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“Qin Nan, see? Is this the gap between you and me!”

Xiang Hun’s momentum is broken, and the ancient city is crushed. The crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, the vast and endless terror force, will bring that extreme sharp glow to every inch of shock.

His spine, like the pillar of Heaven and Earth, propped up the Dao Magic Chart continuously, making a blast of 1000 to 10000 channels.

Qin Nan’s body also sounded the explosion of one after another.

The individual skeletons began to break continuously, and the wounds all over the body began to increase at an incredible speed. Blood flowed into the eyes and contaminated the whole body.

This power is too powerful, like a mountain like a sky, but he is just a small ant.

How can we regret the power of the ants?

However, Qin Nan had no awareness as a ant, and he did not know why. There was an inexplicable breath in his chest, and an invisible force accumulated in his soul. Lost to Xiang Hun.


The Li Yangfan magic seal was completely completed, and a majestic aura filled the entire Divine Palace. The dark green rays of light illuminated everything.

“I know! What follows from the Lord, what is the match against Taiwan, simply is your Through Heavens Dao Tree, thinking of ways to help Qin Nan! Today, I will be your Successor, beheaded here-“

Xiang Hun was on guard, Murderous aura 4 up.

At this crucial moment, Xiang Hun suddenly felt something, and Hitomi shrank sharply.

In his sight, Qin Nan, the pair of magic pupils, became more and more enchanting, and the bloody rays of light became more and more bright, and eventually became like a rainbow.

“break for me !”

Just 3 words, astonished by Heavenly Thunder.

The Immortal High Demon beginning aura of Qin Nan within the body, as if being impacted by the will of Qin Nan, soared up, and once again rushed into the each and everyone purple color fragment in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

An ancient will, as if completely awakes from the deep sleep, the power of the Qin Nan within the body’s 103 acupoints has multiplied, and the Demon Intent is surging.


In nothingness, there seems to be a gate, a shackle, and it is broken.

The sudden Demon Intent on Qin Nan’s body suddenly changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and turned into an invisible, obscure, thrilling wave.

“Cohesive High Demon’s Rule?”

Xiang Hun expression was startled, and before he had time to make other reactions, the ultimate awn that was about to be completely annihilated by him suddenly transformed to another level.


Li Yangfan’s figure stopped.


The horror of the waves, the impact went to all directions.

The bodies of Xiang Hun and Qin Nan were completely shaken, and they stopped abruptly on the two sides of the palace.

Qin Nan is still dyed in blood, but the momentum he exudes is completely different from the previous one. He has an indescribable sense of majesty and makes people subconsciously want knowledge allegiance.

Xiang Hun is still tangled with saint light, and it seems that he has not been affected by the slightest impact, but Li Yangfan can see very clearly that his fist broke a wound, dripped a golden blood, and fell into a flower.

“Broken … Eternal Inextinguishable Physique?”

Li Yangfan beautiful eyes 怔怔.

“Qin Nan, you really surprised me. Didn’t expect you at the last moment, condensed High Demon’s Rule!”

Xiang Hun said, his expression, as before, had the slightest disdain, as if everything was under his control.

However, only he could feel it, and there was an unknown anger in his heart.

He is Half Step Eternal Inextinguishable Physique!

How could Qin Nan kill him?

“However, this will only leave me with a drop of blood! Everything is over!”

Xiang Hun icily said, the body suddenly disappeared in place, appearing above Qin Nan.

“Nine Heavens Great Annihilation!”

Behind Xiang Hun, a monstrous natural phenomenon suddenly set off. The 33 illusory shadows of the Small Immortal Territory have all emerged simultaneously, constantly fragmenting, reorganizing, and fragmenting, and iterating again and again.

Qin Nan felt tremendous pressure. The will of the two 2 Asking Dao Techniques and the High Demon’s Rule broke out from left to right.

“Ten ten must, 3 Gods Weep!”

At this moment, Xiang Hun seems to have become the Avatar of the endless Grand Dao. With every word spoken, the endless secret technique evolves.

The sights of all directions are beginning to change.

There are ten 3 sword glows, cut from the ages, and cut everything, but there is a person between Heaven and Earth, the most Top Existence, encountered the disaster of extinction, all the proud bones hanged, and the spine was broken.

Xiang Hun, he is not a man who only relies on Half Step Eternal Inextinguishable Physique!

He is the sixth person of All Immortals, second only to Xiang Zun, who is called All Immortals, and an ancient top secret!

He is still from the era of the four Supreme Heavenly Venerables. He was once one of the confidants of His Majesty Zhou Di. He has practiced countless dao techniques, lord techniques, and even peeking at the rules!

He, the natural talent of that year, is even Top Existence!

If he combines all of this with his Half Step Eternal Inextinguishable Physique, let alone his peers, even if it is a big Boundary higher than him, is it his opponent?


Under the world storm that descended from Xiang Hun, the dao intent of the 2 Asking Dao Techniques, and the High Demon’s Rule, it is difficult to compete with it, and it becomes dim and gloomy.

The War God’s Spirit behind Qin Nan, and the Breaking Heavens Blade in his hands, trembled violently. Qin Nan did not want to see the scene where they were defeated, and had to retract them all within the body.

Qin Nan’s mind started to chaos.

The current Xiang Hun is so invincible. In the face of his feelings, he can’t fully describe it with the word of powerlessness.

“Not good !”

Li Yangfan expression changed.

She has to shoot now.

“It’s not your turn yet!”

Xiang Hun suddenly said in a cold voice, just 7 words, just like Grand Dao’s anger, hit Li Yangfan’s body, making her figure stiff, and felt a great terror.

“Qin Nan, the difference between you and Zhou Di is not sporadic! The existence of you, as his reincarnation, has brought him a shame!”

Xiang Hun looked down at Qin Nan with a disdainful look.

“That being the case, as Zhou Di’s former confidant, I still have to wash the shame for it! Before you fall, kneel down for me!”

Behind Xiang Hun, once again triggered one after another horror wave, a total of ten heavens-frightening movements, a rare natural phenomenon of 3 years, while evolving in mid-air, exuding the power of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

He is not a combination of nine techniques, but ten 9 Sect Master techniques will be bones, ten 3 dao techniques are the foundation, and the peerless killings evolved!

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