”

Qin Nan secretly thought a word, sinking more and more into it.

Just right, he wants to take this opportunity to see how much his martial arts natural talent has reached!

As time passed, unconsciously, an hour passed.

The Cultivators in that fairy city closely watched more than 50 Huadao Mountains by various means.

Suddenly, an extremely bright crying sound cut through the sky.

I only saw that behind Gu Fe, he had a huge body, a mighty figure, and a huge Golden Crow illusory shadow composed of infinite fire, flapping his wings, soaring into the sky, and dyeing the void in all directions. With a fiery red color, the scene was spectacular.

“Look! Someone has caused the Golden Crow natural phenomenon!”

“Such a fast speed has triggered the Golden Crow natural phenomenon. This person’s martial arts natural talent is also extraordinary Ah!”

“Don’t draw conclusions yet, just a Golden Crow natural phenomenon!”

The Cultivators in the fairy city are all refreshed and talk about it.

Immediately, among the behind breathed breaths, one after another the bright crying sound, one after another, Three-Legged Golden Crow, one after another, emerged behind the Cultivator, fanning Wings.

For a moment, the entire sky was dyed with a fiery red color, as if there were dozens of ancient days, rising from the end of the earth.

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