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For a moment, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth fell into silence.

Ji Xuan’s heart is now Heavenly Thunder. He never dreamed that the “Senior” who was so imposing and fierce that made him tremble and scared turned out to be just such a cub of Unparalleled Overlord Boundary.

Qin Nan was also a bit surprised. He felt weird at the time, but didn’t expect it.

“Meow ~”

The beast took the lead in responding, making a scream of milk and milk, a pair of bright and intelligent eyes, looking at two people, pure Leisureless, harmless to humans and animals.

The corners of Ji Xuan and Qin Nan couldn’t help it.

“Fill me out here! Did you scare me just now?”

Ji Xuan’s momentum broke out, fiercely’s Asking Dao.


The beast blinked, full of doubt.

“Don’t admit it, right? Forget it, I don’t need you to admit it, Young Master, I’m in a bad mood right now, I need to take care of you!”

Ji Xuan flexed his muscles, especially when he thought that he was almost frightened and escaped, he was even furious.

That’s too shameful!

“Mortal, what do you want to do? I tell you, I’m the Heavenly Treasure Beast family. If you dare to hit me, I will call my clansman and give you a good meal!”

The beast was startled, threatening as he stepped back.

“Absolutely Heavenly Treasure Beast?”

Ji Xuan and Qin Nan are both together.

“Tsk tsk, Little Brother Lin, it seems that our luck this time is indeed very good. This one is Heavenly Treasure Beast, I am afraid that it is the entire Great Upper Realm, and the last one is Heavenly Treasure Beast, and it is obviously born. Not long ago, the best opportunity to subdue. “

“Little Brother Lin, didn’t you get a seven colors monster flower last time? Why not give it up?”

Ji Xuan sound transmission Asking Dao.

“Are Heavenly Treasure Beast …”

Qin Nan’s heart moved.

He had been thinking about surrendering an Antiquity Variation Beast in this Heavenly Venerable battlefield.

It’s just that the little beast in front of him, although Bloodline is very powerful, the current cultivation level is really too low.

“it is good!”

Qin Nan thought for a while, still nodded.

He is still in 97 years now, and should be able to let this Little Brat grow up quickly and fight with him.

“Little Brat, Young Master will not talk to you nonsense. You threatened us 2 just now. If our usual temperament slaps you to death. But it ’s absolutely Heavenly Treasure Beast Lineage. For your part, let me give you a chance to follow the Little Brother Lin and dress this flower. How about it? “

Ji Xuan landed and said.

The momentum emanating from him, became extremely magnificent, countless Rule Strength, immersed in the void of all directions, and turned into an invisible cage, locking this place.

Qin Nan took out seven colors demon flowers, said with a smile: “You can rest assured, if you follow me, I will never …”

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the little beast sneered, and his eyes were full of disdain, saying: “Mortal people, you give me this set less, and you want me to follow you? It is just delusional .Even if I die here, I will never bow my head to you. “

Gu Fe?

Qin Nan expression for a moment.

“Gu Fe … Hao Heavenly Emperor …”

Qin Nan pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt refreshed.

He remembered, when Senior Ye told him that when the next ten Heavenly Venerable trees appeared, in addition to Zhou Di and the others were promoted to Heavenly Venerable, there was a Monster Beast, which became Heavenly Venerable .

This Monster Beast is Hao Heavenly Emperor, the name is Gu Fe, and Dao’s Title is Hunshi Old Ancestor!

After the rise of Hunshi Old Ancestor, that act was unbridled and quite surly. Among them, Jia Ye tsk tsk was amazed that at that time Old Ancestor lost to a peak Heavenly Venerable, and the secret Heavenly Venerable was secretly the most The beloved daughter has been soaked in her hands, and has also given war books to peak Heavenly Venerable.

When the day of the war, Old Ancestor was holding the girl, heavenly ascension came, and half animated the peak Heavenly Venerable.

could it be that, is this guy in front of me?

“Oh, it’s very boney! In that case, I can only blame me for being rude.”

Ji Xuan sneered, with almost no hesitation, summoned an Ancient Immortal sword, erupting into an extremely amazing power, turned into a dazzling rainbow, and moved towards Gu Fe beheaded.

Gu Fe’s hair exploded, roaring, and immortal light flickered.

The Heavenly Treasure Beast family ’s natural talent ability was released by it, weakening the infinite word intent.

It has to be said that as a junior unparalleled overlord, it is quite extraordinary to be able to meet the blow of Ruler.

It’s just that the training level of Gu Fe is now too low. It can resist less than 2 breaths, and the sword intent penetrates the force of nothingness and beheaded at it.


Gu Fe’s eyes were red and growled, full of unwillingness.

At this crucial moment, when the fairy sword reached the 3 inches of Heavenly Treasure Beast’s forehead, it stopped suddenly.

“Fuck !, Little Brother Lin, this Little Brat is not blowing, but he is really not afraid of death! What now?”

Ji Xuan opens the mouth to ask, he’s not killing innocent, shameless and innocent people. The move just now is just trying Gu Fe’s courage that’s all.

On the contrary, Gu Fe, a cub, can really fearlessly live and die, but he really appreciates it.

“Let me come.”

Qin Nan was even more satisfied. He waved his hands and moved towards Gu Fe.

“Mortal, if you want me to force this seven colors monster flower forcibly, then I will die for you immediately!”

Gu Fe raised his head like a little warrior, the innate pride of the the bones, vividly and thoroughly.

“No, I can’t do anything like that.”

Qin Nan shook the head, lightly said with a smile: “This time you and I met, I just give you a choice. You follow me, not as a slave or servant, and will not harm you. Heavenly Treasure Beast Majesty. At this point we can stand Immortal Demon Dao Oath to each other. “

“In addition, you should know that you must be the Heavenly Treasure Beast family, and you can transform into the legendary Hao Heavenly Emperor. I do n’t tell you, I think you may be the Hao Heavenly Emperor in decades. shortage.”

Ji Xuan listened.

Absolutely did not expect that Little Brother Lin would be so flickering.

Within a few decades, becoming a Heavenly Emperor beast, how could that be?

Not to mention decades, even for a few hundred years, that hope is very slim.

“Che, mortal, give me this less. How about you as a 3-year-old?”

Gu Fe scowled.

In fact, it was born more than ten days ago, not even a year old.

“You don’t believe it? Why don’t you, we can make a bet, if you next time the Heavenly Venerable Tree is here, you might be able to become the Heavenly Emperor. Then we two people will help you once. “

Qin Nan reached out and pointed out 3 mountain-like corpses, said differently: “They will fall here, presumably here is a very significant major event. And, absolutely Heavenly Treasure Beast Lineage, until now, are quite rare, The relationship between these three people should be quite close to you? You should want revenge? “

Gu Fe’s pupil shrinks slightly.

As Qin Nan said, it can never forget, the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea in his mind, the scene of countless screams, and the pain of painstaking care.

“If you don’t like this, then I have nothing to say, Ji Xuan, let’s go.”

Qin Nan shrugged and turned to leave.

He was really interested in Gu Fe.

Think about the future Dignified Heavenly Venerable level Hao Heavenly Emperor beast, which became his mount. What a bloody feeling?

However, he would not force and induce Gu Fe, because the final result for a future Peak giant would necessarily be counterproductive.

Moreover, his mount must obey him!

“Just so gone?”

Ji Xuan was a little bit reluctant.

This is the last Heavenly Treasure Beast.

This is an extremely rare opportunity …


Gu Fe shouted suddenly, staring at Qin Nan with his eyes, saying: “Mortal, you have to deny it. Your attitude is very sincere, and your proposal has moved me!”

“However, I have a condition.”

“Our vow must be the Lord’s Oath, and I do not take seven colors demon flowers.”

Although it is very young, it is very mature.

“That’s not okay, seven colors demon flowers must be taken. At worst, in the vow of the Lord, we can add another one. If we fail to make you a Heavenly Emperor, we will help you once for free, and leave you And go. “

Qin Nan shook the head.

Gu Fe stroked his head, apparently tangled.

“So, that’s fine.”

Gu Fe was eventually nodded, saying, “But, mortals, I still have a request that these three corpses, you must not hit their lord intent, and you must find a Danger Land for them, and seal their corpses well. “

After speaking, it did not forget to glance at Ji Xuan and let the latter roll his eyes.


Qin Nan promised to pop down 7 demon flowers.

“Then take an oath.”

This man and a little beast were very simple and did not play any other minds, and quickly made an oath. The latter took flowers, an intangible sense of wonder, and was born in the heart.

For Qin Nan’s various warnings and the like, all disappeared thoroughly.

“My name is Lin Xiaozhi, and this is Ji Xuan. I am good at demonstrating divination, these period of time, and we are all three together.”

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile.

“Ji Xuan? This name is awful!”

Gu Fe cast a disdainful look.

“what did you say?”

Ji Xuan was furious.

“What fierce? Mortal, if you have the ability, you suppress the cultivation level to the Boundary of the Unparalleled Overlord, and fight with me!”

Gu Fe digs his nose.

“Oh, you want to catch me? I’m bullying you now with Ruler Boundary.

“Lin Brother, he bullies the monsters, bullies the little ones!”


Qin Nan and Ji Xuan soon began to fulfill their promises, using amazing methods to capture the corpses of the three monsters and fly to the other side according to Gu Fe’s guidance.

But after a long time, they arrived in a mountain range, found a hidden place, and began to place 3 corpses in it, depicting many prohibitions and killings all around.

“Xiaogu, what happened on that plain? How could that many monster beasts and creatures fall?”

Ji Xuan’s rather casual Asking Dao.

“Aren’t you supposed to calculate Number One Person? Then you can count it yourself and ask me why.”

Gu Fe curl one’s lip.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Xiaogu, we plan to leave the mountain range of Futian and go to Shengtian Wujiao later.”

Qin Nan said.

It is meaningless to continue to deepen the mountain range.

It was a huge surprise to be able to conquer the Heavenly Treasure Beast.

“Sacred martial arts? Is that one of the four teachings of Holy Land?”

Gu Fe asked hastily, when I saw Qin Nan nodded, it with both eyes immediately revealed the color that I yearned for. In the inherited memories I got from it, father was very yearning for this place, but it was always because of various reasons. No time to go.

“Let’s go.”

Qin Nan said, Gu Fe immediately shook his body, and it suddenly shrank. It finally became the size of a slap. He jumped onto Qin Nan’s shoulder, twisted his legs, and found a comfortable place to lie down. Closed his eyes.

“Fuck, still treat yourself as an uncle?”

Ji Xuan wanted to take a slap to take a look.

“This Little Brat…”

Qin Nan shook the head, fluttering into the void.

However, Qin Nan and Ji Xuan didn’t see it. At this time, Gu Fe’s eyes opened a thin slit, looking at the mountain range and the plain farther and farther. Everything, all deeply remembered.



After about an hour.

Two people, one animal, has already reached the middle of Futian mountain range.


Suddenly, Qin Nan and Ji Xuan’s brows were both lightly frowned.

Both of them faintly felt that the huge Heaven and Earth in front of them was a bit wrong.

“Heaven and Earth in front of me seems to have been touched by people, similar to the existence of a force of perception. If we enter it, to arrange the mortals in this game, we can immediately notice.”

Gu Fe opened his eyes and said.

Qin Nan and Ji Xuan two people glanced at each other, and accidentally remembered the Witch Heaven entire group.

Those who can have this means should be them.

It’s just didn’t expect. It’s been a long time and I haven’t even left.

“Little Brother Lin, what? What a detour?”

Ji Xuan Asking Dao.

“If you were to hold on to the other three guys, would you find it difficult?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly and he asked back.

“You said those 3 Ah! If before, let me hold 3 people in one breath, then I have no confidence, but now, hum …”

Ji Xuan raised his fist and made a loud noise.

“But now you can fight against Witchcraft?”

Ji Xuan thought of the key points.

This witchcraft, but exists within the rank 2 100, far from being comparable to those 3 people!

“Can try!”

After Qin Nan said a word, he moved towards the piece of Heaven and Earth and flew straight.

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