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Chapter 240 Failed Promotion

Inner Court, inside the first courtyard.

Ouyang Jun’s face was so ugly that he didn’t expect that Qin Nan went to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Range and actually won the favor of the Dragon Tiger Monster Sect.

Coupled with Princess Miaomiao and Supreme Elder, there are already 3 Martial Grandmaster Powerhouse support behind Qin Nan!

“Damn, he’s just a guy of Huang level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, I’m also Huang level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, why don’t I have that good luck?” Ouyang Jun couldn’t help but let out a low voice Roar.

At this moment, he became jealous of Qin Nan.

“Fortunately, when Leng Feng and Tan Jian wait, he will be killed and he will no longer exist!”

Ouyang Jun calmed down.

Just then, another Dao Talisman was coming across the air.

Li Hong was just about to grab, but he saw Ouyang Jun’s body flicker. He took Talisman first, shouted: “This time, let me see for myself. I want to be the first to see the news of Qin Nan falling, hahaha!”

Li Hong slightly startled and took a deep look at Ouyang Jun. She had discovered that, unconsciously, Ouyang Jun had no confidence in herself.

Ouyang Jun took a deep breath, a hint of confusion emerged in his heart, and Spiritual Consciousness moved towards this Talisman.

At this look, his face turned red instantly, forehead blue veins suddenly palpitates, hissing and roaring: “How is it possible! How is it possible! Even Tan Jian and Leng Feng united, he was all beheaded!”

Li Hong and Xiao Qingxue not far away, simultaneously stunned, understand instantly, suck in a cold breath of air.

“I want to kill him! I want to kill him myself!”

Ouyang Jun thundered wildly.

Since Qin Nan’s return this time, all the geniuses recruited in his Monarch League have been stepped on by his one after another. If he doesn’t kill Qin Nan, his prestige of the Monarch League will probably be thousand zhang!

“Ouyang Jun, don’t be impulsive!” Li Hong shouting loudly: “He now has 3 Martial Grandmaster Realm support in Sect. Don’t you give it away like this? Give it to me, wait for your father, promote Martial Sovereign! “


Ouyang Jun didn’t answer, her hands shuddered in anger, her face constantly twisted and changing.

He has really endured for too long, and now his killing of Qin Nan has swelled to a unimaginable level.

“it is good!”

Ouyang Jun was a little louder, almost extruding the word from the gap between the teeth.

Under the eaves, he had to bow his head. Although he was arrogant, he could not forcibly endure it.

Xiao Qingxue in the distance, when he heard the news, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he seemed to think of something, and his eyes were sad.

“Just wait for my father to be promoted to Martial Sovereign, I must plunder everything and all of him by myself!” The poisonous light of terrifying was revealed in Ouyang Jun’s eyes.

He was so jealous of Qin Nan, hated by jealousy!

Suddenly, at this moment, a golden light splendid Talisman, carrying a strong king’s coercion, crossed the void and flew into the air.

“this is……”

Ouyang Jun, Li Hong, Xiao Qingxue’s expressions were shocked.

This sound transmission talisman is the king’s sound transmission talisman. Each piece is extremely precious. It can be displayed over 1000 miles and will only be used for emergency events.

“What happened in the end?”

Ouyang Jun expression grabbed his hands and immediately grabbed the king’s sound transmission talisman. When he reached into the Spirit Consciousness and saw the news inside.


Like Five Thunderbolts.

Ouyang Jun’s face was extremely pale and bloodless, his body trembled, and he collapsed to the ground.



The entire Palace Lord, the giants, and the Elders all took a breath of simultaneously. They faintly seemed to see that a Peerless Supreme Talent was born.

“Qin Nan is really terrifying. In just six months, it has reached such a point!”

“With the luck of this child, when he becomes Martial King Powerhouse, he will certainly be the first Ah of inner sect!”

“If you think about it, Qin Nan took 1000 steps out of Chaotic Heart Ancient Bamboo Forest, and then …”

“This child is boundless in the future!”


Whether it is the Sect Master Lineage or other Elders who have not yet stood, they are really lamenting.

In 50 years of Profound Spirit Sect, in addition to Direct Disciple, Qin Nan has been the number one!

“Damn, how could it be, how could it be …” At this time, Punishment Palace Palace Lord yelled in his heart.

Major supreme talents ca n’t beat Qin Nan, they ca n’t beat 2 Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouse, could it be that he could n’t avenge his son today?

Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord’s eyes flickered, very ruthless flashed, giving great big shots to Sect Master Lineage, Elder simultaneously sound transmission saying: “Now this is the point, no one can stop Qin Nan, we Just leave. After the Sect Master is promoted to Martial Sovereign, whether it’s the Monster Grandmaster, Princess Miaomiao, Supreme Elder, or Qin Nan, huh, you can’t escape! “

Everyone is silent and agrees.

However, at this moment, dozens of golden light splendid Martial King sound transmission talisman burst into the air.

“this is……”

Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord and the others, all simultaneously stunned, then reached out and grabbed this Martial King sound transmission talisman.

At this moment, there was also a Martial King sound transmission talisman, which fell into the hands of Gong Yang. Gong Yang opened it with a doubt, and at a glance, when the following color was overjoyed, he sent a long shout: “hahahaha , Sect Master promoted to Martial Sovereign … failed! “

This statement, like a blast of thunder, spread to the hearts of 1000 people in the audience.

Failed to be promoted to Martial Sovereign?

Sect Master failed to promote Martial Sovereign?

At this time, the great big shots of Rare Treasure Palace Palace Lord also glanced at the information in it, and when they saw it with their own eyes, as if was struck by lightening, a complexion and no one looked.

Promotion failed!

Promotion failed!

Doesn’t mean that … Lineage, Supreme Elder, will be unstoppable?

“Cut, is it really that Martial Sovereign is so good to be promoted, natural talent does not need to say, but also need opportunities, and the time is right, can’t lack one?” Dragon Tiger Monster Sect sneered and looked disdainful, he had to admit that he was really He is wise, and he has guessed this answer long ago.

“Not promoted to Martial Sovereign?”

Princess Miaomiao reached out and dragged her chin, big round eyes, glanced at the major Palace Lord and the others, and gave a grin.

ps: 6rd more

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