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“High Demon Boundary!”

Qin Nan shouted, Mysterious’s incomparable Demon Realm slowly pulled away behind him, making the released Demon Intent suddenly multiply several times.

“On the fist!”

Qin Nan is like a generation of peerless Demon Ancestor, punched out, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

“What kind of magic is this? It even shook my Grand Demon Grand Dao?”

Wu Wutian’s eyes were surprised for the first time.

His accomplishments on Demon Dao are very powerful. To be more precise, he also has very powerful accomplishments on Demon Dao, Buddha Dao, and Wudao. Otherwise, he cannot go to this. step.

Therefore, he is more able to understand the significance of this Demon Intent emanating from Qin Nan than other Cultivators.

In this case, this is the first time he has encountered someone other than Huangfu Jue!

“Very good luck this time, I’m going to order this magic!”

Wu Yantian soon got excited, and the mouths of the three illusive big dragons were all infected by his emotions. Simultaneously opened the mouth of the dragon and issued one after another roaring sound, terrifying incomparable pressure, swept towards all directions.

“Heaven and Earth is the beginning, the way to witch!”

Wu Xietian did not retreat in the slightest, and went straight up, punching and punching one after another.


The sound of countless explosions resounded simultaneously.

An extremely weird scene appeared, Wu Wutian seemed to become the son of this canyon. In each of his punches, not only contained extremely terrifying power, but one punch was stronger than one punch, as if he got infinite blessing.

Even though there is still a little distance between Wujitian and Qin Nan, Qin Nan also felt a great oppression.

“Little Brother Lin, you are holding on!”

Ji Xuan loudly shouted, he quickly took out two quirky Talisman and hit Qin Nan. At the same time, he also took out an ancient Asking Dao Item, injected Rule Strength into it, made it work, and shot After the strike, he attacked the golden screen and shook it again and again.

“Blade Secret Art!”

Qin Nan, in an instant, cut out 10000 blade intents, and in the midst of it, it seemed as if he had sketched an extremely fierce ancient monster, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and tearing forward and biting.

“insignificant skill.”

The weather of the witch-women is sky-high, with 3 dragons on his body, simultaneously burst out, rushing forward, and the dragon claw photographed it.


The whole situation became extremely urgent.

“Give me … drive Ah!”

Ji Xuan yelled, the formidable power of this ancient Asking Dao Item was urged to the extreme by him, releasing the extraordinary attention of brilliance, accumulating infinite power, turning it into a point, suddenly erupting.

The whole golden curtain, slightly trembled, sounded the sound of peng peng, a gap of two zhang height, emerged

“Open! Little Brother Lin, let’s go!”

Ji Xuan expression shouted with joy.

Qin Nan didn’t turn his head back, but he rushed backwards and out of the light curtain.

“Do you think that if you escape from this place, you can escape from my palm?”

There was a hint of disdain in Witch-Heavenly Eye.

The battle strength of Qin Nan and Lin Xiaozhi has already been roughly counted.

Although it was stronger than he expected, the large section was better than him.

Until now, he scarcely let anyone who was worse than him escape like this.

“Mind Cutting Blade!”

Can’t Qin Nan understand this?

Therefore, Qin Nan’s offensive didn’t stop at all. All Mind Strength was released and finally merged into the magic sword in his hand and completely released.

It’s amazing!

“Black God, give me!”

Ji Xuan didn’t pull down. From that Storage Bag, he took out 9 full-length silhouettes filled with countless spells, and injected Rule Strength into it to make them all come alive. Xiang Wu Wutian.

“En? This blade ……”

Originally casting a spell, I was going to give these two people to the trapped Witchcraft Sky. When I saw Qin Nan’s Mind Cutting Blade, Hitomi towering suddenly shrank.

Such a huge Mind Strength …

Such a familiar knife …

What is the relationship between this demonic cultivator and that Ruler?

It was his look distracted at this moment. The attack that Qin Nan and Ji Xuan teamed up together had already come to Wujitian. When Wujitian responded, he had to rush to resist, so that he was in a mess.

After rushing out of the light curtain, Qin Nan and Ji Xuan did not dare to stop at all. They ran the Asking Dao Technique at full speed and rushed in the other direction.

It wasn’t until two full breaths passed that they two people found out that the situation was a little bit wrong.

“Well? He didn’t catch up? Could it be that he didn’t want to leave that place, or was completely bound by something Mysterious in that place?”

Ji Xuan the eyes shines.

Qin Nan eyebrows slightly frowned.

He always felt that the possibility of these two conclusions was very small.

However, for a moment, he could not think of any reasonable answer.

“You can’t relax your vigilance now, the distance is far from enough!”

Qin Nan spilled a cold water.

“Uh-huh, Little Brother Lin, I listen to you!”

Ji Xuan was nodded again and again, two people continued to fly forward.

As for the golden screen, the figure of Wu Yuntian was suspended in mid-air, and his face changed constantly, white and dark.

“If the damn heart …”

Wu Yitian’s fist clenched slightly, gnashing teeth.

In today’s Great Upper Realm, there are not many people who can defeat him with peak Ruler cultivation level.

Ruler is one of them.

This person not only defeated him, but also fiercely humiliated him that day, and brought a huge blow to his mind.

After Qin Nan cut out the knife just now, his mind almost emerged from that day. If Ruler had his hands behind him, he stood high and looked at him coldly: “You remember me, If you see me in the future, you will take a detour. If you dare to stand in front of me, I will nail you to hell, and it is better to die, understand?

Although his tone was very plain, Wu Wutian felt fear at the time.

As a top-level supreme talent, Wu Zhitian knew in his heart that if Ruler said these words, he would not only humiliate him, but also plant a seed of fear in his heart.

Even though the Witch Heaven knows the existence of this seed, he still has no way to eradicate it, and when the seed is awakens, he cannot control himself, the meaning of fear, breeds again, making his body hardly listen.

“This time, even if you are lucky!”

Wu Qi Tianqiang suppressed various emotions in his heart, took a deep breath, and flew towards the rear.

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