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Xiang Hun sneered, if thunderbolt, the momentum is compelling: “Any Supreme Treasure is in this world, it is blood flowing into a river, life crush! Every time your Through Heavens Dao Tree blossoms, doesn’t it?”

“Now, what are you going to do for me?”

Li Yangfan pupil light did not move, his tone remained calm, and said, “Sect Master Xiang, even if you are dissatisfied, the Master will be decided. This can only be the case now. If Sect Master Xiang still feels unworkable, you don’t need to participate.”

Xiang Hun’s eyes froze. A Successor of Through Heavens Dao Tree in this area, dare to speak to him like this?

When he was about to turn his face completely and shot directly, Li Yangfan indifferently said: “In addition, Sect Master Xiang, although the Master entered the Asking Dao Land, he promised that he would never do anything to interfere with everything in the Asking Dao Land, but … “

“Master has counted years without knowing how many Through Heavens Dao Fruit for free, so that I don’t know how many Nine Heavens Supreme have successfully landed at Lord Realm.

“If you make an exception once and drop a little power and kill someone who should not exist in Asking Dao Land, Asking Dao Land should not feel that the rules are broken.”

At this point, Xiang Hun’s body suddenly froze.

Is this threatening him?

“Good, good, good!”

After Xiang Hun’s face changed for a while, he said three good words in a row, and said gloomily, “In this case, then do what you say! However, you better remember the previous words, and never touch these two distinct things.”

Although in his view, the True Heavens Dao Tree’s deity is absolutely impossible, but whether it is a melee or a fight against Taiwan, these two distinct things must belong to him.

However, this move by Through Heavens Dao Tree made him very upset!

Li Yangfan looked towards everyone, saying, “What’s your opinion?”

Qin Nan certainly has no opinion. This kind of competition between Taiwan and Taiwan is only good for him, but not bad.

Zheng Hou, Xiang Qi, Wang Tianfang, and other giants, although a little reluctant in their hearts, but Xiang Hun have already bowed their heads, what can they do?

Seeing this, Li Yangfan, raised hands, and the entire Divine Palace, immediately changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The pool and altar at the end rose up, suspended in midair, and there was a mysterious force over it, apparently to prevent someone from temporarily changing the hexagrams and forcibly removing them.

Among the ancient paintings on the wall, an ancient force was shot, intersected and merged together, and finally evolved into 3 dais.

“You fellow daoist, this first pass depends on the lottery.”

Li Yangfan said.

Xiang Hun coldly snorted, the first stepped forward, others waited for follow closely from behind.

Such a scene, and the extremely grand killing on the top of the tree outside, formed a quite bright scene.

When it was Qin Nan’s turn, a voice came to his mind: “The Master wants to help you, but the Master is really unable to intervene and can only do this step. The Master hopes that you will not let this traitor succeed.”

Some doubts in Qin Nan’s mind were immediately resolved, and sound transmission saying: “Thank you Thank Heavens Dao Tree Senior for me …”

“Last time, thank you too.”

After Qin Nan finished speaking, he took a draw and glanced away. First Stage didn’t need him.

“But what other rules are there, let’s say it!”

Xiang Hun suddenly coldly said.

“Sect Master Xiang, there are no other rules. One-on-one competition can be performed by any means.”

Li Yangfan said.

Xiang Hun stopped looking at her, fluttered, and landed on the training field in the middle.

“Sect Master Xiang, please enlighten me!”

Xiang Qi also flew over the training field and arched.

Qin Nan looked and looked at Xiang Qi.

At the beginning, his attention was on eternal inextinguishable strength and Immortal Upper Demon True Arts, and he didn’t pay much attention to the existence of these Supreme lists.

But this Xiang Qi, he still knows a few, Supreme ranks third, Murdering Dao Clan’s young head of the clan, there is no doubt about the strength.

Qin Nan also observed that Xiang Qi’s within the body possessed a tremendous amount of fighting power, apparently practicing Murdering Dao Physique to an extremely high level.

“With Xiang Qi’s cultivation level, it must not be Xiang Hun’s opponent, but it should be able to make Xiang Hun a little real.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

“Nonsense, go ahead!”

Xiang Hun expression Indifferent.

Xiang Qi expression grave, directly motivated Murdering Dao Physique to the extreme, the magnificent killing intent, and the entire Divine Palace, have become a blood color.


Xiang Qi moved, and directly turned into a dreadful shadow, blending endless killing into within the body, like a sword of Demon Dao that has been sealed for many years, reappear in the world, and destroy everything.

Zheng Hou, Wang Tianfang, and other giants all stared at each other. So it seems that Xiang Qi has hidden strength in previous actions.

“Murdering Dao Clan is really dead!”

Xiang Hun did not conceal his disdain in the pump light, and his body moved with it. He did not retreat and went directly to Xiang Qi.

Between the flashes of light, Xiang Qi this move hit Xiang Hun sturdyly, and then an astonishing scene appeared.

All the killing forces, sharp glow, power, etc., were all broken up. The body of Xiang Hun was not affected in the slightest.

Xiang Qi felt an incomparable sense of crisis in his heart, without the slightest hesitation urged a secret law.

Xiang Hun turned his palm into a fist and hit Xiang Qi’s chest at an incredible speed.


After hearing only a loud noise, Xiang Qi flew upside down, hitting the barrier of the ring platform, and the various divine lights on his body were fragmented, killing intent, and fell to the bottom of the valley.

The corners of his mouth were overflowing with red blood, which was very striking.

“Break it down?”

Zheng Hou, Wang Tianfang, and other giants have changed their faces dramatically. More importantly, judging from the situation of Xiang Hun just now, they didn’t use a little effort at all, that’s all.

Qin Nan’s eyes were also stunned.

However, at this time, Xiang Hun sneered, and his body moved again. He punched again and attacked Xiang Qi.

Xiang Qi Tongren shrank abruptly. Immediately, a trump card was displayed. Several Talismans burned at the same time, and one after another Wei An silhouette appeared continuously.

“Here are the ants, dare to come in?”

Xiang Hun is domineering like a rainbow. With one punch, only a few loud sounds are heard, and all the silhouettes of Wei An are all broken and turned into nothingness.

“Ancestral Martyr!”

Xiang Qi loudly shouted, full of blood, boiling sharply, one after another invisible majestic force, moved towards him gathered above him.

All directions of Divine Palace, one after another sounded like a roaring ghost.

However, before he fully exhibited it, he suddenly saw that Xiang Hun had torn the invisible force directly into a smash, and kicked him on his chest.


There was another loud noise, and Xiang Qi was completely defeated.

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