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200th 24 Chapter On Wealth

“Palace Lord Zhang, actually Palace Lord Zhang!”

“His, he’s the head of the 9 biggest Vice Palace Lords, Rare Treasure Palace’s future Palace Lord!”

“Why is he here? Could it be that is he dealing with Qin Nan?”


The whole audience was turbulent after the initial shock.

Qin Nan glanced over.

This Vice Palace Lord is a middle age person, with a square-faced, quite majestic, a cultivation level, and even reached the level of Martial King Realm 7-layer, even every step he takes, there will be This kind of invisible general outbreak made people’s hearts startled.

Vice Palace Lord looks ugly at this moment.

He received the sound transmission from Ouyang Jun today, and thought about it again. Because of his bad identity, he personally ordered the deacon to deal with Qin Nan.

But he didn’t expect that this Qin Nan could not be Heavenless so much, he didn’t know what tricks he used to make Merit Palace lose face.

Zhang Vice Palace Lord step one stopped, glanced at Zhou Yang and the others who were kneeling simultaneously, and immediately saw the mysterious inside, loudly shouted: “Can’t get up yet?”

He shouting loudly and used an ancient secret technique called ‘pure sound technique’. In performing this technique, every sentence of his can have the ability to wake up the mind and shake the heart demon.

In the view of Zhang Vice Palace Lord, Zhou Yang and the others kneeled, presumably it was Qin Nan who used some sort of confusion.

However, Zhou Yang and 9 other disciples still knelt down on the ground, shiver coldly, and full of fear, and were not shouting loudly at all, awakening the mind.

Qin Nan faintly smiled, and said, “Palace Lord Zhang, right? It seems you don’t know that they kneel on their own initiative, no matter how you call them, they don’t want to get up.”

Zhang Vice Palace Lord’s face changed instantly, and it was extremely ugly.

The whole disciple was twitching.

Take the initiative to kneel? Unwilling to get up?

The ghost believes you!

“This Qin Nan, although arrogant and despotic, is very difficult. A while ago, it was only Innate 2-layer. Now didn’t expect to have such a cultivation level.” Zhang Vice Palace Lord Despite his gloomy expression, he was in his heart However, it is a layer by layer analysis, secretly thought: “Unfortunately, even if you are a super genius, the future is incalculable and offends Ouyang Jun, even if you have Supreme Elder to protect you!”

After a sigh, Zhang Vice Palace Lord coldly said: “Qin Nan, as a Profound Spirit Sect disciple, you want to buy and sell in this Rare Treasure Palace. You couldn’t know that you violated the rules. What? “


Qin Nan’s face was cold and cold: “Zhang Vice Palace Lord, presumably you have received the instructions of Ouyang Jun and the others, right? If you want to deal with me, then let me go and let me go around and talk about it, say all Some nonsense! “

The disciple face of the audience shook simultaneously. Didn’t expect this Qin Nan, so arrogant that he directly rebuked Vice Palace Lord!

Zhang Vice Palace Lord’s face was extremely ugly for an instant, and he was anxious to shoot immediately, and shot Qin Nan to death, but fortunately, his patience was stronger, and forcibly suppressed the anger at the moment.

Although the situation has changed now, it is undeniable that Supreme Elder can’t afford to offend him, so he is still afraid of Qin Nan.

“What’s causing it? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Zhang Vice Palace Lord said stiffly.

“Really?” Qin Nan said politely, “You are not blind, you can see that these things are worth 80000 Martial King Pills. Then why did you Rare Treasure Palace only give me 1000 Martial? King Pill? Do you guys think I’m really bullied! “

In the last few words, the tone suddenly increased, Qin Nan slowly reached out his hand and pulled out a token from the Storage Bag.

Seeing this Token, Zhang Vice Palace Lord is now in ones heart trembled. He is not the kind of stupid of the original outer sect Grand Elder and Zhao Vice Palace Lord. This Purple Dragon Scarlet Fangs Token is very clear.

“Oh? There is such a thing? Don’t worry, this guy, I must take care of it.”

There was a rage on Zhang Vice Palace Lord’s face.

all around disciple is a stun, Zhang Vice Palace Lord, what’s going on, actually got so soft?

At that moment, Zhang Vice Palace Lord’s words suddenly turned, and said differently: “What happened just now offends a lot. But Qin Nan, there is something I must tell you. Like you, it is worth 80000 Martial King Pill’s treasures, we don’t buy them, because the value of these treasures is really too low. If you want to redeem Medicine Pill in the treasures, it is worth at least 3,000,000 Martial King Pill or more! “

As soon as this word was spoken, everyone in the audience suddenly realized.

This Vice Palace Lord is indeed the first existence of the Vice Palace Lord. His wrist is strong. The sentence in front of him, convicting the deacon, is equivalent to giving Qin Nan an explanation. Now, the sentence behind him is to reject Qin Nan.

Treasure worth 80000 Martial King Pill Don’t?

If it’s normal, I’m afraid that Baobaotang will win it with a thunderbolt, for fear that the seller will regret it.

As for the Martial King Pill worth 3,000,000 pieces, even if it is replaced by an ordinary inner sect disciple, it cannot be obtained at all. Qin Nan had to find someone to borrow Medicine Pill some time ago, and he had to go out to complete the task.

This is the corner to tell Qin Nan, our sales hall does not welcome you, please trouble yourself to bypass.

“Oh?” Qin Nan raised an eyebrow and said, “Interesting, Interesting, you still need 3,000,000 Martial King Pills in order to redeem Medicine Pill at your sale hall. Since the rules are like this, then we will follow the rules work.”

Everyone, including Zhang Vice Palace Lord, was simultaneously stunned.

What does this sentence mean, could it be that Qin Nan want to come up with 3,000,000 pieces of Martial King Pill, what a joke?

“Hehe, then you can do it yourself.” Zhang Vice Palace Lord smiled and smiled, this Qin Nan gave his face shameless, then no wonder he was then!

“Well,” Qin Nan slowly pulled out a bronze Ancient Sword from the Storage Bag, and said, “I don’t know how much this thing is.”

“Innate Item!”

Zhang Vice Palace Lord’s expression changed.

The disciple breathing all around is stagnation simultaneously, eyes staring at the bronze Ancient Sword in Qin Nan’s hand, flashing a fiery.

Innate Item Ah!

This is an Innate Item!

Even the super genius of inner sect disciple cannot have an Innate Item!

“Well, this Innate Item is worth 700,000 Martial King Pills …” Zhang Vice Palace Lord quickly settled down, his lips sneered.

Although he was very surprised to see Qin Nan pull out the Innate Item, only one Innate Item was worthless.

He didn’t believe that this Qin Nan can continue to pull out the Innate Item.

“Oh? It’s worth 700,000 Martial King Pills. That’s good.” Qin Nan slightly nodded, turning his hands and pulling out a Fine and Detailed Stone, Asking Dao: “I don’t know how much this thing is worth?”

“Fine and Detailed Stone!”

There was a look of surprise in Vice Palace Lord’s face.

Among those all around disciple, naturally there are people who know the goods, can’t help but suck in a cold breath of air.

Fine and Detailed Stone, inside the stone, contains a rich meaning of fine and detailed, which is extremely rare, and the price of each one is very expensive.

“The price of this Fine and Detailed Stone depends on the situation. It can sell 500,000 pieces, or 300,000 pieces. We will only sell 200,000 Martial King Pills at Baotang.” Zhang Vice Palace Lord is very Quickly calm down, faint smile said: “But this is only a Fine and Detailed Stone, an Innate Item, I am sorry, it seems that it has not reached half of our standard Ah!”

“is it?”

Qin Nan also smiled, flipped his hands, and pulled out the other 4 Innate Items, all of which flashed a strong light.

When everyone in the audience saw this treasure, they all simultaneously had a brain shake, and even the Vice Palace Lord changed his face fiercely.

5 pieces of Innate Item?

Qin Nan has enough Innate Item?

“I still have this kind of stone!”

Qin Nan sneered, with a big wave of his hand, 100 Fine and Detailed Stones, suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, a strong meaning of fine and detailed, surging all directions.

If the appearance of 5 Innate Items just scares them, but the appearance of these 100 Fine and Detailed Stones makes them completely shocked!

100 Fine and Detailed Stones!

Qin Nan actually has 100 Fine and Detailed Stones!

Even the entire Profound Spirit Sect’s inventory does not have so many Fine and Detailed Stones.

If this Fine and Detailed Stone is converted into Martial King Pill, it will be a total of 20,000,000 Martial King Pill Ah!

What is the concept of 20,000,000 Martial King Pills?

Even if you change to Martial Grandmaster Pill, it can be changed to 200,000, which is a terrible wealth!

It’s just that their shock is far from over. Qin Nan turned it over and took out the remaining 400, 40 Fine and Detailed Stones in one go. He piled up in front of him into a small hill, flashing sky-high. brilliance, stinging eyes.

I have n’t waited for everyone ’s response, I just listened to Qin Nan coldly, “It ’s sorry, my hand is too small, and I can only take all these things out in 2 times. Zhang Vice Palace Lord, I want to ask you now, I have Not eligible to redeem Medicine Pill at your store? “

The entire Rare Treasure Palace 2nd-layer, only the heavens-frightening thunder, tumbling!

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