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“Ahem, didn’t expect, in this short period of 3 years, I have experienced 2 defeats. Can you tell me your Dao’s Title now, this fellow daoist?”

Tianwu Imperial Prince sat up and took down an Immortal Pill, opens the mouth to ask.

“Lin Xiaozhi.”

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile.

At that moment, the imprint on the back of his hand suddenly felt a scorching heat.


Qin Nan felt it and looked up.

I can only see that in the depth of the sky, there is a sky of several hundred zhang, which suddenly turns into a dark vortex. Immediately afterwards, an extremely pure power, dropping from the sky, hit Qin Nan.

Qin Nan turned up and down and became extremely warm immediately. The Rule Strength that had just been consumed all recovered as before, and there were still signs of breakthrough.

“Lin Xiaozhi, defeated Tianwu Imperial Prince, so the ranking improved to 301, with a slight reward, you continue to work hard.”

The sound of Celestial pole list sounded in Qin Nan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Congratulations to Fellow Daoist, the ranking has improved!”

Tianwu Imperial Prince and the others are all fists.

“But this left me far behind, I knew I should have shot against this day’s Imperial Prince …”

Ji Xuan muttered.

“Now things are over, let’s go.”

Qin Nan’s heart didn’t fluctuate so much. He sent a spiritual thought to Ji Xuan 3 people, and after saying goodbye to Tianwu Imperial Prince, he turned to leave.

“And slow!”

Tianwu Imperial Prince suddenly made a noise.

“What else do you want?”

Xiao Qingyue was displeased by Asking Dao.

“Lin Fellow daoist, this time, although you won me, but this does not mean that you won all.”

Tianwu Imperial Prince said with a smile.

He tone barely fell, one after another rushing through the air, and it sounded.

When Qin Nan and the others looked up, they saw 5 silhouettes full of heavens-frightening momentum, transformed into the ancient rainbow, moved towards where they were, and flew at high speed.

Every aura has reached the level of Ruler peak!

“Tianwu Imperial Prince, how’s it going?”

After 5 people flew in, they glanced at Qin Nan and the others, facing Tianwu Imperial Prince Asking Dao.

“A few …”

Tianwu Imperial Prince passed the spiritual thought and looked towards Qin Nan and the others, said with a smile: “You 4 of us, 2 of us, there are 8 Ruler peaks. Can you stop them? “

Xiao Qingyue’s pretty face changed slightly and said: “Tianwu Imperial Prince, you are too despicable!”

Although Qin Nan and Ji Xuan have battle strengths that are very heaven-defying, but now facing such a strong lineup, it is impossible to win again.

Really fighting, 4 of them will definitely lose soon.

“Little Brother Lin, I can’t stop these 8 Ruler peaks. I can only block 5 at most.”

Ji Xuan said with a smile.


Qin Nan shook the head.

“Dirty? Girl Xiao, this sentence is a bit overdone, Ah! Heavenly material treasure, everyone loves it, who can get it, just look at the ability. Just because I have many friends, plus I am very cautious, look When it was too late to break the Immortal Palace, I called on a few more friends to help. “

“You can call Lin Fellow daoist. They can come. I can also call someone over.”

Tianwu Imperial Prince carried his hands behind his back, looked towards Qin Nan, and said, “But I don’t want to embarrass you. I and Lin Fellow daoist are also quite destined. So let’s take that wonderful flower, you take it out, and I am I’m fellow daoist refining. “

Xiao Qingyue bit his silver tooth, this Tianwu Imperial Prince, so ignored the other three of them?

However, she and Lingxun Young Master, with almost no hesitation, passed on the spiritual thought to Qin Nan: “Lin Xiaozhi, this is the case now, and it can only be this way. Later, you will absorb the flower that is not wonderful. Don’t make this cock cheap. “

When he heard the word cock 2, Qin Nan almost laughed.

Xiao Yueqing hurts people, but it is also very powerful.

“No need.”

Qin Nan shook the head, looking at Tianwu Imperial Prince, saying: “many thanks Tianwu fellow daoist’s kindness, but refining with you, then forget about it, this wonderful flower, we will not hand it over . “

As soon as this word came out, most of the people present were startled for expression.

Tianwu Imperial Prince’s face sank slightly.

He does admire Qin Nan, but Qin Nan is still a bit too rude to say this now.

It seems to be value emotion, value friendship, but in the view of Tianwu Imperial Prince, this approach is a bit foolish.

“Lin Fellow daoist, although you are better than me, I still have to advise you, in this world, when you should bow your head, you still have to bow your head, not to be blinded by some illusory things.”

Tianwu Imperial Prince indifferently said.

“Tianwu Fellow Daoist makes sense, but …”

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile: “This is our side who won.”

Just as his voice fell, one after another’s hastily broken air sounded in the distance.

Tianwu Imperial Prince and other people expressions startled. When he looked subconsciously, he saw Palace Lord, leading several other Palace Lords, and rushed towards them at an astonishing speed.

There are 7 people in total, and the momentum they exude is Ruler peak Boundary!

“Haha, Brother Brother Lin, we finally meet again.”

Seeing Qin Nan, Tian Gongdian Palace Lord couldn’t help laughing, feeling quite good.

For almost 3 years, he almost ruined him.

“I’ve seen Seniors.”

Qin Nan quickly saluted.

“Brother Lin, don’t be kind to us …”

The other Palace Lords were shocked to see such a move, and quickly responded.


Not only Tianwu Imperial Prince and the others, but even Xiao Yueqing, Lingxun Young Master, and Ji Xuan are a little embarrassed.

You know, they’re in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield today.

Although Xiao Family, Ancient Clan, and their Heavenly Venerable Dao Lineage, there are many Ruler Powerhouses, and most of them are in the Heavenly Venerable battlefield, but in general, you can find a few, which is already very good. Already.

After all, each Ruler has its own affairs, and it may involve internal struggles within the family, Ancient Clan, Dao Lineage, and they will turn a blind eye.

Tianwu Imperial Prince gathered this group of people, it has already taken a great deal of effort and paid a lot of price.

However, they absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan could easily tune down to a full 7-bit peak Ruler.

Moreover, from the attitude of these peak Rulers, they seem to have a great respect for Qin Nan!

“what should I do now?”

Tianwu Imperial Prince reacted quickly and racked his brains.

This is a wonderful flower. He has worked so hard that he must not watch it slip away from him.

But what should we do?

If they go to war, they have little chance of winning.

If there is no war, then …

Just at this time, it was absolutely unexpected. One after another hurriedly broke the air. The number of momentum that burst out was even more than that of Palace Lord and the others. Full 8!

There are 8 more peak Ruler coming from afar!

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