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The Powerhouses of all forces are biting their teeth, and their speed has not slowed down at all.

Although they were very clear that it was extremely difficult for the other party to suppress Qin Nan, but watching Qin Nan leave with such an open mind, they were naturally very unwilling.

“This Smelly Brat!”

Seeing this scene, Changxiao Supreme couldn’t help relaxing, but he was not completely relieved, and an amazing ‘murderous aura’ broke out, and this Powerhouse stepped into the Transmission Formation one after another.

I only saw that Qin Nan and the others directly shattered most of the city wall of Ancient City into a smash, and flew towards the sky.

Before they started, they had made it clear that except Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan, others were returning to the extreme west land.

Even if Xiang Hun and Southern World Supreme told their positions to the major powers, they would not have to worry about it. No matter how bold they are, they would not rush into them.

“Can’t catch up!”

Some peak giants were disappointed in their eyes.

To be precise, it’s not that they can’t keep up with their speed, but that there are many Supreme lists among the major forces of all parties, and the existence of the peak level is elsewhere.

If the peak giants of them are chasing after each other, but over time, the existence of these Supreme big accomplishment and initial-stage gradually starts to distance themselves from them, even if they finally catch up, what’s the point?

On Qin Nan’s side, there are 100 Supremes.

“Qin Nan!”

Suddenly, a long howling sounded, and a silhouette set off a monstrous sword intent, erupting at a speed far faster than the peak Supreme, leaving Powerhouses of all major forces behind, quickly approaching Qin Nan and the others.

“Wang Tianfang is out!”

Very terrifying speed, is this the Legendary Seven Regions Sweeping Traces Steps? “

Many Nine Heavens Supremes were shocked when they saw this, and still had a puzzle in their hearts.

What’s the significance of Wang Tianfang alone rushing up?

Even though he is the 4th in the Supreme list, he is not the 100 opponent Ah!

“How dare you take my sword?”

Wang Tianfang spoke again. Although it was an interrogation, he did not wait for Qin Nan’s interrogation at all. Behind him there were a full 6 pairs of extremely huge rays of light wings, which evolved and rolled up the stormy waves.

The large sky above suddenly turned into a darkness, one after another, like a dragon-like Sword Dao, rolling down from the meditation.


A sword sharp sword light, cut forward, implement Heaven and Earth.

“Wang Tianfang, is this challenging Qin Nan?”

Many Nine Heavens Supreme couldn’t help but take a breath.

This Wang Tianfang is too domineering. He is too brave to be Heavenless. 10000 Qin Nan should not, and he will lead 100 shots. It will inevitably be able to wreck Wang Tianfang or even destroy it on the spot.

Just between these flashes of light, Qin Nan turned back abruptly, and the ten dao intents of the two Asking Dao Techniques, just like the ten peerless Changhongs, rose into the sky, triggering many natural phenomena.

A blade light, as if spanning Space-Time, has come from infinity.


A heavens-frightening bang, the void of several tens of thousands of li, was directly smashed into pieces, the majestic sword intent sword light and so on were completely engulfed by this blade light.


Wang Tianfang was the closest. Even if he was extraordinary in speed, he couldn’t avoid it at all. Forcibly suffered a heavy blow and his body kept going backwards.

He stepped back dozens of steps in a row, loudly shouted, and flapped the 6 wings before completely stabilizing the body, but he also issued a moan, a gleam of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face paled slightly.

“Wang Tianfang failed?”

Every Nine Heavens Supreme has a startled look, and his heart is shaking.

They knew that Qin Nan was strong, but absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan was so strong that they defeated Wang Tianfang with just one shot!

“It is indeed the reincarnation of Supreme Heavenly Venerable. The battle strength is really horrible. I am afraid that only Li Yangfan can stop him at this Asking Dao Land?”

Many Nine Heavens Supreme couldn’t help but marvel.

This is still under the premise that Qin Nan does not have Eternal Inextinguishable Physique, and does not urge Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, Ownerless Vault Chart. If Qin Nan continues to grow and become Lord Realm, or even Ruler, you can use the 2 Supreme Treasure. How terrible would that be?

Who can rival Immortal Territory?

Suddenly, their pupils shrank sharply, and only three dyed in blood corpses were seen, flying towards them, and the extremely familiar face made them feel a chill in their hearts.

An indifferent voice soon rang in their ears.

“This is just your first bill.”

Not long after, Qin Nan led 100 of them and completely disappeared into the eyes of many giants.

Everything that happened this time also turned into one after another spiritual thought, and spread to all directions.

The entire Asking Dao Land can be said to have shaken a bit.

Some people are amazed, some are angry, some are sneer, and some are meditative.

Soon, all the Power Powers from all sides gathered together again to discuss how to deal with Qin Nan.

They also shot one after another, and sent a Powerhouse garrison on that Ancient City, so that Qin Nan would not kill them again in this way.

100, enough to destroy the great forces on either side.

At this time, an ancient restricted area, in a canyon.

I only saw that the entire canyon was stained with blood, an evil aura, sweeping at 4 speeds at an amazing speed, wherever it passed, that one after another had good trees, flowers, etc. , All become crazy.

Zhuang Nan and a group of Nine Heavens Supreme turned a blind eye to all this, and one after another magic seal continued to be formed in their hands, driving a plume of mysterious brilliance into the bronze cauldron ahead.

Not far from them, a middle-aged man and a young man looked at this scene lightly. The former is the sixth person from All Immortals, Xiang Hun.

He came here through a special method, and at the same time paid a small price. For the time being, his cultivation level is only Nine Heavens Supreme initial-stage Boundary.


Suddenly, bronze cauldron exploded, and the debris blasted to the 4th side. Seven grains covered the lines, showing a dark red Medicine Pill, suspended in mid-air, exuding an incomparable blood surge. .

“Sect Master Xiang, it’s done!”

Zhuang Nan exhaled a long breath, Xiang Hun grabbed one and felt it carefully.

“Sect Master Xiang, wait for me to tell you the method. As long as you cultivate 7 major physiques, and then capture Samsara Physique and Good Fortune Physique, you can temporarily achieve the ten-body coexistence that even Zhou Di has never done!”

Zhuang Nan said with a smile, Xiang Hun nodded, did not speak.

Zhuang Nan is not angry, Asking Dao: “Sect Master Xiang, what shall we do next? This time Qin Nan made a big noise on Through Heavens Dao Tree!”

Xiang Hun held his palm suddenly, said with a sneer: “This time he kept on saying that it was revenge, in fact, he went to Through Heavens Dao Tree to find something! Now he has a lot of people, and passed to extreme west land He must be afraid that we will join forces with him to deal with him. “

“But it’s nothing, don’t bother him for now.”

“Samsara Physique and Good Fortune Physique, I have sent someone to solve it, and after the other caught you, you must first reach the 9-body coexistence, then contact the various forces and talk to them!”

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