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“Ten breaths are over!”

The eyes of the giants from all sides instantly became extremely sharp.

Countless murderous intentions are set off again, and from a distance, as if in all directions, they spread a Supreme Skynet, locking any angle, leaving Qin Nan and the others with nowhere to run and no way back.

Deep in Qin Nan’s eyes, the white fire suddenly ignited, and his arms turned into Breaking Heavens Blade.


The blood dragon beneath him, the towering shattered, and turned into a silhouette of the Nine Heavens Supreme. However, they were not at all scattered, but formed ten groups.

“Ten Thousand Heavenly Feathers Formation!”

“Heaven Extinguishing Ancient Breaking Formation!”

The five groups of Nine Heavens Supreme within the body, innumerable white light spots, are like an unprecedented blizzard. The other five groups, with a momentum, become slashed, and gather the Supreme trend, such as the sword. gun.


With the explosion of one after another, the giants of the major forces from all sides saw their murderous intentions and so on. They seemed to be dragged into a white mist, became ‘blurred’, and landed elsewhere.

Moreover, the power of the five groups broke out far beyond their expectations. The hiding above the sky and covering the earth, which looked extremely amazing, was forcibly impacted, and a notch appeared. .

“Not good !”

The giants of all major forces have changed their faces slightly.

Qin Nan had been prepared for a long time, and with 2 female figures, he rushed out of the gap and flew up, just like Great Peng spread his wings and straight into Nine Heavens.


The faces of many giants suddenly became extremely ugly.

With so many forces joining forces, they even let Qin Nan break through?

Qin Nan’s place of departure, not far from the top of the tree, coupled with his full speed burst, but after a while, under the countless line of sight, he ascended to the top of the tree completely.


In the eyes of Qin Nan and the two women, simultaneously revealed a look of surprise.

On the top of the whole tree, there is an extremely thick layer of glowing light. The moment you step on it, you will feel a sense of coming to an ancient Holy Land condensed by infinite immortal intent.

If you practice here for a day, let alone the other benefits, the speed of practice alone should be no less than 100 times.

And, among these countless glows, there is one after another immortal light, which is shining like countless bamboo shoots.

The most important thing is that in its middle, there are ten fruits floating in the air, covered with one after another mysterious texture, as if all the found mystery between Heaven and Earth are gathered in it.

This is Through Heavens Dao Fruit!

“Ten … Ten Through Heavens Dao Fruit?”

At this time, there are many loose cultivators, and giants of powerful forces have all ascended to the top of the mountain. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes.

You know, Asking Dao Land since ancient times, every time it blossoms, only one to five will appear, especially since the horrible war in ancient times, there were only one to two for many years!

Until the last 100 years, 3 to 4 have appeared, and 5 of them are extremely rare, and once in 1000 years, it is a rare occurrence!

“Eternity is out, even if your Through Heavens Dao Tree evolved from the true meaning of the Grand Dao, it is impossible to resist!”

Xiang Hun also climbed to the top of the mountain. Seeing this, he was not surprised, and his heart was proud.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Soon, one after another hastily sky-splitting sound started.

The loose cultivator, after the reaction came, his eyes became extremely hot, and various methods were immediately displayed.

In the beginning, they never thought about getting Through Heavens Dao Fruit, but now they are different and have a great chance!

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed, his body suddenly moved.

“Qin Nan, don’t you think about it!”

He shouted loudly and exploded above his head, only to see a dashing eyebrows star, a magnificent young man, suddenly appeared in front of him, holding an Ancient Sword, gathered a monstrous sword intent, moved towards Qin Nan straight down.

Zheng Family Saint Child, Zheng Hou!

“Bodhi Flower is on, 10000 things are Buddha!”

The appearance of fierce transformed by Wang Jin Saint Monk also came from a distance. Golden’s big hand opened a blossoming white flower, moved towards Qin Nan fiercely, and released his anger a few months ago.

“Red Emperor Blade intent!”

Qin Nan’s body shape has been changed with one sword, 9 skills combination, stunning 8 squares!


At this time, all the powerful Nine Heavens Supremes, Xu Ruochen, Old Long, and the others, have all gathered at the top of the tree, and the Murderous intention reappeared, breaking Nine Heavens!

Although Xu Ruchen, Old Long and the others, compared with the alliance of the major forces of all parties, the lineup is much smaller, but under Six Sect battle formation and same soul sharing intent, the battle strength that erupted is quite amazing. Fang Da’s power is only slightly better now!

In addition, the temptation of Ten Through Heavens Dao Fruit is too great. Some of them have been in the Supreme Supreme Boundary for 100 years or even 1000 years. They cannot be calmed down, and the goals are quietly shifted.

After all, after the suppression of Qin Nan, the real benefit lies on all the Cultivators in the major forces of all parties, and falls on them alone, but there are not many.

“Two fellow daoist, this group of people brought by Qin Nan, you have seen how the battle strength is! Anyway, that’s the sentence, this choice is an extremely rare opportunity for you!”

Seeing this, Long Clouds Supreme passed a spiritual thought, without hesitation, pulled out the long sword and pointed straight ahead.

“Do n’t you, outsiders, be able to bully at will?”

Long Clouds Supreme showed amazing domineering, killing it, Desolate Thunder Supreme and other Supremes, move around.

The two Headmasters of Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect and Three Clean Ancient Sect both changed for a while, finally gritted their teeth and made up their minds.

“Help Qin Nan!”

With the orders of the two giants, many Nine Heavens Supremes began to show amazing means.

“These three Supreme Dao Lineages actually helped Qin Nan?”

When the other great forces saw this, their eyes immediately became cold.

However, more than that, Xiang Qi, who has always been behind, led the clansman of Murdering Dao Clan, silently changed his goal, keeping an eye on Through Heavens Dao Fruit.

And also Tomb Sect.

They also made a choice!

“Xiang Hun, you haven’t shot yet?”

Some giants, just feeling the pressure doubled, couldn’t help yelling.

“Don’t worry.”

Xiang Hun indifferently said, standing against his own hands, out of everything.

As far as he is concerned, there is no difference between the two sides, which is undoubtedly the best.

“En? Are you coming?”

Suddenly, Xiang Hun’s mind shook slightly, and his eyes were filled with fiery and longing.

However, for a long time, the entire treetops of large trees began to tremble, and the rays of light began to swing like water ripples.

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