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“Qin Nan? That Zhou Xiao’s reincarnation?”

“Isn’t he going to Asking Dao Land? Could it be that is fake?”

For those Ruler-level Powerhouses, expressions are all stunned.

Not only that, even the terrifying existences of Era Battlefield, the expression is also the same, but they do not know Qin Nan, they are only absolutely not expected, such a mighty battle, a Nine Heavens Supreme even came, Isn’t this bringing about one’s own destruction?


In the eyes of others, Qin Nan certainly did not go to Asking Dao Land some time ago, but Li Ji and Mo Xiaoli, but very clear.

How did this kid appear here?

could it be that this kid crossed the legendary extreme west land?

“Little hubband, you really are …”

On the other side, Beginning Blade Lord saw this scene, she should be a little angry, but somehow a smile appeared on her face.

Although in the grand killing of hiding the sky and covering the earth, under the position of Lord Realm Powerhouse, in the eyes of others, the silhouette of Qin Nan seems extremely small, but in her eyes, she is full of vitality, rays of light ten thousand zhang.

This is the man she loves!

At this moment, Empress Fei Yue was aware of it, her eyes opened, and when she saw this extremely familiar silhouette, her blue-colored eyes narrowed sharply.

“What are you doing here? It’s my business. I don’t need you to step in and leave me immediately!”

Empress Fei Yue has always been calm and cold, with a bit of sternness.

Everything about Qin Nan, she almost knows what kind of cards Qin Nan can use, and she is very clear, but once that hole card is used now, one of Qin Nan ’s true identities will be fully exposed, and the consequences will be unthinkable. .

She was very clear in her heart. If she spoke to Qin Nan, Qin Nan would certainly be without the slightest hesitation and help her at all costs, but she did not want to involve anyone, let alone Qin Nan.

“Beginning Blade, you shoot right away and take him out of here. Never let him come!”

Empress Fei Yue sound transmission quickly.

“Fei Yue, I’m really sorry. I’m not the main house, but I can only be regarded as a small concubine. How can I interfere in the decision of the husband?”

Beginning Blade Lord’s faint voice sounded in her mind.

“Hahaha, who is my Tao, it turned out to be the reincarnation Ah of the hedonistic son of rich parents!”

High Sword Heavenly Lord, Extreme Dao Lord, and other Lord Realm giants, simultaneously reacted, with contempt in their eyes.

“Fei Yue, Fei Yue, how are you today’s Lord Realm Number One Person, and now you want such a puppet to save you?”

High Sword Heavenly Lord with a mockery on his face.

He really didn’t take Qin Nan into his eyes at all. At that time, the people of Zhou Di’s Majesty had already fallen by most of them. Among the several All Immortals, Number One Person did not recognize Zhou Xiao, and War God no longer exists. Sixth Xiang Hun also betrayed Qin Nan.

Even if Qin Nan has Zhou Xiao’s memory, what can he do? What kind of storm can he set off when there are more than 20 powerful forces present?

Not to mention, this guy is just cultivation level of peak Supreme!

As for Qin Nan, under these eyes, he didn’t seem to hear Empress Fei Yue’s voice, as if he didn’t notice the disdain and ridicule in their eyes, but looked up, a pair of Blood Eyes, staring at High Sword Heavenly Lord: “I and Ask you again, did you just want her to kneel down for you? “

High Sword Heavenly Lord didn’t care about this killing intent and suffocation, sneaked: “Yeah! I just wanted to let her kneel down! But now I change the lord intent, I don’t just let her kneel down And let you all kneel down to me! “

As soon as the words fell, his body once again set off a storm.

“oh! ”

The distant Crow Lord, etc., Mysterious Existence, and Yi Shi, Cheng Mu and the others, all sighed deeply. Qin Nan is too stubborn and too stubborn. They ca n’t persuade them no matter how they persuade. move.

Now Qin Nan is going to pay a terrible price for his impulse.

“It’s still too impulsive. In such a desperate situation, I still have to rush up. Even if there is such a little card, it can’t reverse the situation at all! Just save it. “

In a void, Mo Xie shook the head, said to several people around him, sound transmission, an incomparable Demon Dao wave, swept away immediately.

“Qin Nan, no–“

However, only Empress Fei Yue, she guessed what Qin Nan would do next.

At this moment, the entire Heaven and Earth seemed to be frozen, and everything slowed down.

Qin Nan turned her head and looked at her eyes, and said, “You have stood in front of me again and again, this time, no matter what, I have to stand in front of you and choke you.”

After that, his backlash of anger was completely released.

“War God mark, urge me!”


An extremely azure light suddenly broke out from Qin Nan within the body, rushed into the deepest part of the sky, and swept the entire 7th restricted area with a thunderbolt.

At this moment, the Heaven and Earth Rule, which had been tampered with in the 7th forbidden area, seems to have been completely tampered with. Every inch of void is filled with an extremely ancient fighting intent.

In the middle, one after another heard the sound of war drums, shaking the earth clouds.

“what happened?”

High Sword Heavenly Lord, Extreme Dao Lord, and other Lord Realm Powerhouses, a Ruler-level Powerhouse, Mysterious horror, and Mo Xie, Heavenless Demon Lord, and the others, simultaneously revealing a shocking look in their eyes.

How did Qin Nan trigger such a terrible natural phenomenon?

Dong! dong! dong!

Immediately afterwards, they saw, among the infinite golden light, a middle-aged man wearing a broken Battle Armor, carrying an Ancient Sword in his right hand, holding a scroll of Buddhist scriptures in his left hand, as if from ancient space-time. Come in.

Although there was no momentum from his body, every step he took, the entire Heaven and Earth trembled, and the vast void turned into chaos.

“he is–“

Mo Xie and Heavenless Demon Lord, as well as the existence of each and everyone in the ancient times, the shape as if was struck by lightening.

“This person–“

The Powerer at the Ruler level, the terrifying existence of Era Battlefield, and the existence of various Lord Realm levels, the soul was fiercely trembling.

“He is not–“

The Lord of the Sword, the Extreme Dao Lord, etc., the existence of the Lord Realm peak, or some who have seen a variety of ancient pictures, know a lot of the Lord Realm Powerhouse, and their eyes simultaneously revealed a daunting color.

The middle-aged man turned a blind eye to all of this, and walked directly to Qin Nan, without any hesitation, kneeling on the single knee.

“Chin, Bai Zongsheng, see you My Lord!”

This kneeling, this short 8 words, like a peerless thunder, cut through the sky of the Great Upper Realm.

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