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Subsequently, Zhuang Nan negotiated with the major powers and threw another big news. About one and a half years ago, Through Heavens Dao Tree will blossom and bear fruit, compared with the original, it will be 3 and a half years in advance.

Before long, this news, like a storm, swept the entire Asking Dao Land.

The major forces of all parties, a loose cultivator, quickly discussed in private after the shock, and changed various original plans.

As for extreme west land, there was peace.

Within the period of time, the remaining Cultivators have given Same Soul Sharing Intent Formation to the seminar.

Although it seems that there is nothing special after learning this time, Qin Nan can feel that many things have begun to have very subtle changes. When the time is longer and longer, this change will be Will grow bigger.

Subsequently, Qin Nan passed 6 sets of battle formations to everyone on the scene, and expressed his understanding of these 6 sets of battle formations, one after another.

The 100 Nine Heavens Supremes have different martial skill natural talents. There are good and bad. It will take a while for them to fully understand the mastery, so Qin Nan will begin to print the first set of formulas, Six Suns. Penetrating Ancient Formation.

In Qin Nan’s view, this array is called battle formation, which is a bit reluctant, because its main role is not how to kill the enemy, but between each Cultivator and multiple Cultivators. Cooperate with each other to form a 6-yang trend.

If you practice deeper Boundary in this array, you can reach the point where the small potential is connected to the small potential, and the small potential is merged with the large potential. The layers are superimposed, which is quite terrifying.

Suddenly, one piece of Token in Qin Nan Storage Bag glowed a light glow, and Long Clouds Supreme sent him a spiritual thought.

Qin Nan glanced, and the corners of his mouth suddenly sneered.

“Xiang Hun, you have a good abacus! Unfortunately, you also don’t know that there is an equivalent to Eternal Flower in this world.”

Qin Nan took a light breath, with the influence of Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan. The day of the Fruiting of the Through Heavens Dao Tree will inevitably become earlier, I am afraid it will not take a year.

In this way, the major forces of all parties and Xiang Hun will be completely unprepared.

However, the situation is still quite dangerous, and he must do everything in his power to raise the cultivation level before flowering.

“Understanding the 6 major battle formations completely and exhibiting them completely, it only takes half a year. At that time, there should be some time left. Maybe you can go to the depths of the extreme west land, maybe …”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

In the depths of extreme west land, there should be more amazing opportunities and fortuitous encounters.

However, at this moment, Qin Nan’s eyes were suddenly surprised.

Because he felt that there was an immensely powerful force coming down on him, so that the scene before him began to change.

“How is this going?”

Qin Nan was tense all over, and the ten or two Asking Dao Techniques within the body worked to the extreme in an instant.

The scene was changing rapidly, and after about a dozen passes, everything in Qin Nan all directions turned into a vast expanse.

Qin Nan looked up, and expression suddenly stunned.

At the end, a mighty tree, capable to support both heaven and earth, Megatron World, is Through Heavens Dao Tree.

Qin Nan suddenly felt that his pupil strength had reached an incredible level, directly pierced through the trunk of Through Heavens Dao Tree and reached deep.

With his eyes, he saw a pool of water and an altar.

“Eternal inextinguishable strength? Immortal Upper Demon True Arts?”

Qin Nan expression is even worse.

He had seen this scene before, when he first came to Asking Dao Land, what happened when the practice Dao Tree thought about the picture.

However, he didn’t do anything this time, why is there such a scene?

Suddenly, an amazing scene happened.

That strand of eternal inextinguishable strength, the change became a dragon-form illusory shadow, suddenly rising from the pool, rising upward, as if to break through everything.

Qin Nan’s heart accelerated inexplicably, his body trembled, and there was something in his heart that originally belonged to him, and he wanted to return to his feeling within the body.

There was no sound in these scenes, but Qin Nan’s ears seemed to hear a roaring sound, and saw the eternal inextinguishable strength, which dropped from above and returned to the pool.

Invisibly, there is an incredible barrier that blocks its way.

However, this is not over yet!

On the other side of the altar, countless dark words bloomed with dazzling rays of light, just like eternal inextinguishable strength, brushed upwards.

In Qin Nan’s heart, the same feeling appeared again, as if he heard the shaking roar.

It was also blocked by that barrier!

However, after counting ten breaths, it didn’t go back like Force of Eternal, but the rays of light that bloomed out became more and more dazzling.

In the end, its rays of light penetrated the barrier, crossed infinite time, and shone on Qin Nan.

“this is–“

Qin Nan was shocked.

All I saw was a small snake-like Demon Qi at his heart, slamming it out, at an alarming rate, immersed in Qin Nan’s mind, and merged into the one after another incomplete crystal.

The crystal trembled and rays of light rose.


Among the endless mysterious, it seems that a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder has been split.

“At the beginning of Heaven and Earth, there is no difference between right and wrong, and there is no Buddha or demon! The world speaks of Demon Dao, which comes from destruction, destruction, slaughter, cruel, extreme, all negative in the world! It’s evil! Real Demon, not tame- “

A chirping sound like a bell ringing in Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, sounded as if in a long river of infinite time, a supreme existence, stood up again, and opened to Qin Nan.

“This is-Immortal Upper Demon True Arts?”

Qin Nan was shocked.

what happened?

How did Immortal Upper Demon True Arts come back on its own?

According to Mo Xie at the time, this trick had to be taken by his oneself, and when he was in Asking Dao Land, this trick had not responded yet, but came at this time?

“Could it be that because of Xiang Hun and princess them?”

In Qin Nan’s mind, a single thought popped up, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

After all, the Eternal Flower of Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan is not different from the real Eternal Flower. When these two kinds of Eternal Flower come together and emit invisible power, this change is caused.

Just now, that strand of eternal inextinguishable strength also wanted to return to his within the body.

It’s just that they encountered a restraint of Mysterious power, and eternal inextinguishable strength is just a ray, Immortal Upper Demon True Arts is a complete Cultivation Technique, so the former can’t rush out, and the latter can return.

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