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Cultivators, such as Xie Siyi, Lin Chengqi, etc., and Gu Fe’s expressions are all startled.

If the attitude of Ruler seems to be a little …


“Not bad.”

Qin Nan Tian is shamelessly nodded.

In special times and circumstances, he can only do so.


If the Ruler hearing this, suddenly suck in a cold breath of air.

As the first existence of the Great Upper Realm in the field of Mind Strength, his understanding of Mind Strength, among other things, has reached an extremely scary level.

The other Cultivators present may just think that this blade released by Qin Nan is very powerful, but he can see at a glance that the found mystery contained in this blade is extremely extraordinary.

The most important thing is that this blade gave him a sense of familiarity!

A long time ago, he went into a restricted area and got a Supreme chance, so he started self-created a martial skill.

However, with his martial skill natural talent, until now, he has not created this martial skill!

Not to mention creation, even the will contained in this martial skill, he hasn’t figured it out yet, he just grasped that mysterious feeling.

“If you have a senior, do you know if I passed?”

Qin Nan saw the expression of Ruler in his heart, relaxed in his heart, and opened the mouth to ask.

“Pass! Of course it is!”

If the Ruler reacts, nodded again and again, the sound of thunder is blown to the heart of every Cultivator present.

At the same time, he suddenly thought of something, eyes fixed on Qin Nan, his eyes burning: “fellow daoist, can you impart this martial skill to me?”

When the words came out, the audience died.

The heart of every Cultivator seemed to be the collapse of the Great Mountain, banging.


“How can this be?”

Cultivators, such as Xie Siyi, Lin Chengqi, and so on, all had their eyes widened, their faces shocked, and they couldn’t believe it.

This is like Ruler Ah!

One of the most eye-catching peerless talents in the Great Upper Realm!

Now, if Ruler wants to learn this ordinary Cultivator self-created martial skill?

So how much profound mystery did Qin Nan just wield to make Ruler so satisfied?

“How… how can it…”

Gu Fe watched this scene, completely stunned.

Isn’t Lin Xiaozhi afraid to fight with Xie Siyi?

Isn’t Lin Xiaozhi very weak?

However, being able to do this step is enough to prove that Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent is very terrifying!

At least, far more than Xie Siyi!

“He … he really has other reasons …”

Gu Fe remembered for a moment that Lin Xiaozhi had previously told it that for some special reasons, he could not fight with Xie Siyi.

It always thought that this was just an excuse for Lin Xiaozhi to escape that’s all!

But now it seems …

For a moment, all kinds of remorse came to Gu Fe’s heart.

“Pass you?”

Qin Nan saw a strange look.

It seems that this situation is really the same as Huangfu Jue.

Mind Ruler can master Mind Cutting Blade because he returned to this antiquity time.

“Fellow daoist, frankly, I’m self-created a martial skill, but many years have passed and I still have no clue! Today I look at the fell daoist style, which is very similar to my martial skill!

“If the Fellow Daoist can spread it, I will definitely feel something from it, and maybe I will create that martial skill directly!”

If Ruler is short of breath, his eyes are hot, like a hungry man, and he meets wonderful food: “fellow daoist, as long as you are willing to create that martial skill for me, what conditions do you have, please tell me!”

“I will never quit if I can!”

“I can’t do it, I’ll find a way to do it for you!”

Qin Nan expression for a moment.

He didn’t want to give it, but he absolutely didn’t think about it, just like Ruler’s attitude just now has turned into such a look …

“If you have a senior, in fact, this martial skill is not completely created by my own. I learned the will from a senior.” Qin Nan gave a low cough and said: “I teach it to you. No problem, but one of them is that you can never pass this technique to others, can you? “

If the Ruler expression is immediately overjoyed, “No problem, absolutely no problem, I will swear the Lord later!”

Qin Nan nodded, saying: “Then I will pass it to you now!”

After speaking, Qin Nan shoots a finger, condensing various found mystery of Mind Cutting Blade into an immortal light, and broke into the inside of the body of Ruler.

“Fellow daoist, many thanks Ah! Hey, yes, fellow daoist, what’s your name?”

Xiner Ruler suddenly remembered that he patronized the martial skill, and still don’t know what Qin Nan’s name is.

“Under Lin Xiaozhi, a loose cultivator.”

Qin Nan said.

“Brother Lin, in the future, we will be brothers! Brother has brought me such a great opportunity today, and I will never forget it. If you hold this token, you will encounter any trouble in the future. Tell me!”

If Ruler only felt that the current Qin Nan had become extremely pleasing to the eye, very kind and without hesitation, he took out his private token.

This token, so far, has only been given to 3 people.

“many thanks !”

Qin Nan gave a low cough and stunned.

“Aiya, it’s all my own brother. What are you polite to me? Yes, you should go to the second level now, the sooner you go, the better!”

Having said that, if the mind suddenly came to mind, Ruler looked towards Ji Xuan and said, “I remember, this fellow daoist seems to be with you, is it your friend, right? If so, Let him pass the assessment with you! “

Qin Nan froze, “This, if the big brother is in the heart, it would be appropriate to do–“

If Ruler waved his hand, he was full of momentum: “What is suitable and inappropriate? I’m Blocker here. Whoever I want to pass by, then let it pass!”

Ji Xuan in the distance also reacted and quickly called out: “If the big brother in heart, I am the brother of Little Brother Lin, my name is Ji Xuan!”

Ji Xuan ran over with a charming smile on his face.

He had thought that this level would not pass. Where did he know that Lin Xiaozhi had brought him such a big surprise.

“Well, yes, yes! You are Brother of Old Lin, and that is my brother. Come with him.”

心 若 Ruler nodded and said.

“Many thanks Xinruo big brother!”

Ji Xuan was overjoyed, and moved towards Qin Nan winked.

“Then many thanks Xinruo big brother!”

Of course Qin Nan would not quit, arched his hand, and suddenly thought of something, whispered sound transmission saying: “Yes, my big brother, who came with me this time, and the monster beast I subscribed to, On that side, can you let it also … “

Still without waiting for Qin Nan to finish, Ruler said loudly: “Don’t talk about Monster Beast, even if you bring ten Monster Beasts, I will let them through.”

Ruler looked towards Gu Fe, saying, “Boy, you passed too.”

Gu Fe 怔怔.

At this moment, its emotions are already unknown how to describe.

Chapter 2 1000 304 Chapter 2 Secret (2)

“Stupid still standing? Why not hurry up?”

Ji Xuan faint smile.

Qin Nan also smiled on his face, facing Gu Fe nodded.

“Well, Lao Ji, the second pass of this third pass, you must not pass, Brother Lin and I can pass!”

Gu Fe only felt the soreness of his nose, rubbed his eyes, and said “arrogantly”, kicked his calf, and returned to Qin Nan’s shoulder.

Two people, one beast, walked towards the bridge of rays of light behind Ruler.

Before leaving, Qin Nan glanced at Xie Siyi, but he said nothing.

To this day, he doesn’t need to say anything.

Until the two people disappeared on the rays of light bridge, the entire training field was still absolute silence.

The chain of events that happened has really given them a big impact!

“Hey, what are you still doing? Give you one last chance. If you still can’t pass, then you can’t pass at all! I still have a problem, and I have no time to spend with you here.”

If Ruler’s expression suddenly changed, it became cold and impatient.

“Oh, yes, I remember you guys who seemed to ridicule my brother, right? You consciously, get out of here, I don’t want to dirty my hands.”

Xinruo Ruler glanced at Xie Siyi and the others, and the latter suddenly felt shocked, like falling in an ice cave, only to feel extremely cold.



At the same time, Holy Martial Arts, the land of Mysterious.

In a house.

Spirit of the celestial poles list and Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable are staring at a light blue color Crystal Ball with a picture in it, which is exactly the assessment hosted by Ruler Ruler.

Everything that happened was clearly seen by these two terrorist giants.

“Hahaha, if this guy is in the heart, his temper is still like that year, no rules and so on, all eyes are on!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list couldn’t help laughing.

He looked towards Ruler’s eyes full of appreciation.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​don’t you know that young man? The blade he cut out just now, I feel it carefully. The profound mystery contained in it is not ordinary horror Ah! If the blade just now, really He is self-created, and his martial arts natural talent is probably more than Chen Fenghuo. “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable was surprised.

He did not expect that such a peerless genius appeared on the way.

“You don’t have to think about it, this child must have a strong martial arts natural talent, but it is absolutely impossible to compare with Chen Fenghuo. I guess it’s more than heartfelt, but it is stronger than the average genius.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list waved their hands and said, “Do n’t you know, the original Master of this child was killed long ago. The soul that now occupies this body comes from Azure Vault. The knife just now, it should be From Azure Vault. “

Having said that, the Spirit of the celestial poles list couldn’t help but wondered tsk tsk, saying, “I just didn’t expect that Lin Xiaozhi, even without the slightest hesitation, gave this blade to Xinruo, it was really atmospheric.”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable heard this, but it was an instantaneous tremor, complexion greatly changed, saying: “Elder Brother Tian, ​​the characters in Azure Vault can also enter the Great Upper Realm? That rule, could it be that —— “

When he said that, he dared not go on.

If that’s the case, I’m afraid the Great Upper Realm will be hit harder than ever.

The fate of the Great Upper Realm will never know how it changed.

Azure Vault, Asking Dao Land, 36 World’s Sacred Area …

Spirit of the celestial poles list rolled the eyes, saying: “How is that possible? This kid is just an exception. And I also talked to him. He came to the Great Upper Realm and just wanted to be stronger, not at all other ideas. “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable was relaxed and said, “That’s good, that’s good. Elder Brother Tian, ​​you really are, you didn’t make things clear earlier, but you almost scared me.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list cast a disdainful look: “How are you, one of the top ten Heavenly Venerables, can you be a little bit better?”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable’s face doesn’t matter: “What is the income? Can it be eaten? By the way, I heard that Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain changes frequently now. Is it going to choose Successor?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list Eyes narrowed slightly and said: “Zihao, there are some things that you should n’t ask. What Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is going to do, I wo n’t care. In addition, you better not to provoke .Even if it finds Successor, it will only be one of those 4 people, there will be no other results. “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable pats forehead, said: “Elder Brother Tian, ​​don’t think about it, old fogey. I just want to promote martial arts with one heart, but there is no other thought.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list nodded, saying: “Yes, yes. By the way, now that the third pass has passed, you must prepare in advance?”

“Wait a bit and see if this kid in the heart will continue to let people in.”



third pass assessment.

Qin Nan, Ji Xuan, and Gu Fe flew forward for about half an hour. At the end of the rays of light bridge, an arch with a high hundred zhang appeared, with various patterns carved on the wooden columns. Exuding an inexplicable majesty.

“Looking at this situation, we might have separated.”

Qin Nan said.

“The old season was miserable. There was no Brother Lin, and this Sir helped him. His second pass was hopeless.”

Gu Fe taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Che, who am I Ji Xuan? The first person to deduct! How could it be difficult? Would you like to bet on one?”

Ji Xuan was completely unconvinced.

“Just bet, what bet?”

“I won, you called me Dad, I lost, I called you, what do you think?”

“Old season, you are courting death!”

When the two people came to an end, they didn’t forget to stir up.

“You go on, I’ll take a step!”

Qin Nan’s figure fluttered and he sank into it.

“Oh! Wait for me Ah!”

Ji Xuan and Gu Fe quickly followed.

As Qin Nan expected, when they stepped into the arch, a majestic force descended again, and their bodies were scattered.

After a few breaths, Qin Nan felt only a shock from the body and came to a strange Heaven and Earth.

“en? This is…”

Qin Nan opened his eyes, and at a glance, his eyes started to show a startled look.

I just saw that now he is located in an antique great hall, where each and everyone bookcase made of Taiyixianmu is placed, and there is one piece of jade slip in each cabinet.

The jade slips are of different colors, shining with dim rays of light, reflecting the colorfulness of the entire great hall.

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